• Update on PSO Ep 1 & 2

    Rubesahl writes, "Reports Mamak International, "Sonic Team announced the official release date of the Broadband Adapter for the Nintendo Gamecube. On the third of October, Dreamcast direct will start selling these high speed babies at a retail price of 3.800 Yen (31,70 USD). Don't get your hopes up though, the importers amongst us will probably pay a lot more.

    Sonic Team also stated that the first 30 days of online play with the Gamecube version of PSO will be free. So if you own the game and log online for the first time between the release and the 31st of March 2003, you will get 30 days of online play for free!! "

    "Famitsu updates

    The guild card capacity has been increased from 110 to 210. Players can now store more player guild cards.

    Guild card memo capability, players can write a short memo on any particular guild card to remind them who the player is.

    Auto Response function for in-game messaging / mail added.

    Androids trap can now be placed in the shortcut menu for quicker access

    Any item that has been traded online can also be traded in Multiplayer mode.

    Selectable fonts for viewing and chatting in game.

    An info window now appears on the right of the screen when a player selects an armor or weapon via the shortcut window. "

    Hopefully these new stuff will boost the game's popularity a lot ^__^

    Comments 10 Comments
    1. omega3059's Avatar
      omega3059 -
      O great.... the US version's gonna be pay-to-play... that sucks!
    1. Shadow_Blade's Avatar
      Shadow_Blade -
      New fonts!
    1. 's Avatar
      That is all fantastic news, for a rare change all of the news is good and were things we all wanted to be changed. I can't wait to see the fonts.
    1. shinokou's Avatar
      shinokou -
      There are SO many new features! PSO was such a solid title already - these additions are making it into an astronomically AMAZING title!!! woah, that was a dumb sentence.
    1. only1gameguru's Avatar
      only1gameguru -
      hmm let me start pay-to-play sucks, but then again they can not do that with the broadband adptor bvecause your always online with it. New stuff is great too but what a bout ani-hack (so hackers dont do what they did in the dreamcast versions)
    1. Kaervek's Avatar
      Kaervek -
      Yes, indeed, all great news. However, as only1gameguru stated: I have yet to see any news so far about Sega's attempt to really crack down on "hackers." V.2 had made some great strides towards cheater-less gaming, if only for a short while. But let's face it, no matter how sophisticated the console is the game is being run on, no matter how much cool and neat-o (yes neat-o) stuff they are going to throw into future versions - cheating may always be a reality. Unless it's taken care of server side or taken care of in the coding of the game(if possible) we may have no escape. It's a vicious cycle - kind of like napster and all the other p2p software / websites that have sprung from the woodworks. If Interact were shut down tomorrow, Pellican would prolly buy the rights to GameShark, or some other company would begin mass producing cheating devices... ugh, i could go on and on, but now im just rambling... g'day.
    1. only1gameguru's Avatar
      only1gameguru -
      yes but pelican wouldnt not have a 'cube shark (game shark for the 'cube) because they al ready have the cobe breaker ( which i learned of when i was in a younger man's clothe's

      PS: i will try to get a news post on if the Pelican company realses codes for the PSO Ep 1 & Ep 2
    1. Starla's Avatar
      Starla -
      sounds really cool.. gonna have to think about getting myself a GC one ofthese days.. ooh.. job.. must find job.. *bonk*
    1. 's Avatar
      i like the game but i dont like that you have to pay to play online if you buy the game you sould be able to play for free like pso for dc. im still geting the game so wy cant you make it free to play online and you still have to buy a network adaptor so wy cant it be free its a fun game to play.
    1. 's Avatar
      Great now i need a Job to get money to spend. Oh wait i have one. I just havent showed up for a month. I guess i dont have anyone anymore

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