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  1. Phantasy Star Universe
  2. Quest: Phantasy Star Universe
  3. PSU out in USA next spring in 06?
  4. Importing psu?
  5. psu monthly payments
  6. PSU E3 Pictures and Movies
  7. PSU Names
  9. XBox: Xbox 360 PSOU! IT happen!
  10. DS PSU?
  11. PSU: Release date?
  12. How similar to PSO do you think PSU will be?
  13. PC: This may be old PSU news, but I havent heard it yet... (
  14. PC: Phantasy Star Universe
  16. PSU and ROBOTS?
  17. how much will pso universe costs monthly online?
  18. PSU Forum Officially Launched!
  19. Note on New Topics
  20. The PSU Screenshot topic
  21. Is it just me or do you guys notice this?
  22. PSU Articles (Translators wanted)
  23. Battle: psuniverse
  24. PSU for Revolution?
  25. Which are you planning to play?
  26. General things you need to know.
  27. So what do we know for sure about the game?
  28. so many choices... {character thread}
  29. section ID
  30. Any word on Section ID presence in PSU?
  31. PSU Artist?
  32. PSU web site updated
  33. PSU....not on the Gamecube?!?!?
  34. What if...
  35. New trailer
  36. Is it just me, or do the outfits in PSU seem to have a JSRF-
  37. I understand SEGA/Sonic Team's stance on PSU.. but why not G
  38. Linked, or not?
  39. Dial-up Support for PS2?
  40. We're all probably thinking about how we'll make our first c
  41. Similarities to .hack and other ideas...
  42. PSU official page updated...
  43. PSO Universe
  44. What Are You Afraid Of?
  45. PSU Trailer from the official website.
  46. Weekly official page update
  47. Contribute PSU Related News to the Front Page and you might
  48. PSU tech types
  49. Does sonicteam care for it fans equally.
  50. Im cunfused about the controlls...
  51. Think writing to Famitsu may make a difference
  52. Real screen shots?
  53. Sega america PSU clip
  54. PSU multiplatform?
  55. What Systems???
  56. What Kinds Of Weapons???
  57. multiplayer online...
  58. Multiplayer Offline???
  59. possible PSO PSU connection?
  60. PSU offline for PC?
  61. That's weird...
  62. PSU sequel...
  63. Will the PS2 and PC have a simutanious release date?
  64. Character page update
  65. Is there an official release date for PSU..?
  66. Another Stupid Question
  67. Karen :o
  68. New Weapon Information...
  69. The truth about the release date...Is Its coming out First q
  70. Rare Weapons List
  71. This weeks update...
  72. A Bad Sign? or Who is the Culprit?
  73. Lets get a translation on these new famitsu pages
  74. With the new weapon info something comes to mind.....
  75. offline
  76. Xbox?
  77. new IGN article
  78. Looks like PSU will also have a very complex font.
  79. Actually, I think PSU should also have text chat.
  80. Leveling Up Character Stats
  81. Update in PSU official website
  82. Gameinformer article
  83. You do not have to beat Offline in order to play Online.
  84. New release dates revealed for PSU?
  85. Beef with server side saving-can they incorporate client sid
  86. PSU Baddies.
  87. You've probably already seen these E3 vids.
  88. Is psoquest coming back for PSU?
  89. PC: Transfering characters
  90. I think I'll play through the old PS games.
  91. Which one will you buy?
  92. Friday update in PSU
  93. Linked Servers?
  94. New Famitsu Scans !
  95. About those personal screenshots
  96. A new update in PSU!
  97. Stupid Question
  98. PSU IGN Interview
  99. Character / User Name
  100. Concerns about PSU
  101. Regarding online play.
  102. Character Creation Selection
  103. PSU Video Interview @ Gamespot
  104. Do you suppose they'll fit the seasonal changes in PSU?
  105. features you wanna see
  106. What was updated on PSU official? It says it was updated on
  107. Right Now PSU JP official has updates for the 16th.
  108. Will Beast/Hume/Newman each have seperate set of costumes?
  109. Another TGS video.
  110. Sonic Team reveals PSU's party limit.
  111. What about offline?
  112. Character Classes
  113. Played PSU at TGS - my thoughts...
  114. Who let the mogs out?
  115. The past and future
  116. Anyone been to gametrailers.com lately?
  117. PSU in general
  118. Complete TGS 2005 Demo
  119. Does anyone get V Jump magazine
  120. The Evolution of Symbol Chat - For the worse?
  121. new friday...new update
  122. I bet the last unknown character on psu.com is....
  123. What class will you be?
  124. I was speculating about race abilities...
  125. Can anyone capture this video?
  126. Cursed with SectionIDs?
  127. You can target monster's weak points in first person shootin
  128. JPN Version: Lost in translation?
  129. Beast Age Slowed
  130. PSO-World Wants You!
  131. PSU.COM Update: Sept. 30: Partner Machinery
  132. PSU on N Revolution - Scary...
  133. comeback
  134. Are we going to have to wait a little longer?
  135. Oct. 07, Another update on psu.com
  136. I can't helping theorizing...
  137. A ridiculous but delicious idea, IMHO
  138. Do you think your computer will be able to handle PSU?
  139. Somebody already pre-ordered?
  140. Will there or has there already been Beta?
  141. Console Vote
  142. An interesting thing in the TGS network video...
  143. Where are all the high rez stuff?
  144. PS2 Internet connection question
  145. Nostalgia-teams from the old days?
  146. Magicbox: PSU release on 12/29
  147. A planet to call home...
  148. PSU and thos darn humans
  149. Do you have to have PS2 net?
  150. Another small update, Oct 14: C.O.G.
  151. Team System in PSU?
  152. I doubt I have any new info, but I went to the convention in
  153. My impressions of teh game hands on
  154. team attacks?
  155. Import?
  156. psu and xbox
  157. PSU playable demo movie from Digital Life
  158. Availibity of Progressive Scan in the PS2 version
  159. Read this before asking a question about the consoles.
  160. What do YOU think of apartments?
  161. Rare Monsters? ou ne pas?
  162. PSU controlls
  163. A possible release date...
  164. I wonder...
  165. This week's update.. (New character screenshots)
  166. Woah, I made the front page!!!
  167. New scans from Shonen Jump
  168. Requirements?
  169. Guns?
  170. Monthly Fee?
  171. Offline Play?
  172. Are their pictures of the online characters?
  173. PSU In final stage of developement
  174. PC keys?
  175. PS2 net hardware
  176. Did Sonic Team model Ethan from this guy???
  177. What online character would you like to be?
  178. offline vs online
  179. costume choices
  180. An awsome idea.
  181. PSU rings (bracelet)
  182. Partner Machinery (Update)
  183. English site?
  184. Character name (HELP!!!)
  185. PSU: Official website updated (28th of October)
  186. PSU Europe?
  187. offical site updated (again.... oct 28)
  188. Linked Servers??? (again)
  189. Contact Customer Support
  190. Player Controlled Vehicles
  191. Magashi
  192. Questions Changing by the second....
  193. A Theory on Melee and Techs
  194. PSU news channel
  195. an interesting thought...
  196. PSU and it's changes online over time.
  197. Beast Pictures
  198. link techs to photon arts
  199. New interview
  200. PSU and age?
  201. an Idea for ST
  202. Where pre-order JP PC Version of PSU ?
  203. Attack animation...
  204. Ethan's Outfit
  205. the Greatest
  206. How come no HDD for PS2?
  207. Cut-In Chat
  208. Translation of the "world" portion of the website
  209. This week's update.. (More screens / play PSU in Japanland)
  210. Clans...
  211. Create A Char Offline...
  212. rec. lobby
  213. Online Mode
  214. Expectations
  215. Is this new old news?
  216. One thing you could change?
  217. PS2 version price?
  218. PSO vs. PSU difficulty
  219. This months EGM
  220. what one do you guys think will be better
  221. the-magicbox.com says...
  222. WHAT?! AN FPS MODE?
  223. Bad news regarding cheating.
  224. I need all the online play videos for PSU
  225. This week's update.. [ New "World" movie / Grinding / "Acti
  226. Barriers/Shields?
  227. Some points, Ideas, and explanations *warning, ALOT of readi
  228. english
  229. A delightul, odd idea.
  230. Whats the point?
  231. Your Char's Name...And Title?
  232. what do you think about the new weapons?
  233. Do you think my computer will run PSU?
  234. Bleach characters
  235. This week's update.. [ New 'Battle' Movie! / PSU a success a
  236. No PSU offline multiplay/2 players! (a concern )
  237. This game can't be compared to PSO anymore...
  238. Is there a TP bar?
  239. hairstyles
  240. A Devil Forgemaster Weighs In
  241. PSU music
  242. PC/PS2 play together?
  243. PC or PS2? which will you play?
  244. PSU release date announced (Japan)
  245. Two new Famitsu scans
  246. No Translations Required! (new old scans)
  247. New Videos (5 posts down)
  248. NEW VIDEOS!
  249. How do I order this online(JP version)
  250. Phantasy Star Online symbol....