• Gamespot Review Rating on PSO

    Anonymous writes, "Gamespot gave a review on Phantasy Star Episodes 1&2 for Gamecube, and gave it a 7.8 overall. Gameplay was an 8, Graphics and Sound were 7, the Value was a 6 and the Tilt was a 9. The rating is much lower than IGN's review on the game. I guess different people have different opinions about the game.

    Click here to read the article."

    Darn... reviews like these will push new players away from buying PSO.

    Comments 13 Comments
    1. 's Avatar
      yea... I think they want to sell the games that aren't so hot more than they want to sell the instant classics....those trickers
    1. 's Avatar

      id rather play the original phantasy star and the 3 other games that graced the sega genesis.

      gotta love the emulators.
    1. 's Avatar
      ok, the problem with that review is that the writers at gamespot don't appreciate anything for the gamecube. they are the most biased bunch of idiots who've ever written articles. they have no idea of what makes a game great. i mean, they gave MGS2 10, and that game was shiot (in comparison to the first one)
    1. Gilgamesh-zero's Avatar
      Gilgamesh-zero -
      my opinion is this;

      Pso for gamecube rocks!! Graphics and music are great, play control is good too,the value of pso for gamecube is definitely a 10.Gamespot has no idea what the hell they are talking about!! They must really suck at video games or something if they gave pso such a cruddy rating,well at least my opinion.
    1. 's Avatar
      mgs2 wasnt all that great

      i liked the first one.

      and secondly the first 4 phantasy stars rule.
    1. Agent_Reav's Avatar
      Agent_Reav -
      7.8 seems about right... It's basically a PSO Expansion pack. Once PSO 2 (the TRUE sequel on XBOX) comes out we'll see at least a 9.0 rating . Gamestop gives realistic reviews... If a game receives a 9 or 10 from Gamespot you KNOW it's good. 7.8 isn't bad at all by Gamespot standards.
    1. 's Avatar
      I say screw the review. There are points that Gamespot made that I have NOT known to be true.

      First I'd like to say that I have put at least 100 hours into GC PSO and am very skeptical about the GC's performance.

      However, Gamespot reports slow down in the game which I have NEVER noticed on the GC version. Second of all offline split screen isn't supposed to be PSO online play. I agree the camera angles aren't great, but there's not much ST could have done about it when your looking at only 50% or less of the screen and the boss is at a 8:1 or greater scale to the player.

      I have more doubts about their review... but I say screw it. Go give your sports games 10.0's and leave this one the hell alone!

    1. Parn's Avatar
      Parn -
      No slowdown? HAHAHAHA!

      Get a team of four players and check out the boss battle with Barba Ray. Or try out a few rooms in the Seabed. You'll encounter slowdown REAL fast.

      Slowdown is gone in Episode I, but Episode II introduces slowdown of its own.
    1. Nomad_2's Avatar
      Nomad_2 -
      I wouldn't worry about it. Gamespy has recommened the game as one the Game Cube's holiday pics.
    1. DreeElle's Avatar
      DreeElle -
      When it comes down to it, the only review that matters is the PLAYER'S opinion, NOT some high-brow, snooty gaming site or magazine. ^_^
    1. only1gameguru's Avatar
      only1gameguru -

    1. 's Avatar
      Honestly I wouldn't take anything Gamespot says at face value. They really are a bunch of elitest pricks. In addition to that, I think they have the worst bunch of writers on the net. Gamespy really is a much better source of info. And it's free!
    1. 's Avatar
      so true

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