• PSO2 (JP) Emergency Maintenance Scheduled for Tonight 12/6/12

    Yesterday's massive content update brought with it some unintended bugs that have been causing players to change colors, freeze at loading screens, and shake uncontrollably. The team over at SEGA is on top of it, though, announcing this morning that some fixes are on the way and a 6-hour emergency maintenance will be taking place from 8:00am to 2:00pm JST on 12/7/12 (for those of us in the States, that's tonight from 6pm to midnight EST / 5pm-11pm CST / 4pm-10pm MST / 3pm-9pm PST).

    The update will be attempting to correct the following bugs and issues:

  • Being stuck at the loading screen
  • Certain PAs and tech causing the screen to shake excessively
  • Character's skin gaining a redish hue under certain conditions
  • NPC skins becoming strange colors under certain conditions
  • Certain techs that wouldn't normally be blocked by obstacles, like rafoie, being blocked by obstacles

  • Additional bug fixes are also being worked on, but will come at a later time (possibly in Tuesday's update). A big thanks to Mike for posting the news in the above forum thread!

    Comments 9 Comments
    1. Aki_Yoruno's Avatar
      Aki_Yoruno -
      Do you know enough about the programming process and how everything works? Also, is anything perfect?
    1. slave2pso's Avatar
      slave2pso -
      "By optimizing the game to provide support for the PlayStation Vita with an upgrade to the physics engine made for an update that had some serious issues on the entire game itself and its graphics."
    1. Aki_Yoruno's Avatar
      Aki_Yoruno -
      Of course they have to work out some bugs. Nothing goes without trial and error. Just like the PC version. Wait and see.
    1. slave2pso's Avatar
      slave2pso -
      I can only wait and hope (not see) that someday you obtain better reading comprehension.
    1. Fontes's Avatar
      Fontes -
      From what you got there, seems they've included the Vita optimization stuff in an update that ALREADY had all those bugs.

      So nope. As much as I don't give a rat's ass about the Vita, this ain't it's fault. At least not this time.
    1. slave2pso's Avatar
      slave2pso -
      Nope, it's still the Vita's fault; everything is the Vita's fault. That's my arguement and I'm sticking to it, so there.
    1. Fontes's Avatar
      Fontes -
      Ah, so it's a matter of stubborness, rather than reason. Very well, move along.
    1. slave2pso's Avatar
      slave2pso -
      I'm just not sure how you extrapolated that: "they included the Vita optimization stuff in an update that ALREADY had all those bugs." specifically from a quote which said: "By optimizing the game to provide support for the PlayStation Vita with an upgrade to the physics engine made for an update that had some serious issues on the entire game itself and its graphics." But I'll take your word on it. Still, perhaps if the dev team weren't fooling around with the Vita, instead of making the PC version the best it could be, perhaps we wouldn't have these problems. In the last 6 months I've been playing, I've never had as many consistent daily bugs and glitches as I've experienced in the last few days. The PC version was fine for me and didn't need to be fixed. Since the update, I've been having weird collision related bugs and hard lock-ups; it seems pretty obvious that those bugs are related to the changes they've made to the collision and physics engine.
    1. Fontes's Avatar
      Fontes -
      That quote may refer that the issues could be from the update the physics engine upgrade is a part of, or from that upgrade itself. Seems better wording could've been used.

      I'm with you on one thing, though: they should keep their attention to the PC. Heck, they won't have to pay royalties to no one, and it's an already huge market. Plus, it's the perfect platform for MMOs. Just how are you gonna type messages on the Vita? With a touch keyboard that'll fill half the screen, at least? No thanks. At least the 3DS has a dedicated screen for things like those.

      Come to think of it, why the hell didn't they made a 3DS version, instead? Sure, the resolution's low (and thus no need for so well-defined models, resulting in more available disk space), but in terms of function it should work better!
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