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  1. Phantasy Star Zero DS - With Wifi Multiplay
  2. Some New Screenshots
  3. New Nintendo DS Rumors
  4. October 1st Famitsu Scans
  5. Zero Trailer Released
  6. Class You Will First Be.
  7. Welcome to the Phantasy Star Zero Forum
  8. Is This Gonna Be Hackable Online?
  9. Weapon Types of PSU in PS0
  10. was that a GIBBLES?!!?!!?!
  11. DSi for your PSZ!? ^.^
  12. Can we expect a UK/US release?
  13. For those who hate the cutesy artstyle.
  14. Lobbys?
  15. What will your Pictochat shortcuts be?
  16. proportion control?
  17. PS0 capsule figures coming in February (JP)
  18. PS0 Tokyo Game Show 2008 News and Updates
  19. Will the game be limited in size and lack depth?
  20. Do you think the male/female classes will have the same/similar stats?
  21. Pay to Play?
  22. Lack of Comunication
  23. Anyone has any major info in the controls?
  24. TGS impressions
  25. Photon Arts and Techs
  26. A question about Dungeons.
  27. Will you import or wait
  28. So what's up? I don't see a male magic user on the list
  29. The big list of stuff thats definitely in PSZ
  30. Is anyone picking up PSO again?
  31. wireless but no actual online
  32. PSZ Expansions?
  33. Is it true?
  34. Two Videos of Good Gameplay
  35. PS0 or PSZ, which one should be used and why?
  36. PS0 or PSZ?
  37. JP Official Website
  38. pszero online?
  39. Region Interconnectivity
  40. So what weapon do you want to see the most in PS0?
  41. What Will You Name Your Character(s)?
  42. new scans
  43. Anybody planning to purchase multiple copies?
  44. NA/EU release date: The guessing Game
  45. quik question...
  46. Voice Chat Vs. Stylus Chat
  47. New Screenshots (Famitsu) - 10/27/08
  48. Phantasy Star Zero theme preview !
  49. New Scan - 10/30/08
  50. Phantasy star 0 pre-order bonus!
  51. Prologue to PSZ?
  52. So... nihongo wo hanashimasen.
  53. The first thing you're going to do...
  54. New Screenshots + JP Box Art - 11/05/08
  55. Character Creation.
  56. Chain system and MAG details
  57. Ideas on Single Mode Wifi
  58. Gunslash in action!
  59. Site Updated 11/14 - All classes info revealed, and more...
  60. DO WANT! Oo
  61. people counting out expansions / question?
  62. Just noticed something weird... (translator needed)
  63. Phantasy Star Zero Opening Video + Theme Song
  64. FOmarl x Rappy & RAmarl x Rappy action
  65. Preorder card trading
  66. The new DS Phantasy star
  67. release date for english version
  68. An old new video?
  69. Update 11/20 event?
  70. New info from Famitsu (Nov. 20)
  71. Phantasy Star Zero - Videos, Screenshot and Scans directory
  72. Importer's TeamSpeak/Ventrilo?
  73. Battle system update! 11/21
  74. Any confirmation on US release
  75. Post your Japanese Pre-Order Pics
  76. Phantasy Star 0 Japanese TV commercial
  77. JP Offical Countdown till Release Date
  78. Server, or no server. That, is the question.
  79. So what are you playing to tie yourself over until PSZ?
  80. Who can translate?
  81. Misc. questions
  82. PS0 or PSP
  83. New Info for this Forum (12/4)
  84. Official Site Update 12/5
  85. New Scans - 12/05/08
  86. PSZ starts off big!
  87. New Screenshots (6) - 12/07/08
  88. New Trailer!
  89. Online play limited by DS' lack of WPA support
  90. New Scans - 12/11/08
  91. Is this new?
  92. Most 'complete' DS game to date?
  93. New Video (Visual Chat) - 12/12/08
  94. Official JP Site Update
  95. Suggestions for places to order from?
  96. Phantasy Star Zero Reviews
  97. Expectations too high?
  98. Guest Item Trading
  99. Christmas Party
  100. Phantasy Star Zero Database
  101. Screenshots - 12/17/08
  102. Well, it's officially leaked!
  103. New Phantasy Star Zero Famitsu article, scans + translation
  104. Official Friend Code List
  105. In random, 2nd to last option?
  106. Rough menu guide
  107. Cool Gunslash combo glitch
  108. Screenshot/Movie Thread
  109. Anyone else find rares yet.
  110. How is the Character Creation for the Game?
  111. PS0 Colloseum Battles?
  112. should i get this game?
  113. Does the final side-quest have an end?
  114. Questions and Answers Thread
  115. Preorder people: Did you get your trading card and free weapon?
  116. So, the underground store...
  117. Free Coupon good on Phantasy Star 0
  118. So everybody that has it how are the graphics?
  119. Max lv for Mag?
  120. Some Questions.
  121. I think I found a (SPOILER-Saber)...
  122. ps0 Information and Translations (menu's and items) Update 24/12/08
  123. Achievement List?!
  124. Thats one.. "Cute" Mag.
  125. Is there anyway to swap weapons between your different profiles/acoounts?
  126. The PS0 Japanese Manual Scans?
  127. Its all in Japanese? D:
  128. R...r-r-rappy Mag?
  129. Help expanding the game's Wikipedia page!
  130. Anyone Having Difficult Time Not Knowing The Language?
  131. wi-fi?
  132. I attained the Shiyato mag
  133. PSZ glitch
  134. Walkthrough?
  135. Rare findings.
  136. A sword that shoots like a gun?
  137. The Pizza Shop
  138. Open Source Translation Guide
  139. Website Translations *New gameplay features explained*
  140. Phantasy Star Zero: The ''Rares'' Database! [BIG Update partly posted!]
  141. Information/Guides sticky (updated May 9th, 2012)
  142. Another translation effort (via GameFAQs)
  143. So I've imported the game, but I'm worried about a few things..
  144. K So PS0 > PSP? Also, PSO DC > Both
  145. Ok, seriously about the last side quest..(spoilers?)
  146. My mag! D:
  147. Class analysis?
  148. Special on spirit garb?
  149. Review Thread
  150. Kinda sucks that on random you can only do one run then hope you find another party.
  151. Need a quick translation of two manual pages
  152. PSZ is connected story-wise to older PS games.
  153. Mag Colors
  154. Coupons?
  155. Attempt at a full Title list
  156. Woohoo just got home and my copy was in the mail
  157. Offline Mutlplayer Help
  158. Phantasy Star Zero's story = Turn A Gundam
  159. How is the story integrated into the gameplay?
  160. where can i find another MAG?
  161. Can someone translate the character creation screens?
  162. How long do you think this game will last?
  163. Question about the quest giver girl + girl beside her
  164. Having trouble with some of the items
  165. Hacking? (and some random unrelated rant)
  166. Youtube is Seriously Lacking PS0 Gameplay videos
  167. If anyone wanna know how to get Super hard in Story Mode....
  168. Ive yet to play online b/c when i do random people it never finds anyone
  169. I challenge you to challenge yourselves
  170. Question on Friend codes
  171. Phantasy Star Zero IRC channel
  172. WiFi connection probelms?
  173. Fun with Doublesabers
  174. Question about the loot when playing online
  175. I thought I had left this behind...
  176. PSO recreated on DS in production of PS Zero!
  177. Anyone wanna play online... Right now!
  178. HUcast mechgun question.
  179. where do you put friend codes?
  180. Mysterious Black Caped Shop Keeper...
  181. When you get disconnected from a game on wifi...
  182. Combo attacks
  183. Anyone not received their playasia preorder yet?
  184. my quests don't work no more? help plz.
  185. Achievements Topic
  186. What kind of mag do i have it looks weird
  187. need help with elements (translation)
  188. Eternal Tower, does it ever end?
  189. So how many different mags are in the game and is there a how to list?
  190. Mag Evolution, Feeding Info And Photon Blasts
  191. What if an episode 2 came out whats would u want?
  192. Is anyone online ... ever?
  193. What are the 2 people in the sewer for?
  194. Nintendo DS Wi-Fi Connector/Adapter?
  195. This R The Official Number Of Girls To Boys Ratio When It Comes To Interest In PS0
  196. what are these items for??
  197. will japanese version play with the american version?
  198. is there a battle mode?
  199. why didnt they require a serial/access key for online?
  200. Random disconnect when playing with friends
  201. Music
  202. Concerning ratings in random matchup
  203. Favorite area in PS0
  204. Glitches
  206. Official wallpaper
  207. Add Slot
  208. [LFG] Anyone on at the moment?
  209. Which of PSO's negative aspects are in PSZ?
  210. released in February?
  211. Are Techs weak in the hardest difficulty like in PSO?
  212. Base Character Stats
  213. What materials should I give to my FOnewearl?
  214. Quick question re avatar name?
  215. importing
  216. Has anyone ever done this?
  217. "A spaaaarkly...!"
  218. ever noticed story character's weapons?
  219. Anyone know the name of the ending theme?
  220. Random Matchmaking is great!
  221. PSO vs PS0 Question
  222. FOmar and FOmarl
  223. Question on Last Boss (no spoilers)
  224. How do you kill that f'king octopus in the story mode?
  225. Eternal Tower messages [Please Translate]
  226. I'm having trouble getting loot off Rappies
  227. Vending Machine Code Thread
  228. What determines rare drops?
  229. weapon types
  230. Anyone with a Caduceus Wand willing to trade?
  231. Sales figures
  232. Coming to the US -- confirmed.
  233. How do I tell what lev my Resta is??
  234. Any news of JPN users playing with NA users?
  235. Question about the story
  236. confirmed release date for US
  237. how do we add friends on random online play?
  238. If you added me reply to this post
  239. Are rares too common?
  240. FOmar vs. FOnewm
  241. What's your favorite enemy/boss?
  242. Let's see who has the rarest RARE! (Rare Weapon Ranking Thread)
  243. rom
  244. So, the Humar...
  245. Enemy Info and Drop Charts (Gurhacia Valley, Ozette Wetlands up) (Need help)
  246. Trading mags: I need a level 29 mag that has 29 pow. You can pick 2 mags from me.
  247. Anybody have an extra Heart of Ladame they'd be willing to spare/trade?
  248. Buying: Power Beam
  249. FOmar good at close range?
  250. best hunter weapon