by Published on Feb 28, 2001 09:13 PM
  1. Categories:
  2. PSOW

God writes, "Twice in one day, we have knew articles for you. Moiraine recently sent in his work entitled "Remember where you came from.". It's been submitted for your approval. Let us know what you think of it... "

by Published on Feb 28, 2001 04:59 PM
  1. Categories:
  2. PSOW

God writes, "For the next few hours we will be moving all the current image links over to the new anti direct link mode, you may experience 404 file not found errors during this time. Unfortunately.. we had to implement this . We don't have the bandwidth to host images for other sites... and it has become an issue. Don't worry, our users shouldn't notice any difference .
Update 11:00AM: All image links have been updated. If you encounter any problems email us [email protected]>[email protected]

by Published on Feb 28, 2001 09:33 AM
  1. Categories:
  2. PSOW

God writes, "A big thank to our resident screenshot pimp Lynx and newcomer watashiwa for their monster contribution to PSO World. Alot of the unique items out there now have new screenshots, including:

Holy Ray
Inferno Bazooka
C-Bringer's Rifle
Chain Sawd
And the Orotiagito

by Published on Feb 28, 2001 08:51 AM
  1. Categories:
  2. PSOW

God writes, "Debo, ironically an unregistered user (feh.), submitted a 'news' item that was just to well done to live on the news page. It's been submitted to the Articles area of the site. Entitled "I've fallen from grace" it's without a doubt a great read. "

by Published on Feb 28, 2001 05:49 AM
  1. Categories:
  2. General

Jihatsu writes, "GameMusic.com now carries the PSO Official Soundtrack for a moderately good price of US$30. Considering you're importing it, it's a rather good deal. Be forewarned, though, shipping might be the worst part of the order. US$15 for UPS 2 Day Air."

by Published on Feb 27, 2001 08:05 PM
  1. Categories:
  2. PSOW

God writes, "We've moved into our new server, and the team is busy making it more homelike . We can't garuntee there won't be some lingering bugs, if you run into one... email us [email protected]>[email protected] "

by Published on Feb 27, 2001 07:26 PM
  1. Categories:
  2. General

Rael writes, "I picked up the PSO soundtrack the other day, and as you may know, the opening and ending themes on this are alternate versions featuring lyrics. They're quite haunting and fitting of the game's opening and closing. Take a read of them...


by Published on Feb 27, 2001 02:58 AM

Glider writes, "Lets say you are going to trade a s-beats for a inferno bazooka, but don't want to get ripped off. Instead of just dropping it in the city and hopping you don't get a Handgun +1, go to the forest or some other level. Then stand far apart, and ask them to equip the weapon you want. Once you see that it is the right weapon, tell them to keep it equiped and drop it. If they drop the right weapon, there should be a box on the ground, and no weapon in their hands. This way, you can be sure that the weapon they dropped is the real thing."

by Published on Feb 26, 2001 10:07 PM
  1. Categories:
  2. General

We've all seen the truly deviant behavior displayed by many people online these days, including cheating, looting, and the rest.

One item that hasn't been singled out so much is explicit verbal harassment.

Here are a few thoughts on the issue:

1. Many of those online are minors.

2. Many of those online who are not minors have no interest in being referred to in an explicit sexual manner.

3. PSO is not a 900# Phone Sex service or anything else of the sort, it is PSO.

4. Many players of female characters are male (ask, you might be surprised).

Today I saw a male android character called predator harassing a female character who pretty obviously did not have a male player from their reaction. This is unacceptable behavior, and I told him so.

I'm not telling you not to make typical male/female comments to female characters online. I am saying that you should treat female characters online in the same way that you wish your younger sister's boyfriend would treat her, not the way that truckers treat lot lizards.

Think about what you say, and let people harassing characters online know that their behavior is unacceptable. It could be your female character being harassed next time.