View Full Version : Phantasy Star Nova

  1. SEGA Reveals Phantasy Star Nova w/ Single Player Offline (New TGS Pics Added)
  2. More Nova Details from Shogai (+ Gigantes info)
  3. Phantasy Star Nova Official Site Updated
  4. Phantasy Star Nova (Ocean)?
  5. phantasy star nova not be released in the west
  6. do we atleast know if nova will have level progression
  7. PS NOVA new details
  8. Random thoughts on PS nova so far
  9. Phantasy Star Nova Scans + Character Creator Video
  10. Any luck on Vita logging in?
  11. PS vita question.
  12. Phantasy Star Nova: New class (Buster) and new weapon type (Halo)
  13. How to connect to the server on PSVita?
  14. PS VITA 3G Login?
  15. anyone with a vita and no access willing to experiment?
  16. Getting pso2 vita to work with a blocked ISP
  17. 2 Questions about the Vita version of PSO2
  18. PS Nova will be released in Chinese
  19. Phantasy Star Nova demo is up on the PS Store!
  20. long vita download
  21. “Phantasy Star Nova” First Printings Come with Some Digital Bonuses
  22. Phantasy Star Nova release in Asia?
  23. Couple of questions.
  24. Resonance of Fate to collaborate with Phantasy Star Nova
  25. Nico stream, Sega @TGS; PSNova now showing.
  26. My impressions on playing PSO2 on the vita
  27. IP ban?
  28. Connecting through the phone (VPN)
  29. Help with ad-hoc wireless setup for Vita?
  30. PSO2
  31. As anyone tried PS Nova on the Vita TV/Playstation TV?
  32. Nico Live Broadcast PHANTASY STAR NOVA
  33. PS Nova - Valkyria Chronicles 3 collaboration.
  34. Phantasy Star Nova 9-minute trailer
  35. phantasy star nova conflicted thoughts
  36. PSO Nova Free DLC/Collab release date
  37. PSNOVA made the lowest sales
  38. PSO Nova, threads for it or guides?
  39. Phantasy Star Nova 2nd week sale data
  40. PSO Nova Adhoc Party
  41. PSNOVA Time Attack Records.
  42. does it work with vita tv?
  43. What's the difference between the asian and Japanese versions?
  44. Gran Water Source Annihilation mission S rank?(spoilers?)
  45. Which required firmware?
  46. A few Gigantes-related questions...
  47. Are there any new cast parts in this?
  48. Somewhat dissapointed about weapon "hunting".
  49. 2015 Screenshot & Movie Thread
  50. A Few Questions Regarding New Content
  51. Vita Shifta/Deband good?
  52. Vita Main story question
  53. Vita Unable to complete a PO
  54. Vita Help with these two missions.
  55. This new difficulty..
  56. infinite "loading" after 1.05 update
  57. How playable..?
  58. DLC worth getting?
  59. Farming to get 10* and 11* weapons
  60. never mind, delete this
  61. Is there a material guide anywhere for SH?
  62. Demo
  63. Help with Super Hard (Force)
  64. Endgame videos
  65. Discount Digital Version
  66. Bind
  67. Broad question: other ways to buy PS-Nova???
  68. Just double checking, does this game not have...
  69. Level 100+ Help/Advice
  70. How to Party Up With Friend via Ad-Hoc?
  71. How to import NPCs from PSO2 to Nova?
  72. Quick Question
  73. Recently ordered this, anything I'd be direly missing without a Japanese PSN?
  74. Vita Stuck in the post-game
  75. Cold Sleep Q:
  76. Trying to perform a Gran Link
  77. Multiple Endings
  78. Unused items
  79. PSNova Translation Happening
  80. Guide: PSNova Class/Weapon Overview for the PSO2 Player! (WIP)
  81. (Related) Start a new game with previous character?
  82. Translation Needed
  83. Need help applying the English patch for PS NOVA
  84. Nevermind
  85. Is buster a good class?
  86. How do I update my game when I'm running HENkaku
  87. Arks Layer link for Nova English patch
  88. Craft guide (Missions, Items etc!)
  89. So I have Henkaku Enso and
  90. Possible to get starter PSO2 hunter outfit in PS-NOVA?
  91. Guide Elemental Weak Hit & Elemental Weak Power
  92. Guide PS Nova
  93. capitan fildia? dead or unlock
  94. Vita Skill Tree sugest
  95. Vita PS Nova translation lasted update
  96. Weapon Store lv5?