- SEGA Reveals Phantasy Star Nova w/ Single Player Offline (New TGS Pics Added)
- More Nova Details from Shogai (+ Gigantes info)
- Phantasy Star Nova Official Site Updated
- Phantasy Star Nova (Ocean)?
- phantasy star nova not be released in the west
- do we atleast know if nova will have level progression
- PS NOVA new details
- Random thoughts on PS nova so far
- Phantasy Star Nova Scans + Character Creator Video
- Any luck on Vita logging in?
- PS vita question.
- Phantasy Star Nova: New class (Buster) and new weapon type (Halo)
- How to connect to the server on PSVita?
- PS VITA 3G Login?
- anyone with a vita and no access willing to experiment?
- Getting pso2 vita to work with a blocked ISP
- 2 Questions about the Vita version of PSO2
- PS Nova will be released in Chinese
- Phantasy Star Nova demo is up on the PS Store!
- long vita download
- “Phantasy Star Nova” First Printings Come with Some Digital Bonuses
- Phantasy Star Nova release in Asia?
- Couple of questions.
- Resonance of Fate to collaborate with Phantasy Star Nova
- Nico stream, Sega @TGS; PSNova now showing.
- My impressions on playing PSO2 on the vita
- IP ban?
- Connecting through the phone (VPN)
- Help with ad-hoc wireless setup for Vita?
- PSO2
- As anyone tried PS Nova on the Vita TV/Playstation TV?
- Nico Live Broadcast PHANTASY STAR NOVA
- PS Nova - Valkyria Chronicles 3 collaboration.
- Phantasy Star Nova 9-minute trailer
- phantasy star nova conflicted thoughts
- PSO Nova Free DLC/Collab release date
- PSNOVA made the lowest sales
- PSO Nova, threads for it or guides?
- Phantasy Star Nova 2nd week sale data
- PSO Nova Adhoc Party
- PSNOVA Time Attack Records.
- does it work with vita tv?
- What's the difference between the asian and Japanese versions?
- Gran Water Source Annihilation mission S rank?(spoilers?)
- Which required firmware?
- A few Gigantes-related questions...
- Are there any new cast parts in this?
- Somewhat dissapointed about weapon "hunting".
- 2015 Screenshot & Movie Thread
- A Few Questions Regarding New Content
- Vita Shifta/Deband good?
- Vita Main story question
- Vita Unable to complete a PO
- Vita Help with these two missions.
- This new difficulty..
- infinite "loading" after 1.05 update
- How playable..?
- DLC worth getting?
- Farming to get 10* and 11* weapons
- never mind, delete this
- Is there a material guide anywhere for SH?
- Demo
- Help with Super Hard (Force)
- Endgame videos
- Discount Digital Version
- Bind
- Broad question: other ways to buy PS-Nova???
- Just double checking, does this game not have...
- Level 100+ Help/Advice
- How to Party Up With Friend via Ad-Hoc?
- How to import NPCs from PSO2 to Nova?
- Quick Question
- Recently ordered this, anything I'd be direly missing without a Japanese PSN?
- Vita Stuck in the post-game
- Cold Sleep Q:
- Trying to perform a Gran Link
- Multiple Endings
- Unused items
- PSNova Translation Happening
- Guide: PSNova Class/Weapon Overview for the PSO2 Player! (WIP)
- (Related) Start a new game with previous character?
- Translation Needed
- Need help applying the English patch for PS NOVA
- Nevermind
- Is buster a good class?
- How do I update my game when I'm running HENkaku
- Arks Layer link for Nova English patch
- Craft guide (Missions, Items etc!)
- So I have Henkaku Enso and
- Possible to get starter PSO2 hunter outfit in PS-NOVA?
- Guide Elemental Weak Hit & Elemental Weak Power
- Guide PS Nova
- capitan fildia? dead or unlock
- Vita Skill Tree sugest
- Vita PS Nova translation lasted update
- Weapon Store lv5?