Castelak writes, "I was browsing along the pso boards at different sites when i found this...,
(note: spoilers a plenty) a link for a guide to a pso quest, japan only, but you can download it at! Once you complete the quests, depending on your difficulty, you get a certain super rare! Happy Hunting!
~Castelak~ "
One question comes to mind, does Japan even celebrate Easter?
Easter Quest 1 (14 Blocks)
VMI file
DCI file
Easter Quest 2 (26 Blocks)
VMI file
DCI file
Easter Quest 3 (25 Blocks)
VMI file
DCI file
Note: You must set your language to Japanese in order to play these quests.
A very big thank you for Watashiwa for, as always, being very helpful with obtaining/converting these Quests. Please do not link directly to the files.
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