• PC Valentine's Quest

    A new Valentine's Quest will be up for PSO PC players on Friday, February 7th and will end on Monday, February 17th.

    In this quest, you would have to help three sisters running a cake store make handmade chocolate. You will be able to borrow a tool from the sisters to make the chocolate. After it is made, you can have the chocolate and you will be able to deliver it to your chosen person or "partner" on Valentine's Day. This quest will be limited to 1 person and female characters only.

    There will be a server maintenance on February 7th from 2pm til 3pm JP time. Please do not connect to the servers at this time. Quest news can be read here.

    Comments 5 Comments
    1. Azul_3030's Avatar
      Azul_3030 -
      Hey our 9 dollars paid for that same exact quest they had last year! So... don't... knock... *sigh*
    1. gallaugher's Avatar
      gallaugher -
      Hey Wata! I played w/you in the PC version (character name Ward). Must have been a year ago. I don't see why they bother adding content. They should focus on GC & XBox stuff. Last time I went online w/that version it was a ghost town.
    1. 's Avatar
      Hey pixel! Thanks for that ridiculous ban! For posting a mock picture of a PS2?! Good call! "OMFG!11!!TEH JOYSTICK WAS A DILDO! BAN BAN BAN!!!" Whatever. I thought it was funny, and I bet others did too. Hell, I'd understand if I posted some crazy sex scene or some shit, but THAT!? Moderators rule! Bah, fuck it. It's not like you weren't looking for something to ban me for anyway, and you've found something miniscule enough to do it. Have a good day, kiddo!
    1. LollipopLolita's Avatar
      LollipopLolita -
      no we weren't looking to ban you, and please don't use this to voice concerns.
    1. pixelate's Avatar
      pixelate -
      I didn't ban you, Haterade. I don't have the power to ban people. When a member is banned, it is first discussed in Arkham, which it was in your case. Other staff members also thought the picture was worth a banning. And, no, you weren't banned for posting a picture just because of the dildo. You were banned for posting a picture with people having sex in it. Yea, your picture did have a sex scene in it; the scene was on the CD in the pic.
      Posting pornographic images is not miniscule. Since we don't have a warning about nudity on our site, having porn on our site could be considered illegal. Gamespy has certain rules for sites being hosted on their servers. We have to follow those rules. Not allowing porn is one of the stricter rules.
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