New Utility Download Tool: MagFarm V.09
Published on May 29, 2003 02:54 AM
lollipoplolita writes, "
PSO-World is proud to share with the PSO community a new utility program for mags by James Baxter, "MagFarm." MagFarm v0.9 is a great new utility that is intuitive, simple and easy to follow. It also lets you track and plan your mag, it's stats, and even it's PB. It will also track time and cost required to build your mag. It's a complete mag planner that includes the new Ep 1 & 2 mags. I'm sure that this will come as a very helpful and useful tool for you mag farmers and planners out there. Please take note that MagFarm v0.9 is currently only in it's Beta phase; some of you might be able to tell from the ver #. Future additions include mag cell mags and other fixes and additions. The program is only at 90% of it's planned state.
James would like to add: "There are other things I'd like to add after the final 1.0 release. When that will come about Iam not sure. It depends on the feedback. Ireally need help squashing bugs. MagFarm will be a work in progress and I'd love to keep adding things to it."
So please give it a try, download it and give us some feedback by posting your comments or sending them directly to James. As some of you may know, James is also the man behind the utility program "Beat X", featured in our Downloads Section. We would like to thank James for this great contribution to PSO, it's players and community. We know he's been at work on this program for months now and a thanks is well deserved!
Mag Farm Windows
Mag Farm Macintosh "
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