• Phantasy Star... On other platforms?

    Cube writes, "In a recent article from IGN, Sega stated that future incarnations of the Phantasy Star Series will continue on other Consoles. Were sure to see Phantasy stars on Xbox, and PS2 but with Sonic Team only confirming development for Gamecube and not any other console..... PSO2 on the Cube anyone?

    Heres the link:

    Cube was the first to write in with the news.. Thanks!

    Comments 7 Comments
    1. igaboo242's Avatar
      igaboo242 -
      Preach on Brotha....
      There is no furthur truth in that. I surely dont buy consoles/PC's, to admire the specs, micro chips, and admire the ability to use them this way and that. What matters here are surely the games when it comes down to it. Some people buy consoles just for certain games! Games, Games, and more Games. That is the hobby, that is the interest that btought me to this industry. Nintendo has hit it right on the head, as far as thats concerned. Theyve always abided by what they do best. My theory is, as long as you know where you stand, everything will be good. For that Nintendo and Sega will truly make a new home for the legendary Phantasy Star Online. To top it off, arent you glad ninetndo is the way they are? Cheaters and hackers alike are not tolerable in Nintendo's world, them being most concerned about pirating! There is alot of promise involved. I really couldnt think of a better way than to enjoy my games. These two companies, Nintendo and Sega arent sidetracked by filling their products with features apoun features. Instead you see these guys only FIGHTING to bring us what they call good entertainment. I wouldnt have it any other way. PSO will live on.
    1. 's Avatar
      Glad to see some other people think Nintendo's got the right idea. I'm glad to see that they've gone to discs, and that they're truthful with their specs. Sony reps say: "Yeah, 60 million polygons per second", but that's if you don't have any effects. Or textures. Or animation. Nintendo, on the other hand, says "Uh, 10 million in action (but developers say even that's too low)." Of course, the shallow-minded buyers say "Duhgghgh...Sony got big numbers...me buy that." I'm glad to hear that Sonic Team is working hard on the GC right now (especially with PSO!), and that they'd announce that before saying that they're working on a certain movie machine...I mean, Computer Entertainment System.
    1. opalexian's Avatar
      opalexian -
      You know, I know this may sound kinda lame, but I was reading an article in the recent Wired on the game systems, and in it's rundown of the companies and platforms it also had the specs listed, and WOO! The GC specs actually look pretty nice. They're gonna take their time with the machine, and it'll work well, and right, and it'll ship at a comparatviely low price. I had initially pointedly followed the Final Fantasy series, but we got the DC for kicks used. The PSX now sits and gathers dust, and I really question whether I will ever get a PS2 (I hear there is a price drop coming in Oct, that may help sway me...Maybe...) If the GC kicks enough @$$, I will most likely be willing to forgive them their N64 and it's outmoded cartridge system, etc, etc.
      Yeah, I agree with the fact that the games are where it's at. However, anyone getting an Xbox may want to consider-aside from all the Big Brother overtones buying an M$ product has, there is the fact that the other companies all built their systems' specs on blood and sweat, long rigorous trials, and (mostly) decades of experience in the industry. The Xbox will be built on Bill Gates snapping his fingers to get what he wants, giant dollar signs in his eyes, and a huge lust to try and overtake yet another industry with a product that will ultimately be shabby and substandard, but everyone will go along with, making everyone glass-eyed M$ zombies in yet another field that was once alive with spirit and creativity.
      And now my runon is done. ; )
    1. 's Avatar
      for all that are reading this, just remember: rant on and on all you want, however dont forget about the topic. PSO on other consoles, eh? Just dont forget to include that in there somewhere! thank you for reading to .....

      THE END
    1. opalexian's Avatar
      opalexian -
      ...and that's why PSO2 should be released for the GC ONLY.
      I really WAS getting back around to that part. REALLY. ^_^
    1. 's Avatar
      WOO HOO! (insert symbolchat here)

      _( Y )_
    1. 's Avatar
      I'd like to see it on Xbox personally. Gamecube is a decent little system, but Xbox has a hard drive which means downloadable content. It's also broadband only and has far and away the most powerful graphics chipset of any console.
      The console I'd least like to see PSO 2 on is PS2. No modem, almost no memory and too tough to program.
      No thanks...
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