- Newmans
- Old School Phantasy Star poll
- Retro PS-players, PLZ HELP!
- New PSO game
- Phantasy Star Collection: Old School is freakin hard!
- The old Phantasy Star people - Shir
- PSC Guide
- I miss ALGO!
- Phatasy Star Movie
- Whats your favorite classic Phantasy Star
- About the PS storyline...
- Phantasy Star On cell phone.
- Original Phantasy Star Remake
- Phantasy Star for PS2? How about No, Reasons why it will be
- PSM...It's coming
- Anybody enjoying the Classic Phantasy Stars?
- Phantasy Star 5 hours 40 minutes
- What inspired your love of Phantasy Star?
- So what is Odin's name translated in the Japanese version of
- Sega Girls - figurine line(PSII Nei and Red Ring Rico)
- Native Motavians - Height & Weight
- The Phantasy Star Discussion Thread
- Ebay: Another Phantasy Star book
- Phantasy Star IV: Macro List
- Phantasy Star and the Genesis.
- Whens this game coming out
- What is Pso 4?
- Just got PS collection
- Phantasy Star Series Compilation Announced.
- PSI,II,III,IV REMAKES collection announced for PS2! Sega Ag
- Who was thinking of PSIV when... (some PSU spoilers, maybe)
- So, about pre-PSO phantasy stars...
- Welcome to Phantasy Star Classic General
- The Story
- Rutsu = Lutz
- Which one to try?
- How hopeful are you that (at least) Phantasy Star Generation
- The old PS titles
- PS IV Ending (long gif)
- The Compendium of PS Theories (chpt 1-8)
- GBA PS Compilation
- Phantasy star generation 2 Nei revival question
- Who would like to see Espers come back as a 'Race'?
- AGAIN???!!!!!(spoilers)
- Is there anything about the Phantasy Star series I should kn
- PSI-II-III-IV remakes all at once this Summer!! O_O ^_^
- Is Algol-Star-System.net down?
- Would you watch a "Phantasy Star" Anime?
- Could the Beast race have originated in Phantasy Star 3?
- I would like to see picture of everybody PS Collection :)
- GBA software mod... Anyone know how to...?
- We are losing valuable information! What should we do?
- So, I've been playing PSII lately...
- Sega Ages Phantasy Star: Generation 1...
- You know what would be neat?
- Phantasy Star 3
- Emulation, PSO-World and You
- How sad -_-
- picture of a traditional Phantasy Star RPG that was never re
- Your Favorite classico phantasy star games
- Three new classic PSIV fics for the price of one!
- PS Cave gets a random update after 3 years
- Generation:1&2 Artwork
- PS Tabletop Game?
- Help for Generation:1
- Phantasy Star III, Attack Book?
- Online: I'm about to make a PS fangame...
- Phantasy Star V - Fan Game
- PS Memorial Drama CD Translation FINISHED
- Phantasy Star Generation 1 and 2 videos!
- Phantasy Star storyline
- Phantasy Star 2 question
- Conversations Within Elsydeon
- PSU Formalwear and Formal Dress
- Nekomimi completed PSG1 and PSG2 videos!
- PS 1 Ending Movie
- Phantasy Star II to Virtual Console
- What do all the Phantasy Star 2 techs do?
- nice lady records Phantasy Star III youtube videos!
- SEGA AGES 2500 Vol 32 Phantasy Star Complete Collection
- So I just got collection, and...
- The classic
- Nei :3
- 1UP Celebrates 20 Years of Phantasy Star
- PSII ON Wii! :D
- Should I buy it....
- PS4 prototype/early translation
- Epic PSYCO-WAND get*****
- Phantasy Star Collection (Saturn)
- If Climatrol had nuts, I would punch it in them
- The fall of the Newman race
- DS Phantasy Star?
- PSIII on Virtual Console
- PS2: WTF Good is Armor in this game?
- PSO =/= Old School Phantasy Star
- PS2's Fanbites
- Are there any theories floating around that attempts to bridge PSO with...
- Some words from Bo and Ippo (from PS 1st Series Complete Album)
- i need help with Phantasy star IV
- Stuck in PS Generation 2
- Ideas for Petitions
- Looking for LAUGHTER
- Why do we love Nei?
- erase.
- Why did they abandon wind in the later games?
- what programming was used to make PSIV?
- PSIV: Lashiec makes me RAAAAAAAAAGE!
- PSIV is on Virtual Console!!!
- Phantasy Star II: Text Adventures?
- Trying to decide... Sega Ages Collection
- ''The Making of Phantasy Star IV' (EGM, 1993)
- GamePro March 1990 3-page ProView Article on Phantasy Star II
- Everything I could find on the unreleased / canceled PSIV: The Return of Alis
- Mega Drive collection. what about remakes?
- What was Phantasy Star 3 like?
- Phantasy star Gaiden
- Phantasy Star II on XBLA
- Phantasy Star - Virtual Console
- PSIV insta-kill monster
- ShinB / Greensleeves
- Odd
- (Off the air) Having some fun on ustream...
- The Collection Of Rappy ^^
- PSIV Save request
- Anywhere I can catch up on phantasy star lore up to it's current point?
- Make a list of your ps experience.
- Phantasy Star Gaiden
- Wow, PSI is... Brutal.
- Segagaga
- Phantasy Star IV Fanbook site down!?
- Finally!
- Request: PS4 Remake Online Petition
- PS II vs. PS IV
- Test your knowledge
- PSI: What Weapon For Odin?
- PS on iDevice
- PSI: Governor's Mansion Boss?
- So Pretty
- PSII - Hidden Ending?
- Phantasy Star I, II, & IV - Q&A
- Phantasy Star Collection (GBA) worth it?
- Who was you favorite PS character
- PS3, What pulled you in?
- PSI's story: am I missing something? (contains spoilers)
- For All Who Love the Classic Titles
- Retrospective
- New addition to my collection. Details on rare Phantasy Star merchandises!
- Favorite Monster From I, II, & IV
- Game combining all characters
- PSI and PSIV selected by The Smithsonian
- What was playing PSI for the first time like for you?
- Where Are The Classic Members Going?
- Most Emotional Moment in Gaming History
- Phantasy Star Parody Comic
- Important, PSO episode 1&2 xbox DLC needed.
- Question on Gryz
- PSG1 guide, for non-japanese players
- If I must pick one......
- Which of these would you rather have on 3DS/Vita?
- Stuck on DEZO
- Stealing with Shir- PS II
- Phantasy Star remix albums
- Phantasy Star Mods/hacks
- Phantasy Star II, III, and IV now on Steam!
- Possible "Love Child" Theory
- Connection between Wren from PSIII and PSIV?
- Nagisa and ____ similarities...? (Spoilers for Infinity and PSIV)
- Phantasy Star 1 in Minecraft
- For the first time ever.... (SPOILERS)
- Walktrough Phantasy Star: Generation 2?
- Phantasy Star II Saving?
- Phantasy Star Generation 1 Translation Completed!
- Official Petition to include Alisa Landale in S&ASRT
- Phantasy Star Collection purchased....
- RPGFan Music Podcast-- Phantasy Star episode!
- Dezoris Night: PS I Dezoris overworld piano arrangement.
- Just Helping out (phantasy star 2 stream)
- How everyone feel about Phantays Star Gaiden?
- Phantasy Star 3 Problem
- Any chance we'll finally get PS4 on the iPhone/iPad?
- I had a thought about PSI
- Still need to play PS Generation 1 & 2?
- PS5 - Guardians of Algo
- That's how PS5 combat system should be
- Buying the Classics
- PSG2 Nei Reive Save file or state
- Phantasy Star Let's Play
- Steam's Megadrive emulator now with workshop for romhacks
- Let's Play Phantasy Star 4
- Let's Play Phantasy Star 4
- Phantasy Star Adventure Let's Play
- New english Classic PS Cosplay Artbook with Developer Interviews
- How do I save locally in PS2 Sega Forever on Android?
- Which PS game to start with?
- PS4 Fananime
- Fan project "Phantasy Star... Twenty years past"
- Not considered sequels
- Phantasy Star 30th Anniversary.
- Is Phantasy Star not meant to be played for the Story?
- An introduction and gushing about SEGA AGES Phantasy Star (Switch)!
- Can anyone give me the 3 sizes of the Mark III Phantasy Star box?
- Phantasy Star Gen 2: Clear Game Quest (Spoilers)
- Phantasy Star II - New translation
- Phantasy Star II Revival (Using GODOT)
- Phantasy Star II - Restoration Track Reimagined (Tremendouz)
- I added Nei from Phantasy Star II into Death String
- did BO ever state that the band Y.M.O. was an influence on his VGM composition?
- Is it known what Claw in PSIV corresponds to Rika's Claw in PSO?
- imaginining a 2D Online&Offline Co-Op Turn-based JRPG sequel to PSIV
- V.G.M. Cover-Versions on Bandcamp