• GameSpy elected PSO Dreamcast Game of the Year.

    Anonymous writes, "In GameSpy's Game of the Year awards, Phantasy Star Online got best overall Dreamcast game.

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    Comments 6 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      heh remember the good old days when people would bend over backwards for a Dragon Slayer or a Photon Claw, and the Double Saber was the shit
    1. 's Avatar
      I remember, thoght I was da bomb in the caves with my Rifle +60 and the feeling I got hitting 100 was the greatest.
    1. Simehiri's Avatar
      Simehiri -
      I remember when I found the 77 Agito in the
      hard mines during the second week of PSO. No one
      had seen it and thought it was so amazing! It wasn't a photon weapon! An ancient Katana, at that! You wouldn't believe how many Sephiroths
      would beg like little children for it! Yeah,
      although Agitos tuned out to bring only moderate
      rares, it was truly great when rare weapons were
      still uncommon among peers. Now I can't even understand how people can call them "RAREZ". I mean, Meteor Cudgels, Sinow Red's Blades, Lavis Blades, etc., are so commonplace that you'd think they were everyday items. I've gone to games with my legit Red Daggers, Red Sword and red Ushasu/Yaksa mags only to have lamers ask: "d00d! what r thos? 3y3 trade rares for weaps ok?" They're not rare, but the former rares have been dupped so uncontrollably that when people are confronted with a normal, moderate rare, they think it's something new. Insanity...
    1. 's Avatar
      Shit! Iremember when double sabers were rare. lol
    1. 's Avatar
      The only way you can play ver.2 now is that you make your payments with a credit card. I called sega and their reps said that the transfer of yen from the american dollar was to hard or something and woul only accept credit cards now which is complete bullshit! I used my VISA checking card and got on ver.2 the first time. Even if you dont have enough dough to cover your bill the bank would not allow them to complete the transaction or visa would just cover it and you would pay it later. Sega should let other payment arrangements be made. Not everyone has a card. The poor usually only keep one for emergencies and alot of people just dont have one. I personally dont see why I should pay interest for a lousy 15 bucks that i could pay out of my pocket! This is another classic example of widening the rich and poor line again, the have and have nots,and eventually will ruin online gaming. Everyone should have the pleasuree of playing online games and we should nt have to go thru so much shit to do it either. Sega you really let me down. Even Ultima allows people to use debit cards. You wont even let me use my VISa checking card. ASSHOLES!
    1. 's Avatar
      Who cares? Final Fantasy XI will soon be THE mmorpg to own! It'll walk all over PSO ver2!!!
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