• IGN's official PSO v.2 preview

    diospadre writes, "IGN finally got around to putting together a comprehensive preview of PSO version 2. Not too much new information, but it is notable that IGN says that the Gamecube and Dreamcast versions will not be networked together. They make no mention of this being due to cheaters, but because of the addition of the FOmar and HUcaseal instead. Could all that we heard about the 30 extra Gamecube weapons just be something someone made up? You can view the article here."

    Comments 15 Comments
    1. Deathkiller's Avatar
      Deathkiller -
      That's obviouse Jonathan!
      Its the only PSO for Game Cube, so they only have to call it PSO! Just like pokemon stadium when it came to the us, it was actually Pokemonstadium 2 but we called it 1 because it simply was! @_@ well it was an example, not a great example but an example, we can't help that people will want to call it V2 because it really IS v2 for the Dreamcast :P
      Let them have their way with their mispronounciations, they will quickly die down as soon as the product has been launched :P
    1. 's Avatar
      shut the fuck up you stupid motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!!!! no one need to to know any of that shit stupid fuckER . baru you suck monkey balls!
    1. PrinceBrightstar's Avatar
      PrinceBrightstar -
      anyone else want this guy to be IP banned?
    1. Rael's Avatar
      Rael -
      I'm trying to figure out what made him fly off the handle so badly! Maybe he posted on the wrong thread...?
    1. 's Avatar
      not to sound like unsensitive or anything but who cares what the name is. it aint that big of a deal. and if you actually have time to think of things like this u should get a new hobby
    1. 's Avatar
      it doesn't matter what it is called...its going to blown because it is on that LAMECUBE's gay mini disk that is purple with nintendos sig on it...when will you people learn not to waste your money on a nintendo product
    1. 's Avatar
      and you are a MORON to even mention a Pokemon game at a website for people older than 11...good god man...are you insane to admit that you like pokemon
    1. 's Avatar
      I cannot lie, I like pokemon. And if you cannot realize that playing pokemon stadium requires a strategic mind, then you truly are the moron.
    1. Gren's Avatar
      Gren -
      Fuck you, PS2 fanboy. PSO would never blow, regardless of the system.
    1. 's Avatar
      strategic or not..it is pokemon...play final fantasy tactics or something...not some gay 'cute' thing that nintendo is trying to market...instead of calling you a moron like i did before..i will call you a lost sheep...so lost sheep...i hope you enjoy your kiddie games gameboy and N64 offer you
    1. Alielle's Avatar
      Alielle -
      "Could all that we heard about the 30 extra Gamecube weapons just be something someone made up?"
      Wasn't that info in an interview with Yuji Naka?
    1. Kupi's Avatar
      Kupi -
      "Cute" thing? Pardon me, sir/ma'am, but have you ever looked at the evolved Pokemon? I wouldn't describe them as "cute." Besides that, the Pokemon and matching Stadium games do indeed require a lot of strategy, more than some "kiddie gamers" could actually put into it. To the gamer with an open mind, they're far more than simple "kiddie" games. So who's the "lost sheep" here?
    1. Kupi's Avatar
      Kupi -
      I believe it was posted on a forum rather than a credible info website, so I'd believe IGN over that. Of course, I could be wrong. The forum could've been on a credible info website. ^_~
    1. 's Avatar
      I think the interveiw was fake... I think that the whole wepons with out a tekker is mearly to promote online playing and make people that play off line get less benefits
    1. 's Avatar
      yep...either ban him ot feed him to the rappys.....makes no difference to me...just so long as we dont have to read his babble any longer
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