• Ep 1 & 2 Hunter's License Will Carry Over To Ep 3

    satoshi1 writes, "Your hunter's license will now let you get online with two games! All the more reason to get one if you haven't already!

    "Good news for Gamecube gamers! Sega has officially announced that current PSO players can carry their Hunter's Licenses over to PSO Ep. III. A HL is need to play PSOep3 online. So this means no additional fees for PSO EP3!!!!!! And that a PSO Hunter's Liscense is a Universal Account for both PSO ep1&2, and PSO ep3!"

    Read the full story at Onlineconsoles.com.

    Or join the discussion in our forums. This might be a good way to encourage Ep 1 & 2 players to try out Ep 3!

    Comments 23 Comments
    1. Vantamiath's Avatar
      Vantamiath -

    1. lukeskyracer's Avatar
      lukeskyracer -
    1. ISHKOO2's Avatar
      ISHKOO2 -
      Thats enought to make me get it. Just don't know if i can get it yet. PSOX
    1. RagRappy2000's Avatar
      RagRappy2000 -
      Thats great news PSOW! thank you SEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. lukeskyracer's Avatar
      lukeskyracer -
      I don't think they are gonna release it for PSOX. There is no word about it at all. And now Sega sees all the hacking going on on XBOX so that might be a pretty big reason not to put it on XBOX.
    1. Elmo's Avatar
      Elmo -
      there wouldnt be as much hacking if they stored the files on servers that way everyone would be happy with out some hackers
    1. HUnewearl_Meira's Avatar
      HUnewearl_Meira -
      That'd work, except that you wouldn't be able to play your character offline without an active internet connection. Albeit, you need a connection to begin with just to open the game... o_O I'm glad I went with the GameCube. ::still wants to get PSOX anyway, just for the hell of it::
    1. Infiniteque's Avatar
      Infiniteque -
      I don't mean to start an argument or anything.. or sound really biased toward XBox, but, this is just yet another strike against PSO on XBox. I was considering to buy and play PSOX but.. I just honestly can NOT find a valid enough reason to do so. The voice communication is awesome, yes, but that's nowhere near enough to compete with GBA downloadable games, more online quest, more updates, the ability to play internationally, more people to play with online, and now the same HL fee pays for all of this AND another game!
      Sonic Team should lower(or remove) the HL fee from XBox PSO. They claim the fee is to fund more server updates, server maintenance, quests, and etc.. but as far as I can see, XBox users aren't really getting any of that. Furthermore, doesn't PSOX run on XBox Live servers in the first place? Why is Sonic Team charging for that? It's clearly unfair..
    1. oculin's Avatar
      oculin -
      well im jus glad i didnt get it for x box then but.... heh i dint have the money any ways heh*sweet drop*
    1. lukeskyracer's Avatar
      lukeskyracer -
      for xbox not online do u have to psy $8.95 everymonth but you also have to pay $50 a year to use Xbox live. I'm so glad I have the GC version.
    1. KiraSukoayu's Avatar
      KiraSukoayu -
      this is quite the good news to hear,exellent...all the more reason to buy pso3,but i dont understand why Xbox isn't doing so well with psox since xbox is the surperior system,BUT! it doesn't mean it's better then GC!!! i'll jus stick to the staying awya from xbox and sticking with what i have now
    1. KiraSukoayu's Avatar
      KiraSukoayu -
      ALRIGHT! good idea for letting use hunter lisence for PSO3,but i don't rmb hearing about there being an offline...will there be offline? and what about our characters when we bring then to pso3 do we keep the wepons and do we get to bring them to the offline part of pso3? o wellz, i'mma buy it neway. whats so great about PSOX neway..???
    1. TerribleDeliMeat's Avatar
      TerribleDeliMeat -
      Its been unofficially announced that Sonic Team was working on PSO Card Battle (the original title) for both GCN and XBOX. You see, Sega doesnt give a damn about the xbox version because they only provided the palette so to speak. The fan base demanded PSO be released on xbox so Microsoft obligated. However, when their own (vastly superior) online RPG comes out, you can bet the xbox version will be dropped.
    1. TerribleDeliMeat's Avatar
      TerribleDeliMeat -
      Because Sonic Team is greedy and selfish?

      Anyways, when Level 5's True Fantasy Live Online drops...PSO will be kicked to the curb where it belongs.
    1. oculin's Avatar
      oculin -
      i dispise xbox
    1. oculin's Avatar
      oculin -
      even if u can transfer your chacter my pso 1 and 2 chacters are stayin on pso 1 and 2 becase we probably wont be able to transfer them back
    1. oculin's Avatar
      oculin -
      i know there is a offline to pso3 but is there a multi player?
    1. AndyPandy's Avatar
      AndyPandy -
      heh, yeah...glad ive got both versions
    1. -LordNikon-'s Avatar
      -LordNikon- -
      Here is the original post link(one in news post was linked to a URL that changes over time as we add new posts ot the main page):

      I included a source as well so people know I wasn't just making stuff up hehe. I run onlineconsoles btw.

    1. oculin's Avatar
      oculin -
      wha? *confused*
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