View Full Version : Episode 3
Pages :
- "how do i get the trail ver!?"
- Episode III is PSO Card Battle: Pics & Info Inside
- PSO Episode 3 Trial Version Give-Away PART 2
- Episode 3 shite.
- Can Arkz fight along side with Hero's in Episode 3 trial ver
- EP3: Projected release date!
- PSO Mods are you Arkz or Hunters in ep3?
- EP3: i just got ep3 in the mail this morning.....
- Think I may Import Ep 3....
- Episode 3: Rio's face
- Did I miss something? How is everyone getting an episode 3 d
- Your reasons for not buying ep3
- Episode 3 Bad Omen
- All Episode 3 related topics should be posted in this forum
- So whats it like
- story?
- Question about Hunter's License for me if Im going to Import
- Is the trial version broad band only?
- you know what will TOTALLY wreck this game?
- Is it any good?
- How does a HL work for a JP version of PSO?
- Memory Card Limits? Trial Levels?
- Ep 3 Deck Question
- Think there are any new monsters past Del/Ill/Epsilon?
- Characters...
- Pioneer 3?
- Does your character class affect anything now?
- card sets
- PSO3 Language option
- Couple of questions.
- Man it would be so cool
- What Do You Think Of The Music?
- which HUnewearl do you like.
- Wouldn't It Be Great If It Was Real?
- Minds Eye Awaken
- Memory Card Space
- Where are US players playing ep3 online?
- Ep. 3: Online and Off?
- For those who got the trial through
- If I make a character and choose his/her side for hero can I
- To those who have played ep3
- New people
- Should i import this game?
- Hero V. Arkz balance, please.
- Sega Cup News!
- Quests
- Max lv is 999
- Question:
- Section IDs
- how much did the ep3 trial cost?
- How do you gain levels?
- This is not covered in the faqs so please answer
- EP3: Questions abouts snapshots
- some good ep3 news
- EP3: What's the point of choosing characters?
- The 4th playable Area
- Im on final of PSOCUP
- Is EPIII going to be online?
- Couple of Questions
- Official Release date?
- Interesting..
- Demo
- The character im going to chose
- Random translations
- how much blocks does the trial take on a memcard?
- Anyone worried a PSO EpI&II Ver 1.0 is gonna happen here?
- 27/11/03 Final relase
- What is this thing?
- Okay, out of the loop here...
- extra maps, enemies, random stuff
- E1 & E2+ is pointless. Unless...
- Controlling NPC's?
- PSO EP 3 Tourney?
- yo yo i want sum anserws
- Where are you? > Ep. 3 Trial Participants
- Anything new about the plot?
- Language
- PSO 3 Sign Up Info???
- General EP3
- Questions
- EP3: Couple questions about Guide
- Exploration
- EP3: Forces and spells
- EP3: Anyone know when or if this game will come out on xbox?
- question!!!
- Still online?
- question
- So confused....
- How to upload Snapshots in Ep3?
- Episode 3 Rares
- Only a Normal Mode or Hard, VH and Ult?
- episode 3 no card revolution
- And again....
- Help getting online
- Anyone know if you can still go online with the import if yo
- we have finish the tournay XD
- Free HL
- Tell your import tales
- Does the full import support.....
- Importing EP3 question
- 2 Qs
- XBox: Episode 3 on Xbox?
- JP to PAL (via usb mem chip)
- Questions
- card trading offline
- Its Official, PSO III is comin' on da XBOX
- Questions...
- ep 3 buying poll
- Server question
- Do you know what the itnitals "C.A.R.D." stand for?
- Your Ideal PSO3
- A Question
- what's it like?
- More news about PSO: Episode 3
- question is Epi 3 like pokemon tcg lol
- Card Games Suck
- A few question
- Where can I get the trial version for PSO 3???
- Some semblance to Etherlords
- wow CD extra?? :D
- HL paying methods
- Not sure if you guys notice this but
- Sonic Team presents: PSO Trilogy
- Episode III
- How do you play this?
- Language Barrier
- i hate cards!
- About when is ep 3 coming out in florida?
- PSO Ep3 Release Date
- IGN has some PSO III Info...
- Where to buy?
- new ideas
- ???when is it comeing out in US?
- Arks of Ep2?...
- Eh? Humanoids?
- anyone who has pso ep 3 trial
- Whats the last boss going to be in Ep. 3........
- Characters in Play
- Pso3 question
- Info On The 'Extra CD' Let The Winds Blow ^^
- Question, a Useless one.
- Any one Knows What the Name of this Guy is?
- Phantasy Star Online Episode 3, Hori special Memory Card 251
- Whos your Favorite Character?
- (can't think of a title)
- Sega Direct
- Is there eny think to put E3 on pc?
- Lobby Jukebox on Episode 3
- Episode 3: Memory Card
- Fee
- Keyboard questions
- What is going to be your most used hero and ark deck guy thi
- EP3: Torunament
- what ep. 3 should have been...
- boss cards
- Forgive me for asking but..
- PSO Episode 3-EU February
- card game pso
- I feel a little stupid...
- Who will buy Episode III?
- Is it going to coast anything?
- EP3: Willing to pay $40 for a Ep.3 trial disc!! Can't wait f
- noob question
- POLL: Uncle Rappy wants YOU
- EP3: About disconnecting
- I have to ask...
- Date
- usa pack
- Links to import Episode III and PSO Plus, and other Misc. st
- Question concerning cards
- Supporting what?
- I'm either going crazy, or i'm haveing card game withdrawls.
- If Episode III came out on Xbox, would you buy it?
- able to use dial-up?
- Creators Note
- questions for ppl who have played EP3
- Pic and price
- Episode III Soundtrack?
- PSO3 players guide! Pic!
- Please Answer!!!!
- Hero or Ark?
- The whaaa?
- "Wtr 2004"?
- CD 7
- Power of love !
- The inevitable...hackers, anyone?
- info check
- Episode 3 in canada????
- I just dont get it!!
- Another monthly fee for ep3?
- Where to buy EP3?
- good or bad?
- Ep.3 Japanese version
- Importer meeting place
- EP3: Just something that came in mind.
- Happy Fun Box Adaptor: Work with EpIII?
- What ever happened to PSO Trilogi?
- XBox: Date?
- PSO Episode III is shipping from
- Plz answer before this thread is moved...
- JP Ep III- -Bilingual?
- How many cards?
- News about Ep3
- Is anyone else going to buy it when it comes out for USA.
- pso episode iii card revolution (jp) is...
- Movie of ENGLISH TEXT version!!!!
- Ok Episode 3 is only in jp language, and now ???
- 69:JP/Rigel/B block 7 importer ship?
- Episode III at gigo
- Manual
- Ep III is NOT in English ONLY Japanese (and thats final)
- Question about and my import
- AR code for Episode 3 in English
- Episode III note
- EP3: Chatting in Epi3?
- does it matter??/
- English translation CODES on the way!!!!
- do you need a new HL???
- EP3 US Release Date?!?
- first rare enemy card...
- Epi 3 Import HL guide without Epi 1 & 2 hl
- error 127???
- How do I get online with EpIII (I have Ver 1.1)
- Translucent red weapons?
- After i make a hl with ep3...
- Question about EP3
- So how many of you importers are enjoying this game
- Finding cards
- For those online.....what..........
- A online ?
- Levels and Bosses
- Getting online with Dial up
- Can you use a Visa Buxx card to buy the Hunter's License?
- I know there has been a topic on this but.
- EP 1&2 on PAL card.
- Ep.3 Serial, Help
- Video thread (Updated 3/16) (Now using an HTTP server)
- In Game Pictures for PSO Ep.III
- Bonus cards
- Card database
- Hori Memory Card details
- card lobbies
- Ok, just where is everyone?
- Just got my copy of EP III...
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