View Full Version : PSO General
- Welcome to the PSO World MSG Boards
- Woot! Can't wait till the US release...
- Yeah, let's start the ball rolling here with what the sectio
- Dear Sega:
- Anyone try this way of backing up VMU files?
- Stat confirmation on the DURANDAL!!!
- PHOTON CLAW description!
- The best IDsection for a Hunter
- Don't take this the wrong way
- How do you download new quest. . .
- Best SectionID for Force?
- I don't another Orotiagito!
- Stupid Newbie Questoin
- Are all rare items available offline???
- Pathetic Forces
- Sega should make PSO for PC
- PSO Swear Filter!
- Could everyone please post there PSO stats?
- Cheating, really that bad?
- Most common/least common class?
- Going from Hard-V.Hard
- Slicers, anygood?
- Where can I download Passport 3.0?
- Dueling
- BACK from the dead!
- I finaly got it!!!!!
- Section ID as it Relates to Items Found.
- mag just changed again that makes 6
- Kill Stealing Android!
- What Can We Do to Report A**hole Online?
- PSO Soundtrack Follow-Up
- Is there a way to get service basically free?
- Functionality of Weapons vs Opinion
- Attribute enhancement caps?? (please help)
- Corruption
- got Soul Eater, Delsabres Buster, and S-Beats, last night. B
- Delsabre's Buster %'s ?
- Using BBA then using PC?
- How on earth do you kill Dark Falz Hard??
- Clash of the Classes
- Soul Banisher
- The 8 RARE MAGS!!!!!
- A way to keep your items
- Luck Issue
- Best Gun in Game???
- Question on BBA backorder
- Whoa!
- Delsaber's Buster
- Question..
- AYB.SWF for great justice!
- Very lame in offline mode
- I think I may have found a new rare weapon.
- how do you get agito?
- Flamevisit?!?!?
- Which Character Should I Be?
- Tekkers
- Soul Eater
- What heppens when you hit lvl 100?
- PSO Strategy Guide....
- Backing up by e-mail?!?
- what is the best "short sword" type weapon?
- What u guys think of HUcast
- which quest is soul eater?
- pissed at sega
- New rare?
- PSO with BBA?
- Little help here...
- I am such a dumb ass!
- sup people new to the board and the game.
- rare wepon to section ids
- Spanked Dark Falz on Normal
- PC PSO Server guide site back up...
- is the server down again?
- PSO ezboard
- and then come ruins..
- Getting Soul Eater for the 2nd time...
- Hey guys I just found some rare armor!!!!
- Downloadable Quests? When?
- 3 katana books question
- Lvl. 15 FOmarl looking for honest players...
- rare weapon help
- I have a FOnewm!
- Strongest Defensive Item?
- VHard offline ending question, again.....
- Stag Cutlery
- Delsabre's Buster (ptII)
- "official" hangout?
- How do I reset my internal memory?
- Im new to this board!READ!
- nooo..... 2.6 browser
- RAcast or RAcaseal?
- Delsaber and S-beat arms...
- yo....
- Yay!
- What level to beat Dark Falz on vhard
- can your mag.....
- New Armour Type
- /rude Sega
- A Smile.
- how mag evolution works
- Requesting a VMU Save.
- Strategy Guide??
- News Posters: Plz read
- db sabers...........this is getting ridiculous!!!!!!
- What is "S-Beat's Arms"?
- What level was everyone when they beat Dark Falz offline on
- csn somebody give me a pop3 email account
- Hurry up Sega/Mr.UPSman I want my cable modem heh.
- Decided on a HUnewearl as my character
- Quick screen shot Question
- Do you think Rares are actually worth using?
- just lost second lvl 30 something character
- Discussion: Where do YOU play? Everyone's input requested.
- I have a Delsabers Buster...I need to ask if someone will sp
- All right, since no one will reply anywhere else, i guess i
- List o' shotguns
- Gideon....
- Game backup solution?
- Dodging traps
- Tip For Dragon Boss
- Anyone know how to turn Auto Disconnect off? (nt)
- Moo
- Did Sonic Team pulled another Sonic 3?
- Meeting turnout
- My thoughts on the PSO guidebook...
- Megid
- Bravice. A new rare or no?
- Photon Blast (1) ?
- PSO block hangouts? What about...
- Web browser
- How being a FOnewm affects your personality
- Soul Banisher?
- Amusing
- a question on sleep
- Black outfit and white hair on my char was the biggest mista
- Titus
- PSO question!
- demon a devil weapons
- I got a Blue Photon Claw!!!!!!!
- rare normal-weapons?
- Recent string of attacks on women ups security in Austraila!
- What is the deal with HuCasts?
- Greetings..
- Heh customer service response
- the greatest feeling in the world.......
- Boss Strategies
- Question about the Agito
- Rangers!
- Boards seemed to crash...
- Book of Katana
- Line is Busy. Check Modem Settings?
- C-Bringer's right arm and Del Sabre's right arm?
- can't use Moon atomizers?
- Fighting Dark Falz online...
- E-mail backup?
- US copy of PSO working on Japanese DC
- A heart-warming tale
- OMG It crashed and I lost 12 hours of game time...
- WHo has a photo of their PSO character?
- What the deal with RAcasts?
- Rare Weapons for a newbie
- Androids Are Messed Up!!!
- Im a Force with very low ATP. What items in the game can rai
- Books of Kitana. What do they do?
- RAcaseal != HUnewear
- Be there or be SQUARE!
- How to Player Kill/pso 2 is coming this year!
- Best place to buy PSO-USA version?
- Views on sega going third party/ no more dc?
- How To Player Kill
- I know how to PK
- player killing and banning of serial number
- Porting Character into PSO2
- English BBP Link
- how many hours have you guys logged in PSO?
- so i got a gun that steals 8% of the exp.! I love it!
- help me!
- PSO Music. Good or Bad?
- What Ship/Lobby?
- Question about AGITO
- Ranger has low atp??????
- Am I the only one who has found Hero/Ability?
- The Best Armor
- Secure trading: my updated list of trades/wants
- who hates a thief 1.2.3. thats everyone but the thiefs
- Force chat, Technique Damage, and Hybrid relations
- OK I think I hit rock bottom
- Import PSO Download Quest Compatible with US version.. weeee
- My name sucks
- Maximum Luck?
- Customizing Symbol Chat (pictures)
- Expert rangers please read and post here.
- 999999 Meseta???
- Al Rappy
- Best GUNS? anyone found a meteor smash
- SEction Id, aNyOne KnoW AboUt iT? WhaT DoeS It dO?
- Stupid theives (happy ending tho)
- will us players be able to download versus??
- To anyone in need of some spells...
- What's up everyone? (just normal chatting)
- Rares?
- PSO World Server: PUCK 9
- Trick to avoid Traps in hallways!
- ok... who has THe BEST Characcter,weapons and armor
- FOnewm: Runaway Circus Clown?
- Best place to take screen shot( pics include)
- Mag stuff
- To those who played EQ on brell. Important!
- AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! MY DC!!!!!
- The Futility of Guild Cards?
- HUcasts suck :( Thoughts?
- Ruins, how do you enter?
- Yo! Listen up!
- Rares in Normal??
- You guys were right...
- level 100 cheater? prove it!
- my story of betrayal
- How rare is PARASITE WEAR: DE ROL?
- VGA Adapter and screenshots
- Post Number 666!
- Registry editor?
- Where's the GEAR?
- Any idea where to find Mag cells?
- server down?
- Aaaarrrrggghhh
- Anyone found a PB Amplifier around here?
- SectionID - Oh tell mine is special!
- WHAT is the most common item you found and whats your level
- S-beat arms and Delsabers right arm?
- Let's make a Photographic team tonight.
- Servers
- A PSO odditiy and an observation
- i want to player kill....hear me out...
- Altering/Changing ISP Settings
- Starting 2nd Character
- Want to know the truth about the Section ID's?
- Hello fellow pso players!
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