• Two more characters for Gamecube PSO!

    Glider writes, "Planet Gamecube has posted an article about Sonic Team's pre-spaceworld press release. The article mentions a brand new Sonic Team game for Gamecube and the addition of two new characters for Gamecube PSO!
    You can see the whole article here:

    You can also see more concept art of the "cut" classes from PSO here:

    While the pictures Sonic Team released are blurred out, it is pretty obvious the new characters may be a HUcasteal and a FOmar (yes!!!).

    Thanks to Pumpkin for posting this on the fourms.

    Comments 9 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      yeah that would be pretty cool if they added those classes i just hope that they dont make the gamecube one the same and just add the class i think they should add some more things and make it "pso ver.3" instead. i mean the other charecters are cool but you cant make the same game and just add more charecters.
    1. 's Avatar
      Ok seriously, why the hell would the gamecube version get two more CLASSES!!!GOD I have wanted to be a fomar for a while and a type 386 ramar (wren) Why would sega just piss on their loyal fans who BOUGHT THEIR SYSTEM!!!???WE DREAMCAST OWNERS SHOULD GET NEW CLASSES!WE ARE THE ONES SUPPORTING SEGA THE MOST NOT NINTENDO PLAYERS!WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY THINKING!?
    1. ATLien's Avatar
      ATLien -
      Hey Sega, you do know that you f*ck uped right?
    1. Gren's Avatar
      Gren -
      Because many Diehard Nintendo users are like I ONCE was... "So, sega has decided to develop for Gamecube? Shit, they don't even have a company no more, so screw their P(eice of)S(hit)O!!!I hope Sega goes bankrupt!!" Now, if Sega treats them special and kisses their royal cube asses, it'll be easier for Nintendo fans to swallow Sega...Of course I don't care, I welcome Sega with opened arms...
    1. 's Avatar
      First off, Sega could care less about you. All the want is your money. They could really care less about your loyalty. Second the reason why they added two more characters is to give people incentive to buy it again. A person like me who plans on getting the DC version of the game needs an incentive to buy the GC version of it. This is common when games are ported to other systems after they've been released for another system for a while. So Sega isn't doing this to screw the DC owners. They're doing it to make money.
    1. 's Avatar
      Yeah, I guess it is all about money...the bastards...
    1. 's Avatar
      Agreed. I used to be the same about DC till PSO. I bought the system just so I could play. Now I wish that it were continueing on. If they could have just got this along with a Grandia II and Skies of Arcadia out the door 6 months earlier U think Sega would still be in the console business gainning a decent share in the market.
    1. 's Avatar
      I bet you any thing that you would be saying sega sucks for making a straight port if they did. You can't please every one even when giving people good stuff
    1. 's Avatar
      Believe it or not, but Sega LOST money for every Dreamcast sold (since its release). Most game companies make their money by making games for their systems. Sega made an educated business decision by cancelling production of their systems to keep the company profitable. What would it be like if they struggled to hang on to thier underpowered system (in the current market), just to keep losing money and eventually go bankrupt? I would assume PSO would be gone forever...
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