View Full Version : PSO2 General
- Phantasy Star Online 2 Announcement!
- What would you like to see in pso2?
- Announcement Reaction and Character Customization
- Specs for PSO2?
- "Let's make PSO2 together!" (SOJ hiring call)
- PSO 2 (Video Posts)
- Item Synthesis... really?
- Controller Support and My Annoucement Reaction
- Weapon types
- This game had better have Rati in it
- Here's the one thing that PSO2 has to nail to interest me, and (probably) you.
- So I'm Back
- Console?
- In your opinion, as far as graphics go....
- Forces and Gameplay Mechanics
- I Hope You Drop Weapon And Meseta When You Die
- Weapons/Armor/Clothes you'd like to see return...
- Kinda late on this, but could someone...
- Do You Think Top Tier Gear Should Be Customizable?
- (Spoilers) PSO Ep1-4 Story and PSO2 Speculation
- Beasts........
- PSO2 General Discussion + Questions
- Ranged weapon ideas. Questionable Gunner system. Please read?
- PSO 2:The End
- Letter to Sega: from PSOW. All PSO2 fans please read.
- Do you want beasts in PSO2?
- Why PSO2 is PSO2 and not PSU2...
- My Terrorist Demands For PSO2
- Proposed PSO2 PS3 & XBOX360 Controller Schema's and Proposed Set-Ups
- DAE wish they never heard PSO2 was being made?
- Pulled from another thread... Stats!
- D-Mans
- Import?
- Character Names
- Level cap at launch
- portal website small update (translation needed)
- Full open world or RPG-on-rails like FF13?
- What do you plan to do when you get PSO2?
- Still nothing???!?!?!!?
- What is the multiplayer action like?
- PSO or PSU-styled Class System
- Mags, Photon Blasts, and the like
- I hope they don't go charging for online access
- PSO 2 capable of being a E-sport?
- Funny PSO Story
- Symbol chat?
- Lobby Animations
- We may be getting some new info in April
- What made PSO special for you?
- A few tidbits of info
- PSO2 Screenshots and Movies - What Should They Do?
- PSO2 bringing extra goodies?
- on the ngp
- PSO2:A Translator
- I hope Sonic Team is not making this
- PSU - PSPo story
- if there is Partner Machinery in PSO2...
- This is the kind of game world I want for PSO2.
- I Wish This Post Could Make It To Sega...
- Okay seriously, the biggest thing i want for PSO2 is....
- A Lotta Demands Here
- PSO2 Alpha invites coming with PSP2i and other ways
- A thought....
- Loot System: Finding that special something
- PSO 2:Not Global=Fail?
- What version of PSO2 will you get?
- PSO2 vs. Your Rig - What will YOU do?
- Does Anyone Know.......
- PC only? Uh oh...
- Alpha Videos?
- NO PSO2 for Wii/Xbox 360/PS3 WHY???
- PSO2 or PSU2
- For the love of god PSO2
- PSO2 Alpha System Requirements
- PSO2 Alpha Sign Up have beginn for Lotterie
- PSO2...!!!!!!!!!!
- Alpha Start-up
- Cd or download?(pc)
- PSO2 on MacOS?
- About the PSO2...
- Hard to get too hyped on this...
- Brainstorming is good but what if no one sees all the weather?
- release date?
- Does Sega delay developing PSO2 because of earthquake?
- Describe your hope for PSO2 in one word
- TLG's Official (yet unofficial) thread about PSO rumors & other stuff
- Eve online-like market?
- Anyone else feel as I do?
- Locked Content.
- Release?/Available Titles
- Joint Servers
- Drop date
- Thins You Liked In PSU for PSO2
- Art Direction
- Free to play model / micro transaction
- Should pso 2 have a sub title?
- What class will YOU play?
- The French' Freebox Server! :-o Do you use your's this for PSO!?
- How do I tell if my computer is strong enough?
- aNy new info yet?
- Infinity Grand Prix PSO2 reveal
- Look what I got...
- They are here! 1st PSO2 Screenshots!
- PSO2 Gameplay video.
- Star Ocean new hope and PSO2
- More delicious details
- Any word that PSO2 is even coming to the US?
- public tested in alpha
- Techs must be fixed!
- If you like Lost Planet 2 be a ranger
- Things PSO2 should do, that PSU did not.
- I am calling a bet about launch date
- Registering for alpha?
- What would be funny random events for the quest
- So does anyone here have the priveledge of playing the beta May 20th?
- PvP (Player vs Player) ???
- Classes?
- 3 things I'm most interesting in seeing next!
- Since PSO2 is a PC exclusive...
- Why I hope PSO2 will come to Consoles.
- PSO2's Music
- I can't be the only one who wants this particular feature...
- HI-Res trailer out on 4/28
- controller support?
- Hybrid Customization
- Tails?
- Forces and Combat
- 4 or 6 player co-op?
- Would SEGA ever go the 3D route w/PSO2?
- Co-op Story or Single Player Story?
- So how should Sega rebalance the jobs in PSO2?
- Question about something on the JP PSO2 site. (For Japanese readers)
- Character Customization
- Sakai on tonight's "Game no Jikan"
- Get MAGS in PSO2
- Racial Traits
- This looks more like PSU2 tbh...
- Free To Play...hopefully? :)
- Which rare box do you think they'll use?
- I want PSO2 to be like Spelunky
- The bar underneath the PP gauge at 0%
- What do you think/hope pso 2's budget will be?
- You have to reload now Rangers.
- The Music in the Trailer
- Offline Mode
- PSO2 Info Thread(Last Updated 5-18-12) + Beta Registration Guide
- Controller Support?
- Can bigger environments really provide for exciting action?
- Should Casts use the FOrce?
- What do you think the technique system should be like in PSO2?
- Few Questions About the Game...
- What will they turn slicers into now?
- How many characters will we have?
- What system will you play PSO2 on?
- If you could have only one weapon return from PSO...
- Online Trial?
- No SEGA games @ E3
- Should PSO2 have voice actors?
- Letter from Sakai
- PSO2 gaming laptops/pcs
- More than just fighting?
- PC Gaming N00b: How much bandwidth is taken?
- Digital distribution vs. Disc manufacturing
- The "Will my computer run this?" thread v1.8
- Whould you like to see player 'Shops' return to PSO 2?
- How will Section IDs effect the PSO2 economy i.e. meseta in your pocket!
- PSU2???
- Couple questions...
- If SoA drops the ball on support again, will you put up with it?
- Your estimated release date?
- Questions and concerns
- Would you like Weather effects to affect gameplay?
- PSO2 vs TERA Online
- Did anyone else just get this e-mail from SEGA?
- Project Cafe: PSO2 on 'leak games list' True?
- Alpha registration is over
- Have enemy health bar!?
- Post your Alpha Test videos or pictures... PLEASE!
- If you could have one weapon from PSU return...
- Another Email From SEGA
- Weapon Grinding in PSO2?
- Concerns over an N/A release.
- rangers and ammo
- Forget PSU dynamics in PSO2
- Online only?
- Weapon types you could live w/o.
- MAGS vs PM's...
- A question
- Partner AI?
- E3 June 6th-7th & The Future of Our Beloved Phantasy Star Series
- PSO2 Lobbies
- Let's Be Honest. The Game Looks Bad.
- PSO2 NEEDS to be on Wii-U.
- Wont be abled to get NOL'D in this version will you?
- I hope PSO2 doesn't have the synthing BS.
- On the announcement of Alpha participants
- Alpha Trial Announcement Set For 24th
- What if there isn't a Force class?
- Alpha emails have been sent!
- Brainstorming and Story Theory Time
- RAmarl & RAcast
- PSO2?
- I got in the beta?
- Server Population: Home region only or International?
- Is there a FOmar on the trailer?
- PvP Battlegrounds. Do you want it?
- The Token Gambit
- Can't wait for PSO2. Things I hope for.
- Here we go again
- PSO2 Gameplay Footage Concerns
- Rappies and Forces
- :D!!!!!!
- PP or TP?
- Concept art Characters
- Update: Enemies
- Enemy dmg modifiers
- more player in a group?
- 7/26 Media Briefing
- New Screens/Video + Observations
- REALLY not even a ps3 release
- GameGuard Possible In PSO2?
- PSO2 Questions / Release Date Speculation
- Please, for the love of all that is Phantasy Star...
- I hope it stays off consoles
- Why PSO for PC is bad!
- PSO2 hacks/cheating
- Not-so-informed speculations
- So Sonic Team aren't doing PSO2?
- Casts ehh, might get Techs.
- So, with the new screens/videos, where are the beasts?
- Latest PSO2 details from Famitsu (July 27-28)
- Units
- Is there really a difference?
- Combination of classes possible???
- PSO2 info from my friend in Japan
- Subclass Discussion thread
- FOcast Balancing
- Concerns on Global Support
- Can I Pre-Order PSO2?
- The thought of PSO2 not releasing in NA/EU
- Question about Newm
- Should PSO-World choose the same World(Server)?
- (looking for) Video Translation
- 8/1 Official website update
- Does anyone want room improvements?
- PSO2 PC only?
- PSO 2 Media Coverage JPN 1-6
- This Is Gonna Be The Best Game Ever
- Voice Chat
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