View Full Version : PSU General
- Phantasy Star Universe
- Quest: Phantasy Star Universe
- PSU out in USA next spring in 06?
- Importing psu?
- psu monthly payments
- PSU E3 Pictures and Movies
- PSU Names
- XBox: Xbox 360 PSOU! IT happen!
- PSU: Release date?
- How similar to PSO do you think PSU will be?
- PC: This may be old PSU news, but I havent heard it yet... (
- PC: Phantasy Star Universe
- how much will pso universe costs monthly online?
- PSU Forum Officially Launched!
- Note on New Topics
- The PSU Screenshot topic
- Is it just me or do you guys notice this?
- PSU Articles (Translators wanted)
- Battle: psuniverse
- PSU for Revolution?
- Which are you planning to play?
- General things you need to know.
- So what do we know for sure about the game?
- so many choices... {character thread}
- section ID
- Any word on Section ID presence in PSU?
- PSU Artist?
- PSU web site updated
- PSU....not on the Gamecube?!?!?
- What if...
- New trailer
- Is it just me, or do the outfits in PSU seem to have a JSRF-
- I understand SEGA/Sonic Team's stance on PSU.. but why not G
- Linked, or not?
- Dial-up Support for PS2?
- We're all probably thinking about how we'll make our first c
- Similarities to .hack and other ideas...
- PSU official page updated...
- PSO Universe
- What Are You Afraid Of?
- PSU Trailer from the official website.
- Weekly official page update
- Contribute PSU Related News to the Front Page and you might
- PSU tech types
- Does sonicteam care for it fans equally.
- Im cunfused about the controlls...
- Think writing to Famitsu may make a difference
- Real screen shots?
- Sega america PSU clip
- PSU multiplatform?
- What Systems???
- What Kinds Of Weapons???
- multiplayer online...
- Multiplayer Offline???
- possible PSO PSU connection?
- PSU offline for PC?
- That's weird...
- PSU sequel...
- Will the PS2 and PC have a simutanious release date?
- Character page update
- Is there an official release date for PSU..?
- Another Stupid Question
- Karen :o
- New Weapon Information...
- The truth about the release date...Is Its coming out First q
- Rare Weapons List
- This weeks update...
- A Bad Sign? or Who is the Culprit?
- Lets get a translation on these new famitsu pages
- With the new weapon info something comes to mind.....
- offline
- Xbox?
- new IGN article
- Looks like PSU will also have a very complex font.
- Actually, I think PSU should also have text chat.
- Leveling Up Character Stats
- Update in PSU official website
- Gameinformer article
- You do not have to beat Offline in order to play Online.
- New release dates revealed for PSU?
- Beef with server side saving-can they incorporate client sid
- PSU Baddies.
- You've probably already seen these E3 vids.
- Is psoquest coming back for PSU?
- PC: Transfering characters
- I think I'll play through the old PS games.
- Which one will you buy?
- Friday update in PSU
- Linked Servers?
- New Famitsu Scans !
- About those personal screenshots
- A new update in PSU!
- Stupid Question
- PSU IGN Interview
- Character / User Name
- Concerns about PSU
- Regarding online play.
- Character Creation Selection
- PSU Video Interview @ Gamespot
- Do you suppose they'll fit the seasonal changes in PSU?
- features you wanna see
- What was updated on PSU official? It says it was updated on
- Right Now PSU JP official has updates for the 16th.
- Will Beast/Hume/Newman each have seperate set of costumes?
- Another TGS video.
- Sonic Team reveals PSU's party limit.
- What about offline?
- Character Classes
- Played PSU at TGS - my thoughts...
- Who let the mogs out?
- The past and future
- Anyone been to lately?
- PSU in general
- Complete TGS 2005 Demo
- Does anyone get V Jump magazine
- The Evolution of Symbol Chat - For the worse?
- new update
- I bet the last unknown character on is....
- What class will you be?
- I was speculating about race abilities...
- Can anyone capture this video?
- Cursed with SectionIDs?
- You can target monster's weak points in first person shootin
- JPN Version: Lost in translation?
- Beast Age Slowed
- PSO-World Wants You!
- PSU.COM Update: Sept. 30: Partner Machinery
- PSU on N Revolution - Scary...
- comeback
- Are we going to have to wait a little longer?
- Oct. 07, Another update on
- I can't helping theorizing...
- A ridiculous but delicious idea, IMHO
- Do you think your computer will be able to handle PSU?
- Somebody already pre-ordered?
- Will there or has there already been Beta?
- Console Vote
- An interesting thing in the TGS network video...
- Where are all the high rez stuff?
- PS2 Internet connection question
- Nostalgia-teams from the old days?
- Magicbox: PSU release on 12/29
- A planet to call home...
- PSU and thos darn humans
- Do you have to have PS2 net?
- Another small update, Oct 14: C.O.G.
- Team System in PSU?
- I doubt I have any new info, but I went to the convention in
- My impressions of teh game hands on
- team attacks?
- Import?
- psu and xbox
- PSU playable demo movie from Digital Life
- Availibity of Progressive Scan in the PS2 version
- Read this before asking a question about the consoles.
- What do YOU think of apartments?
- Rare Monsters? ou ne pas?
- PSU controlls
- A possible release date...
- I wonder...
- This week's update.. (New character screenshots)
- Woah, I made the front page!!!
- New scans from Shonen Jump
- Requirements?
- Guns?
- Monthly Fee?
- Offline Play?
- Are their pictures of the online characters?
- PSU In final stage of developement
- PC keys?
- PS2 net hardware
- Did Sonic Team model Ethan from this guy???
- What online character would you like to be?
- offline vs online
- costume choices
- An awsome idea.
- PSU rings (bracelet)
- Partner Machinery (Update)
- English site?
- Character name (HELP!!!)
- PSU: Official website updated (28th of October)
- PSU Europe?
- offical site updated (again.... oct 28)
- Linked Servers??? (again)
- Contact Customer Support
- Player Controlled Vehicles
- Magashi
- Questions Changing by the second....
- A Theory on Melee and Techs
- PSU news channel
- an interesting thought...
- PSU and it's changes online over time.
- Beast Pictures
- link techs to photon arts
- New interview
- PSU and age?
- an Idea for ST
- Where pre-order JP PC Version of PSU ?
- Attack animation...
- Ethan's Outfit
- the Greatest
- How come no HDD for PS2?
- Cut-In Chat
- Translation of the "world" portion of the website
- This week's update.. (More screens / play PSU in Japanland)
- Clans...
- Create A Char Offline...
- rec. lobby
- Online Mode
- Expectations
- Is this new old news?
- One thing you could change?
- PS2 version price?
- PSO vs. PSU difficulty
- This months EGM
- what one do you guys think will be better
- says...
- Bad news regarding cheating.
- I need all the online play videos for PSU
- This week's update.. [ New "World" movie / Grinding / "Acti
- Barriers/Shields?
- Some points, Ideas, and explanations *warning, ALOT of readi
- english
- A delightul, odd idea.
- Whats the point?
- Your Char's Name...And Title?
- what do you think about the new weapons?
- Do you think my computer will run PSU?
- Bleach characters
- This week's update.. [ New 'Battle' Movie! / PSU a success a
- No PSU offline multiplay/2 players! (a concern )
- This game can't be compared to PSO anymore...
- Is there a TP bar?
- hairstyles
- A Devil Forgemaster Weighs In
- PSU music
- PC/PS2 play together?
- PC or PS2? which will you play?
- PSU release date announced (Japan)
- Two new Famitsu scans
- No Translations Required! (new old scans)
- New Videos (5 posts down)
- How do I order this online(JP version)
- Phantasy Star Online symbol....
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