View Full Version : Takin' a Walk

Dec 30, 2006, 01:57 AM
I wrote this, 'bout adventures in writing. I'd like to hear what ya think.

And now that you got so many words,
Ideas and books being whipped up
And you can't find no ryhme or struggling style
That can profess what you always been thinkin'
When you hit the ground hard and got no other escape
And you find it and start wearin shakespears cape
After awhile you'll see that style ain't a-cryin'
It ain't moanin' or wheezin' or prayin or sharin'
Hell the words ain't even yours
Your hearts pumpin them faster than your mind can keep up
And thats the way it is, but you won't be corrupt
You confess and breath out to others you didnt plan on a mess
You got ahead of yourself and just wanted it all that hard
That floor though comes back, though stops you and makes you think
You ain't got no goal
Heads too frayed up singin' songs 'bout coal
And thats makin you sad, crazed, and mean
That nobody is around to help you stay clean
None of your friends are thinkin these thoughts
Maybe some might but none gonna be taught
You think you failed so you wanna leave
But memories and people keep you a-stayin'

Now your raft is floatin along the same stream
Crocs and fish be a-floppin in your head
Piercin your raft, piercin your skin
Sinkin, coastlines reached far from you
You still got ahold of debris, strugglin to breath now
Got others around but they don't help
See more yet headin for the land
They made it, standin tall with a head full of sand
Up against you is a stinging call
A call to act
A call to think
A call to talk
A call to sing
And maybe a call to pray
Hey but you got one thing and see a few more.
Hope and pride recognize a home with you
Thoughts passed down from 1 to 2
Many before hoped to be 3
Thing you see is a rope from the coast pullin you to that goal.
Along the way you pick up some feelins'
Could be the other way around you ain't too sure

Now that paths bein treaded
And your worried first steps have ya frettin
Cause when you pour all you got
Whats left won't cut it
Won't even get you a cot
Then you start gettin numb from uncertainty
No heart be drivin' for you
Its yours pretendin' to lead the ones around
When you aint even mentioned or thought about them
Except some
And that gets you worried
That you ain't even like everyone else
And no man or woman wants to hear these quotes
Ya ain't got no fanbase or supporters
You just be prayin' that one day you'll snap
Onto your paper and through your pen
You'll let it be movin around from the calls in your head
Protecting it like you'll forget in a day

When you finish your first written chapter
It'll be enough to start yourself a rapture
Endin on page 1 of chapter 2
You had let other facets slip
Those pockets all emptied of hope
No matter how many times you listen or read
You just cant begin to get back that mood
A long livin dream is to remember your sheen
Your shivering and hearts a-beatin
When you rest on a couch and others are long sleepin
You'll be right back at the start
With no idea or bright ryhmin' written statement
You know that what you got is heart
That crummy ideas are about spacklin'
And that one thing you aint lackin'
Is a motivation to start actin'.

Dec 30, 2006, 03:40 AM
*thumbs up*

I thought it was pretty good. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 30, 2006, 01:48 PM
Not bad I liked it

Dec 30, 2006, 02:51 PM
Your poem made my day a lot better. Thanks.
Is there a sequel?

Dec 30, 2006, 03:56 PM
On 2006-12-30 11:51, Banish wrote:
Your poem made my day a lot better. Thanks.
Is there a sequel?

Thanks for the kinds words all.

I got a bunch of others, no direct sequel though.

Dec 30, 2006, 04:20 PM
I'll look forward to reading them http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 30, 2006, 04:24 PM
Yikes! Great work! I love it. I'll also look forward to reading the next ones!