View Full Version : Tech Support
- Nexus 4mb Card with Link Cable
- Can someone provide me a serial numeber???
- Multiple characters with a 4x card?
- i have minspring/earthlink, HELP
- Access to Online Probs...any help appreciated
- Can you use your PSO character with a different copy of the
- Numb with pain.. is there any hope..
- DC memory reset
- need help w/ support magic!!!
- Playing jap pso online
- Damn you SEGA I lost EVERYTHING!
- Earthlink ISP for DC online?
- I need help with the free isp
- Need Help...
- I might sound like an idiot saying this...
- Playing pso on one dc, then playing it on another...
- Fixing Corrupted Saves - is It Possible?
- Broadband Adapter..
- BBA Dream Passport Burning Help
- Problems with Sega's ISP Setup
- Dream Passport Configuration Settings
- Wtf Nexea? your stuff sucks
- Help with taking snapshots
- Setting up hotmail on plz
- yet another BBA post
- anyone make a back up? save
- Simple Question
- Hunter's License
- Taking pictures in PSO
- BBA and PPPoE DSL through a router, has anyone got it to wor
- Servers still down?
- BBA PPoE almost working
- I've found a "cure" for the BSOD.
- CD suicides
- Question On Connecting
- ISP Settings
- ...... now listen to this....
- ...... now listen to this....
- using Juno (mail)
- How do I reset my internal memory?
- help uploading snapshots
- are the servers down ?
- netzero problem
- Disc problems
- Screenshots
- Line is Busy. Check Modem Settings?
- US copy of PSO working on Japanese DC
- Forwarding for routers
- How to Player Kill/pso 2 is coming this year!
- english bbp link
- reset bug?
- if your game freezes
- cannot find the dreampassport english download
- Connection troubles
- Software Etc
- Have they banned picture signatures?
- One stupid problem....
- BBA questions
- cant get on PSO
- ISP help!
- 2nd ISP?
- "S-Beat's Arms" Help!
- "S-Beat's Arms" Help!
- I need some help finding a browser to download..anyone?
- cant connect to server
- Double Power VMU for char backup?
- connection problem (PLEASE READ) HELP ME PLEASE
- Can anyone out there tell me what's happenin' to my ATA?
- Problem connecting using NetZero UnEncrypted
- character backups
- Have bba, need to config it to work with PSO
- delsaber's right arm???????
- MAG question
- PSO problem
- about the serial number..
- ISP chaos
- Losing your character: Proecting Yourself
- File: Present... Character: MIA
- Offline?
- Can't use revives
- Preventing the BSoD from hurting you.
- Getting new ISP. What to do????
- Item Finding depending on your color code (Pinkal)
- playing online with out a BBA?
- Bots in offline??
- My life is RUINED!!!!
- Updated Free ISP Help Please...
- Cure for the BSOD
- What about the LSOD????
- Outgoing mail doesn't work no more.
- smal question..
- Need some help here....
- Help with english BBP and @home???
- backup for my HUcast
- VMU Reset
- Two Characters, Same Serial #?
- PSO IMG files
- I cant get online!!!!!!!!
- PSO backup with BBA?? how? english BBP?
- Need some instructions configuring my BBA for RR
- Anyone use BBA as a client and PC with sysgate as a Server?
- Excuse me please, but I beg you all
- Help I NEed HelP!!!!!
- Help me please. BBP
- Section ID's are driving me insane!!!!!!!
- How often do you get disconnected?
- Yo quierro ayudar!!! por favor
- Im an idiot
- Backing Up Character Information Here!!!
- Dupeing your character the easy way.(no e-mail required)
- Problems with Item section Screenshots...
- Question about Play PSO over Broadband without the BBA
- Rare Items/Quests
- Fix found for US PSO on Import DC and Vice Versa?
- Call me crazy, but I like the old layout better.
- Japanese Browser? I just wanna use the BBA!
- what are the chances of getting a rare Item?
- sonic mag
- dc/win me server
- power surge, i think?
- is there any way to...
- PSO on new Dreamcast
- ailed Save During RSOD - My insights of the server
- Free blade for a bba save
- dissappearing guildcard help needed
- win 2000 dreamcast server.. help
- How do I get the Frying Pan?
- If you use MSN for you PSO ISP PLEASE look here!!
- Need help with my current DC broadband situation.
- Heeeeeeeelp meeeee...
- Access codes?
- New PSO
- Line Busy Help!
- Anyone know how to...
- Can u run a DC through an ADSL connection
- Burnt DC?
- gfx flicker [NOT a 50-60hz prob..]
- Just completed on normal
- Japanese keyboards -- do they work?
- Can I play the same PSO disc on different Dreamcasts?
- Involuntary boycotting caused by anti-backup policy?
- I get disconnected for no reason...
- dose anyone know why?
- why is my charter changing colors?
- Help with free Juno (or anyother FISP)
- Help with Win98/ME Server
- My DC resets by itself...
- my heart of pian is unusable by me!
- A way around RSOD...?
- Japanese DC, U.S. PSO, Does DC-X work?
- an error message
- Can anyone help me with the Broadband Passport???
- does anyone else disappear?
- Downloadable quests?
- Any Uk PSO players help me out?
- Ah! No third PB?
- PSO World is Sloooooooww even on a Cable Modem
- What do I do with a Delsaber's right arm???
- Got Win98 server working when I got a different modem!
- Whats happening?!? Why can't I connect to the server today?!
- Dreamcast Trouble
- Can the modem be used over a PBX digital phone line?
- Can Dreamcast Magazine CD's be copied?
- trying to get my pic to work for my sig
- PSO online woes
- I have 2 DC's and 2 PSO's but...
- Delsabres Right Arm ?
- Delsabres Right Arm ?
- Needin' codes
- A Very Big Problem With PSO!!
- Starting New Character with a Sega 4x
- US PSO On Jap DC Problems
- The mighty GOD/HP...?
- Help me with downloaded quest
- ***Iventory Reset... Read, plz!***
- But my phone line IS connected!!!
- Screenshots
- eggblaster
- dc wont connect to pso or the net...
- How do I make a backup file of my charater?
- Looking for the BBA!
- lost serial number
- getting an Ip from dhcp server.when using a BBA
- Mac-dsl
- Screen shots...
- PSO Radio(HELP!!!)
- Reseting my PSO account
- BBA Help...
- Backup question!
- Who is MAXIMINA ?
- Gmae locking up...
- Nexus Card
- DST Setting
- "the line was disconnected" - wtf?
- PSO broke my DC! :-(
- PSO broke my DC! :-(
- My game locks up sometimes during load times
- BBA problems -- can't select a ship
- BBA problems -- can't select a ship
- Need some VMU advice...
- Sega Mega Memory Card (4X)
- Droping Items
- How can I recive my e-mail on my DC?
- posted this in general, can't revive fallen team mates
- Sound in City
- BBP RAR File
- my pso is fucked
- Downloadable Quest troble
- Corrupted File Solution
- Questions about downloading and burning the BBP
- Taking screenshots?
- Baka thing. ;.; Anyone want to help me?
- Server Question
- online connection problems
- browser for BBA???
- Related to Lotus's question about the memory cards
- Is There a Free ISP for The Dreamcast???
- I really want help so i can play PSO!!!
- Calling SEGA for a PSO serial number DOESN'T WORK!!! ANYONE
- How do you download a quest??????????????
- Can't Join a Ship/Block = Dupe Item in Inventory??? HLP PLZZ
- Pictures in my VMU. How can I see them?
- any gs users? i need a code
- how do you post pictures in sig?
- Any Hope???
- isp compatability
- Ack! Help! Online/Offline...
- How the hell do you kill the mines boss offline
- HELP! Looking for the US Download Quest
- Does any UK PSO players post here?
- Online ISP time
- Screenshots
- God damn you Sega Europe
- How do you kill the end level Boss\Demon\Monster
- Serious, important question...
- How can i reset my DC's internal memory?
- Worse than BSOD!
- Lavis Cannon from a downloadable quest?
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Broad Band Adaptor and PSO working!
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