• Weapon Movie

    Just uploaded a crazy weapon movie plus 7 pictures to the Trial Media page for anyone who's interested. Go check 'em out now! =P

    Edit: Finally got around to thumbnailing all the images as well ...

    Comments 9 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      ...I don't know what people your looking at.
    1. watashiwa's Avatar
      watashiwa -
      Gotta love the crackheads. >.>
    1. 's Avatar
      Man thats funny...so many people suck at making characters. Why is it that everybody is short? And if they arent they are super wide...I'd kill to see someone who took some time making the characters they play with. And I think this one hit pretty close to home for watashiwa, why did you give Selena that horrible face? And who could explain that gigantic red humar with the long white hair on that hey to pso site,it's crazy.
      Has craftsmanship has totally flown out the window?
    1. watashiwa's Avatar
      watashiwa -
      I thought Selena was cute. In fact, so cute that I licked her polygons on my TV screen. ^_^
    1. 's Avatar
      make more videos with fomar and more pics
    1. watashiwa's Avatar
      watashiwa -
      Make me.
    1. neo_beta's Avatar
      neo_beta -
      .....im an androied... im not fat and ugly..

      in fact im,at the very least, very L33t....
    1. 's Avatar
      yes i have also noticed the small or fat char fad... i make mine a normal size... i actually try to make my chars look cool not as ugly as is possible.
    1. 's Avatar
      I totally know what you mean, and its retarded.

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