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  1. Phantasy Star Online 2 Announcement!
  2. What would you like to see in pso2?
  3. Announcement Reaction and Character Customization
  4. Specs for PSO2?
  5. "Let's make PSO2 together!" (SOJ hiring call)
  6. PSO 2 (Video Posts)
  7. Item Synthesis... really?
  8. Controller Support and My Annoucement Reaction
  9. Weapon types
  10. This game had better have Rati in it
  11. Here's the one thing that PSO2 has to nail to interest me, and (probably) you.
  12. So I'm Back
  13. Console?
  14. In your opinion, as far as graphics go....
  15. Forces and Gameplay Mechanics
  16. I Hope You Drop Weapon And Meseta When You Die
  17. Weapons/Armor/Clothes you'd like to see return...
  18. Kinda late on this, but could someone...
  19. Do You Think Top Tier Gear Should Be Customizable?
  20. (Spoilers) PSO Ep1-4 Story and PSO2 Speculation
  21. Beasts........
  22. PSO2 General Discussion + Questions
  23. Ranged weapon ideas. Questionable Gunner system. Please read?
  24. PSO 2:The End
  25. Letter to Sega: from PSOW. All PSO2 fans please read.
  26. Do you want beasts in PSO2?
  27. Why PSO2 is PSO2 and not PSU2...
  28. My Terrorist Demands For PSO2
  29. Proposed PSO2 PS3 & XBOX360 Controller Schema's and Proposed Set-Ups
  30. DAE wish they never heard PSO2 was being made?
  31. Pulled from another thread... Stats!
  32. D-Mans
  33. Import?
  34. Character Names
  35. Level cap at launch
  36. portal website small update (translation needed)
  37. Full open world or RPG-on-rails like FF13?
  38. What do you plan to do when you get PSO2?
  39. Still nothing???!?!?!!?
  40. What is the multiplayer action like?
  41. PSO or PSU-styled Class System
  42. Mags, Photon Blasts, and the like
  43. I hope they don't go charging for online access
  44. PSO 2 capable of being a E-sport?
  45. Funny PSO Story
  46. Symbol chat?
  47. Lobby Animations
  48. We may be getting some new info in April
  49. What made PSO special for you?
  50. A few tidbits of info
  51. PSO2 Screenshots and Movies - What Should They Do?
  52. PSO2 bringing extra goodies?
  53. on the ngp
  54. PSO2:A Translator
  55. I hope Sonic Team is not making this
  56. PSU - PSPo story
  57. if there is Partner Machinery in PSO2...
  58. This is the kind of game world I want for PSO2.
  59. I Wish This Post Could Make It To Sega...
  60. Okay seriously, the biggest thing i want for PSO2 is....
  61. A Lotta Demands Here
  62. PSO2 Alpha invites coming with PSP2i and other ways
  63. A thought....
  64. Loot System: Finding that special something
  65. PSO 2:Not Global=Fail?
  66. What version of PSO2 will you get?
  67. PSO2 vs. Your Rig - What will YOU do?
  68. Does Anyone Know.......
  69. PC only? Uh oh...
  70. Alpha Videos?
  71. NO PSO2 for Wii/Xbox 360/PS3 WHY???
  72. PSO2 or PSU2
  73. For the love of god PSO2
  74. PSO2 Alpha System Requirements
  75. PSO2 Alpha Sign Up have beginn for Lotterie
  76. PSO2...!!!!!!!!!!
  77. Alpha Start-up
  78. Cd or download?(pc)
  79. PSO2 on MacOS?
  80. About the PSO2...
  81. Hard to get too hyped on this...
  82. Brainstorming is good but what if no one sees all the weather?
  83. release date?
  84. Does Sega delay developing PSO2 because of earthquake?
  85. Describe your hope for PSO2 in one word
  86. TLG's Official (yet unofficial) thread about PSO rumors & other stuff
  87. Eve online-like market?
  88. Anyone else feel as I do?
  89. Locked Content.
  90. Release?/Available Titles
  91. Joint Servers
  92. Drop date
  93. Thins You Liked In PSU for PSO2
  94. Art Direction
  95. Free to play model / micro transaction
  96. Should pso 2 have a sub title?
  97. What class will YOU play?
  98. The French' Freebox Server! :-o Do you use your's this for PSO!?
  99. How do I tell if my computer is strong enough?
  100. aNy new info yet?
  101. Infinity Grand Prix PSO2 reveal
  102. Look what I got...
  103. They are here! 1st PSO2 Screenshots!
  104. PSO2 Gameplay video.
  105. Star Ocean new hope and PSO2
  106. More delicious details
  107. Any word that PSO2 is even coming to the US?
  108. public tested in alpha
  109. Techs must be fixed!
  110. If you like Lost Planet 2 be a ranger
  111. Things PSO2 should do, that PSU did not.
  112. I am calling a bet about launch date
  113. Registering for alpha?
  114. What would be funny random events for the quest
  115. So does anyone here have the priveledge of playing the beta May 20th?
  116. PvP (Player vs Player) ???
  117. Classes?
  118. 3 things I'm most interesting in seeing next!
  119. Since PSO2 is a PC exclusive...
  120. Why I hope PSO2 will come to Consoles.
  121. PSO2's Music
  123. I can't be the only one who wants this particular feature...
  124. HI-Res trailer out on 4/28
  125. controller support?
  126. Hybrid Customization
  127. Tails?
  128. Forces and Combat
  129. 4 or 6 player co-op?
  130. Would SEGA ever go the 3D route w/PSO2?
  131. Co-op Story or Single Player Story?
  132. So how should Sega rebalance the jobs in PSO2?
  133. Question about something on the JP PSO2 site. (For Japanese readers)
  134. Character Customization
  135. Sakai on tonight's "Game no Jikan"
  136. Get MAGS in PSO2
  137. Racial Traits
  138. This looks more like PSU2 tbh...
  139. Free To Play...hopefully? :)
  140. Which rare box do you think they'll use?
  141. I want PSO2 to be like Spelunky
  142. The bar underneath the PP gauge at 0%
  143. What do you think/hope pso 2's budget will be?
  144. You have to reload now Rangers.
  145. The Music in the Trailer
  146. Offline Mode
  147. PSO2 Info Thread(Last Updated 5-18-12) + Beta Registration Guide
  148. Controller Support?
  149. Can bigger environments really provide for exciting action?
  150. Should Casts use the FOrce?
  151. What do you think the technique system should be like in PSO2?
  152. Few Questions About the Game...
  153. What will they turn slicers into now?
  154. How many characters will we have?
  155. What system will you play PSO2 on?
  156. If you could have only one weapon return from PSO...
  157. Online Trial?
  158. No SEGA games @ E3
  159. Should PSO2 have voice actors?
  160. Letter from Sakai
  161. PSO2 gaming laptops/pcs
  162. More than just fighting?
  163. PC Gaming N00b: How much bandwidth is taken?
  164. Digital distribution vs. Disc manufacturing
  165. The "Will my computer run this?" thread v1.8
  166. Whould you like to see player 'Shops' return to PSO 2?
  167. How will Section IDs effect the PSO2 economy i.e. meseta in your pocket!
  168. PSU2???
  169. Couple questions...
  170. If SoA drops the ball on support again, will you put up with it?
  171. Your estimated release date?
  172. Questions and concerns
  173. Would you like Weather effects to affect gameplay?
  174. PSO2 vs TERA Online
  175. Did anyone else just get this e-mail from SEGA?
  176. Project Cafe: PSO2 on 'leak games list' True?
  177. Alpha registration is over
  178. Have enemy health bar!?
  179. Post your Alpha Test videos or pictures... PLEASE!
  180. If you could have one weapon from PSU return...
  181. Another Email From SEGA
  182. Weapon Grinding in PSO2?
  183. Concerns over an N/A release.
  184. rangers and ammo
  185. Forget PSU dynamics in PSO2
  186. Online only?
  187. Weapon types you could live w/o.
  188. MAGS vs PM's...
  189. A question
  190. Partner AI?
  191. E3 June 6th-7th & The Future of Our Beloved Phantasy Star Series
  192. PSO2 Lobbies
  193. Let's Be Honest. The Game Looks Bad.
  194. PSO2 NEEDS to be on Wii-U.
  195. Wont be abled to get NOL'D in this version will you?
  196. I hope PSO2 doesn't have the synthing BS.
  197. On the announcement of Alpha participants
  198. Alpha Trial Announcement Set For 24th
  199. What if there isn't a Force class?
  200. Alpha emails have been sent!
  201. Brainstorming and Story Theory Time
  202. RAmarl & RAcast
  203. PSO2?
  204. I got in the beta?
  205. Server Population: Home region only or International?
  206. Is there a FOmar on the trailer?
  207. PvP Battlegrounds. Do you want it?
  208. The Token Gambit
  209. Can't wait for PSO2. Things I hope for.
  210. Here we go again
  211. PSO2 Gameplay Footage Concerns
  212. Rappies and Forces
  213. :D!!!!!!
  214. PP or TP?
  215. Concept art Characters
  216. Update: Enemies
  217. Enemy dmg modifiers
  218. more player in a group?
  219. 7/26 Media Briefing
  220. New Screens/Video + Observations
  221. REALLY not even a ps3 release
  222. GameGuard Possible In PSO2?
  223. PSO2 Questions / Release Date Speculation
  224. Please, for the love of all that is Phantasy Star...
  225. I hope it stays off consoles
  226. Why PSO for PC is bad!
  227. PSO2 hacks/cheating
  228. Not-so-informed speculations
  229. So Sonic Team aren't doing PSO2?
  230. Casts ehh, might get Techs.
  231. So, with the new screens/videos, where are the beasts?
  232. Latest PSO2 details from Famitsu (July 27-28)
  233. Units
  234. Is there really a difference?
  235. Combination of classes possible???
  236. PSO2 info from my friend in Japan
  237. Subclass Discussion thread
  238. FOcast Balancing
  239. Concerns on Global Support
  240. Can I Pre-Order PSO2?
  241. The thought of PSO2 not releasing in NA/EU
  242. Question about Newm
  243. Should PSO-World choose the same World(Server)?
  244. (looking for) Video Translation
  245. 8/1 Official website update
  246. Does anyone want room improvements?
  247. PSO2 PC only?
  248. PSO 2 Media Coverage JPN 1-6
  249. This Is Gonna Be The Best Game Ever
  250. Voice Chat