- PSU-XBox 360: buying list
- AotI-XBox 360: Shigga Barec for sale
- AotI-XBox 360: PC>42% dark carriguine-rucar 9/9
- AotI-XBox 360: Looking For Paradi Cataract
- AotI-XBox 360: Selling/Trading list
- AotI-XBox 360: S> Fifty% Crimson cheap LOWERED
- AotI-XBox 360: Trading Meseta/items for WoW gold
- AotI-XBox 360:selling solid/knight
- AotI-XBox 360: Trading Bulletdance[B] for Rikauteri[B]
- AotI-XBox 360: Selling Twin Tornado/Rikauteric
- AotI-XBox 360: B/T> Shinowa line
- PSU-XBox 360: selling 50% earth rucar!
- AotI-XBox 360: Buying 50%crea doubles and 50% bil de axe
- AotI-XBox 360: Trade List.
- AotI-XBox 360: s>cati bullet
- AotI-XBox 360: S> 30% Ice 2/10 Blackheart
- PSU-XBox 360: Psycho Wand 3/10
- AotI-XBox 360: want to buy castest line neutral
- AotI-XBox 360: 2 shigga barets
- AotI-XBox 360: Looking for Rikauteri 0/10
- AotI-XBox 360: trade list
- x-box360-Rucar.
- AotI-XBox 360: Chao Rod 4 Sale 7/7
- [b]AotI-XBox 360: [/b] :Want: Serafi-Senba
- AotI-XBox 360: buying agito repca
- AotI-XBox 360: Trading paradi and preta
- AotI 360- Carriguine-Rucar, Light Element, for sale
- PSU-XBox 360: buying package deal 2x tesbras 8/8 or better
- AotI-XBox 360: Buying a Muktengek 42%
- Buying Storm Lines Xbox360
- AotI-XBox 360: Twin Tornado
- AotI-XBox 360: S/ 42% fire blackheart 3/10
- AotI-XBox 360: WTB: Serafi-Senba
- AOI XBOX360 SERVER ONLY: My stuff for trade/sale HUGE List i
- AotI-XBox 360 selling cubo musrana 7/7
- AotI-XBox 360: A> Psycho Wand 7/7
- AoIT-Xbox360 - Buying twin db's
- PSU-XBox 360: done thanks
- AotI-XBox 360: WTB Love Inferno. Possibly.
- AotI-XBox 360: S>Rattlesnake
- AotI-XBox 360: *SOLD* Selling Serafi-senba
- AotI-XBox 360: Looking For A Blackheart
- PSU-XBox 360: gaozoran rod 6/6 in shop for sale
- AotI-XBox 360: Selling 28% 6/6 Ice Crea Doubles
- AotI-XBox 360: buying agito repca
- AotI-XBox 360: Gaozoran Rod [Biomaterial]
- AotI-XBox 360: Selling Kan Yu 26% Dark 6/9
- AotI-XBox 360: S>Psycho wand 7/7
- AotI-XBox 360: S>Agito Repca
- AotI-XBox 360: Trade list
- T [B] Tyrant Spadac for your [B] Apocalypsic
- Price Check 26% Light Carriguine-rucar
- selling or tradeing 9/9 42% grand cross aotl
- S Serafi-Senba 32% Fire, Castest Line 24% Fire
- B Gur Asted
- WTB 10/10 Sonichi
- S Selling Crea Doubles 30% Lightning 2/10
- trading for 0/10s
- WTB Agito Repca
- WTB Deva-zashi
- T Trading Walnas
- S Chao Staffs
- WTB Rattlesnake
- S Kanyu 50%/Agito Repca
- 4/10 Hyper Viper
- [b] castest Line
- WTB Agito Repca
- T My mesta/items, your WoW gold
- 5/8 pushan on sale
- S Twin Bearclaw 24% light 2/10
- WTB Light Repca
- Rabol Cuesta
- Selling Rattlesnake 8/10
- Sellin Shigga Baret 7/8
- Trading / Selling
- Price Check Pushan 10/10
- S Two good Bil De Axes
- 42% dark Gudda Hon
- S Crea Dubz
- Price Check Crea dubz 46% ice 2/9
- Price Check Buccaneer 46% Dark
- Big Sale All Must Go Psycho wand 6/6X2!
- Agito Repca
- [b] Serafi-Senba
- sell/trade list
- S Kan yu 32% dark 0/10
- Selling or Trading
- S price cheak and selling light 5/10 carriguine rucar
- WTB Cati / Bullet PP Save
- S Gaozoran Rods (Weapons)
- S closed
- Selling Stuff. And buying Agito Repca
- S Selling List
- S *Sold out*
- psyho wand [b] rikauteri 7/7
- sellin / tradein / takin offers
- Selling Buccaneer(s)
- Buying Serafi-Senba (Light%)
- Selling Aura Field/Twin DB sabers
- S Selling Agito Repca
- Buying the following
- Selling psycho wand board 15 mil blowout sale
- Selling/trading carriguine-rucar 6/10 28% ice
- S psyho wand 6/6
- T My WoW gold for PSU cash!
- P wand 0/10
- S Armor Serafi-senba and storm lines
- Kubiri-hiken 50%
- Double agito 46% 0/10
- S > 46% Dark Huge Cutter
- 46% orpa-senba (lightning)
- selling 160+million meseta
- Buying Grand Cross!
- S Selling Agito Repca
- selling blackheart
- S Muktengek and grand cross
- Repca 6/6 Kan Yu 8/10
- Price Check not so great agito repca
- Price Check 4/9 Gaozoran rod
- Trading "Agito Repca"
- 10/10 Tesbra 10/10 Kazarod
- Selling Psycho Wand 6/6
- Lookin To Buy 46% Light "Rucar".
- Searching for [B] Ryo-Crenata Synthesis Board
- Double Agito 8/8 32% Ice
- S Gudda Skela 46% 0/10
- 8/8 and 9/9 Psycho Wands
- S blackheart aura
- S Agito Repca 20% Dark 0/10
- S 46% Ground Gizaha-zashi 0/10
- WTB Rattlesnac 10/10!!!
- selling 4/4 Gao rod
- S Dagger of Serafi
- Selling Carriuine-Rucar 30%
- B Cati/skill pp save
- Price Check Dagger of serafi
- Buying psycho wand 0/7 or above
- B Double Agito
- WTB 2 dbl agitos
- selling 50%
- Selling 42% Dark(obviously) Dulk-senba
- B Crea DUBZ!!!
- Selling Psycho Wand 7/7
- 50% Double Agito
- Trading/selling 46% ground rucar
- S Red / Force
- B 8/8 or 9/9 psycho
- "10/10 Van Brella"
- Sell/Trade list
- S baret
- S psycho wand 6/6
- Van Brella 10/10!!!
- S Selling List
- WTB Serafi-senba
- S 7/7 psycho and 6/6 gaozoran
- Selling Psycho Wands tesbra and Gaozoran Rod
- Blackbullic 9/9 Taking offers
- Shigga Barec "9/9"
- FOgunner
- Buying Beetle
- S Carriguine-rucar 46%
- Price Check low psycho wand
- RattleSnac '9/9" Offers
- Solved
- trading Gur Bazga 10/10
- want to buy Desta (10)
- B Crea doubles or sweet death 50%
- Psycho Wands Gaozoran Rod and Tesbras
- T Huge Trade List S ranks and more!!!
- Price Check Carriguine-rucar
- B Lookin for 9/9 0r 10/10 Barec
- S Grand Cross
- S Carrigunie-rucar
- S Song For Death
- B Dark Mugunruk
- S 46% Light Double Agito
- Mugunruk 50% Dark 5/10
- Possibly selling agito repca
- Taking offers on Twin Bearclaw 38% Ground 3/10 & Gudda Hon 34% Ground 8/8
- Price Check crimsic 38% ground
- S 50% 10/10 nightwalkers and 10/10 rubys
- S double agito
- S carriguine-rucarr
- S crimsic
- Trade/sell list
- S Meteor Cannon
- all up for sale or trade
- 50% 10/10 Buccaneer's
- S Sonichi 10/10
- WTB :lightning:bil de axe 20%+x/10
- WTB 10/10 Nightwlaker 38% dark
- Selling Svaltus Sword
- S Blackheart 5/10
- S ank bico and shigga baret
- B Hirokteri
- S 99mill
- B Microsoft points
- Buying Psycho Wand
- Sellin Kazarod 5/5 And Gaozoran 3/3
- T Storm Line Exchange
- Selling Crossbows 0/10
- S Ank Butic
- S Double sabers
- Looking for Ryo-creasabra w/ 20% or more light
- T -Close-
- S Shigga Baret and Twin Tornado
- Price Check Double Agito
- sell list
- FighGunner Sale
- S Closed
- T mika sell/trade list
- S gudda iggac [B]
- Agito Repca 8/8+ 30% +
- S Agito repca
- B Psycho Wand!!![b] or wep
- 42% Carriguine-rucar
- B High % Crea Doubles
- S Double Agitos, Crea Doubles
- 42% ice De-colt line
- T 4/4 psycho an 10mill?
- S small sale
- WTB Looking for no ele
- S Storm Line And Others
- S Twin Tornado 7/7
- Rattlesnake 0-10
- S XBOX 360;S/T>28% Lightning Twin Kitty Claws
- Big Sale!
- Claw Sale
- S selling 3 good soda ribans
- S Tesbra 7/7
- S Gaozoran rod Biomaterial - AOTI
- S bearclaws
- S rattlesnake 7/7
- Light Storm Lines
- S Xbox 360- 46% Dark Bearclaws 0/10
- S 3 Blackbulls 9/9
- 46% ice crea doubles
- sold
- Rattlesnake 4/4, 21m cheapest on xbox SOLD