• Cheating Online Once Again Possible

    God writes, "Those "GodIwannabecool" kiddies have once again bypassed Sega's filters for cheating, and once again made the world of PSO a dangerous place. So be careful out there!
    From their site:
    With this code, you can go online with cheats again without the worry of being banned! If Sonic Team tries to block cheating, which probably won't happen, this code will cause the game to freeze for a few seconds then disconnect, preventing you from being banned! Merry Christmas, Sonic Team! (and of course all our visitors too )
    An unfortunate thing, however it does give everyone a distinguishing trait of potential cheaters.

    Comments 63 Comments
    1. AynRand's Avatar
      AynRand -
      they already patched it lol, i am sure baru will end up modding it again tho, like how it was before the great days of the mass banning fun
    1. PrinceBrightstar's Avatar
      PrinceBrightstar -
      clear this up for me please. Did ST fix both codes or just the JP code and the US code still works
    1. 's Avatar
      Hey it's me again the guy who got the 10 comments on the last cheating post. You know those cheaters (they arnt real hackers, I dont care what they say) need to play PSO because they cant have a real life. Thats why theres so many HUmars around, thats how they see themself kinda sad actually, and if you dont believe me try it count how many of the cheaters are HUmars with the long dark hair-in-the-face look and black costume. I have seen ALOT of what we call Dubbies who use Dubbed DBZ names too. Im expecting alot of the cheaters to reply to this with their OMG UR SO GHEY YOU SUK IF U DONT CHEAT HAHAHHAHHAHAH WE R SO KEWL. Dont let me down you fools. Oh and BTW has anyone ever seen a cheater play as a FOnewearl or a RAcaseal?

      -{Everquest FOREVER}-
    1. 's Avatar
      I used to play PSO all the time, it was like a religion to me. But man, after a while it gets SO stale, like a soggy ritz cracker, lol. Cheating makes the game interesting again, gives it a sense of intrigue, and the unkown. And all you non-cheaters can't tell me that you haven't used the occasional duped or modified weapons. This game is a direct parallel of real life; how uninteresting would life be if we played by the rules (government, corporate, civil, ect...) all the time? We would truely be herded cattle, with no minds or wills of our own. Non-cheaters complain so much because they have no imagination, no know-how, no drive, and no guts. Most importantly, YOU ARE ALL WHINERS!!! Cheating has been a part of PSO since the beginning, and thus has become an unwritten rule we all must live with. I am in no way condoning PKing or CKing, or any other malevolent acts towards others. However, if I want to share some duped weps or change MY game play to suit MY taste to make it more interesting for me and my friends, I should be able to do so.
      the MAN...
      the MYTH...
      the LEGEND...
    1. 's Avatar
      i cheat and use both racaseal and fonewearl. hehee
    1. B0B's Avatar
      B0B -
      Unlike others I havent playe pso since ver.2 cause I got a life I got a job and dont free load off my parents like most of you people in pso (you know who you people are) anywany back to the matter at hand once again baru has found all 7 dragonballs and the dragonballs were scattered across the planet once again.
    1. Hideout115's Avatar
      Hideout115 -
      I'm not a cheater, but I am complaining about the majority of cheaters neing Humars. If I remember correctly, when the massive pking war started, The majority of pkers were Red Ramars with masked faces and names like Killer, or Evil Kitten(I'll get ur ass evil Kitten for pking in a V2 game). How do I know this? I think I broke the record in the amount of times being pked in a single day. And also, I've seen more Fonewm and Hunewearl pkers than Humars. So I think U should get ur facts straight before you go around insulting "the Best" class in PSO...HUMARS RULE!! People get him because of his overall strength, ability to use techniques(unlike that ho Hucast), and just because he looks so damn cool. So i don't know what type of char u have, but do not insult my fav character just because a couple of Humars pked ur butt. BTW, Humar was voted the number 1 Hunter class of Pso By mamak-int. I aggree fully.
    1. B0B's Avatar
      B0B -
      Please little kid we all know its about Ramar cause of the handguns he gets and the best handgun around has to be the suppesed handgun and the other cool weapons he gets and not to mention Ramars get a cool beard.
    1. B0B's Avatar
      B0B -
      I agree man you are so right in everyway.

      "Laugh and grow Fat"
    1. 's Avatar
      Actually if you got your facts right the HUmar has the lowest MST and TP out of all of the characters that can use techs. And there is nothing that stands out about the HUmar at all they arnt anything special, toyr just another lamer who needs to make your persona in a game because real life kicked you out. And you only say that stuff about the Casts becuase you cant live without magic.
    1. Hideout115's Avatar
      Hideout115 -
      I don’t care if Humar has the lowest mst or tp or whatever, the thing is that you put any class to go through Ruins Ult at a low level with only a few items (if ur a android) and low techniques, and Humar can out beat any of them. Hunewearl and Ramar might come close, but come on...whom do you think can last longer? Humar is all about average. He doesn't try to be the strongest *Cough Hucast byatch cough* or try to be the best with techniques *cough Fonewm ho cough* but he isn’t very well the weakest either. Where the others fail, he conquers. He is not concentrated on only one stat. Just look at the facts. Ramar is nothing more than a yellow belly rag rappy. Guns. The sissiest of weps. Why doesn't he get a sword and go face to face With a monster and be a man? I'll tell you why, cause he's a sissy who is afraid he'll get pimp slapped by a booma and might piss in his panties. He will shoot from the door so he won't break one of his nails. I have no bad thoughts about Hunewearl, since she's basically a Humar with boobs. If you bad mouth Humar ur just jealous cause you picked a char that doesn't look as cool. Most of you think we pick Humars because we picture myself as one. Who in the hell are you to go into my mind and actually figure out why I picked a char? U didn't think about maybe I picked him because he has good overall stats, or I prefer a male character to a female, or maybe I just prefer a Hunter that uses techniques. Noooo, u automatically say I'm a freak that thinks my char looks like me. What a bunch of stereotypical jerks. If you think Humar is the worst, then don't pick him, or better yet, don't play with him in a room. It just proves that ur paranoid about something as small as the character you pick. It's PSO, not real life people. Don't discriminate. There's is no Better Character, just better people through them. Don't hate the player, hate the game. And also, if ur going to discriminate, at least comment on the important thing in any game....SKILL BYATCH!!! Oh, and a little Saying to those Ramars out there, "Before guns, Men Had BALLS!!!"
    1. 's Avatar
      Sounds like some hunter got pimp smacked by a Yas in battle
    1. 's Avatar
      ur Damn right m8!
      I got several char. but my first and favorite is the HUmar! of course!
      HUmar got skills on every stats, not the best but everywhere, i can't tell how often i said: (&%(§(" "/" &$" !!!!!!!! Because the HUcast couldnt use any technique or the RAmar needs to many hits to kill even a RAG RAPPY on v-HARD (no one with lv.100, no one starts with 100) or a FORCE get smacked Down at every hit!
      The HUmar is the real warrior in the Game, u need to grow with the char. to be a good fighter.
      About RANGERs:
      I don't like these standin near the door, for an quick escape if someone gets near, and shootin with the SPREAD NEEDLE, and some even just shot 1 time to hit every enemy for just gaining EXP and then runnin' in the next room, without kill the old Aliens, and shoot on the newer ones too as the others r still in fight with the first Aliens!!!
      Or someone, mostly lv.100 or at v2 200, they kill on a low difficulty everything with one strike by the needle, before anyone can get near to an enemy at all!!
      tats no fun Guys!
      and just BTW: lv.100 or lv.200 char. doesn't need EXP anymore!!!!!!
    1. 's Avatar
      People need to find out what the classes are good at. Forces arnt made to go out front with a saber or take hits, Rangers are just for back up and extra hits and possibly cover a hunters ass while they take down the tougher things. Hunters are basicly just shields and what we on EQ call Tanks,you block all the hits and deal the damage so other dont have to. So with all that said a good team is suposed to work together, not everyone being super powerfull I can do it all myself so back off. I would say a good team is two hunters, one ranger and one force. The force can heal and buff, that will open some slots for the hunters to put the special attack and something like GIbarta in, The ranger can keep the weaker enemies off the hunters, and the hunters can keep the bigger guys off the force and ranger. That way it plays how it would IRL. (BTW a force just looks dumb doing front line attacks)
    1. 's Avatar
      I dont think we will ever get rid of cheating untill we do SERVER SIDE SAVES. It has worked well with most other online RPGs (DAoC, EQ, D2) With server side saves the servers can keep track of what people have on them AND in the bank, for all you people who have that 180% double cannon +99 in the bank.
      God isnt there a way these companies can make it so if a GS or other cheat device is found it can FRY it's memory
    1. convoy_vigilante's Avatar
      convoy_vigilante -
      All I have to say to all the cheaters is, come on turn off all your codes and come to battle mode, then we'll see who is 'good' at this game. The cheaters are nothing but losers with no friends (so they take out their anger on everybody else) pussies. Come on come fight me like a man not a woman! And has anybody noticed that when cheaters 'make fun of you' all they call you is 'gay' that's because they haven't seen the outside world, so it's the only word that they know. LOSERS
    1. 's Avatar
      Hey! Im A Cheater, and i have a FOnewearl hee hee...i also have a HUmar too but he is an exact replica of me,so this shatters your so called "theory"
    1. 's Avatar
      ok. You both made your point. let's hear mine. i have a lvl 76 HUnewearl character that got to that lvl by the generosity (and occasional offline lvling sessions. my main wep is a s-rank spread. :]) of others. who needs to cheat when u can kick butt in the battle mode?!
    1. 's Avatar
      how pathetic..I honestly believe you need a life. Badly
    1. 's Avatar
      is that S-rank legit? If not then who is it thats winning, you or the game shark?
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