• Gamespy on PSO XBox

    psosaladwood writes, "Gamespy, gave a interesting preview into XBox PSO today. Gamespy seems to feel that it will be the best version of PSO out there. Gamespy also says that the XBox chat features really makes up for the fact that there is no keyboard on the GC.

    Funny enough, there is a little mention of the current GC problems:

    "One of the areas in which all previous editions of PSO have lagged behind is security; the recent GameCube version implemented changes that made the game less susceptible to cheating, but more susceptible to having your character deleted. Hopefully the closed network nature of Xbox Live (and the hard drive within the unit) will allow Sonic Team to keep the experience much more seamless. A great weakness of the games is that your characters are stored on the client side and not the server, which allows shenanigans aplenty. To surmount this flaw, the Xbox version only allows you to go online when your character is safely on the hard drive; you can copy it off and take it to a pal's for split-screen action, but if you want to go online the temp file must be moved back to the HD."

    They also touch on the XBox exclusive quests:

    "New quests developed by Sonic Team will arrive on the Xbox simultaneously with the release of the GC versions; previously existing quests won't be up to snuff on the game's release, though -- probably because most PSO quests are based around holidays or special events. For security reasons, and doubtlessly also because of the voice chat, U.S. users will be unable to play with Japanese players."

    They also mentioned and confirmed the fact that you'll need an XBox live account to even play offline "due to the fact that the software was the XBL pack-in in Japan -- they didn't want to delay it for reprogramming reasons, which is definitely a serious concern."

    Read the full article here.

    Comments 4 Comments
    1. TerribleDeliMeat's Avatar
      TerribleDeliMeat -
      To me, the exclusive XBOX only content is still a little vague. We have statements like the one in the article, then other places like Gamespot has statements like

      ''The specifics on the game's downloadable content are still being kept under wraps, but Microsoft states that Sonic Team will release new quests, weapons, maps, and items on a regular basis.''

      Also, I remember some article that said Microsoft was going to give XBOX owners something within the game to make up for the lack of GBA mini games.

      Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
    1. 's Avatar
      The little bit on the end about needing Xbox Live for offline play is a load of shit. I think the real reason behind it is some type of security feature/encryption.
    1. 's Avatar
      Having to have xbox live is terrible. Paying 11 dollars a month to play a game offline is rediculous. So you do not have a chat ability on the gc version, that can be good. It gets rid of vulgar language, and overcomotion in lobbys. The game for x-box will pale in comparison to that of gc.
    1. astronautcowboy3's Avatar
      astronautcowboy3 -
      Vulgarity shouldn't be too big of an issue unless you let it get to you or it gets waaaaaaay out of hand. I mean honestly aren't you mad you can't drop the f-bomb jokingly when you die? I know I've been sometimes. By the way who doesn't have a keyboard yet? (I know there's that "controller" keyboard but it's expensive - my DC keyboard was 20 bucks!)
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