View Full Version : "Future forcast" help w/ Relmitos?

Jan 11, 2007, 08:44 PM
Im not great using him as a char., and am looking for some advice on how to get through this downloaded quest. Anyone who has completed this I could use tactics and recommended item, attack and/ or tech cards. Thanks in advance.

Jan 11, 2007, 08:57 PM
I didnt even know EPS3 had downloadable quests still. Relmitos if I remember right can switch from ATP to TP, so you have to remember the sequence to use the most of him. Meaning if his ATP is next up to be high, use a card that will exploit that. On next turn his TP should be up high, so use a tech card then. Thats it simply for him the way its done. But I cant help you on the quest itself since I have not played it as of yet. Good luck.

Jan 11, 2007, 09:14 PM
If you finish the Ep 1&2 on-line quest "Blue star Memories" (There is two endings) , It will allow you to dowm load this and one other quest on Ep 3. If you beat the Ep 3 quests the are a special E cards in it for you.

Jan 12, 2007, 08:53 AM
Something that works really well for Relmitos is use a bunch of Summit Moons. Try to get 2 on, if not 2 than 1 and an Elysion or 2 2cost weapons. (Bravace was made for Relm)

Put in at least 2 shiftas. If you do shifta on his TP turn, it will add it to his 3 tp (or 5 if you have 2 summits on) as it switches to your AP turn. So if you get 2 summits on and use Shifta once on your TP turn, you'll end up with 6 AP. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Some people call this a glitch...I wouldn't though. It makes sense other than the fact that the added AP/TP doesn't wear off if you can manage to be on your TP turn after your turn is up.

And I would suggest almost all low cost techs like foie and zonde. Only high cost I would use are gizonde or rafoie. Stab/long arm are nice with him too.

Aug 12, 2007, 05:03 PM
Ok, I'm trying to do this again. After many losses, I put it down for a while. Here is the deal (pun intended ), I have to fight Break and Orland at the same time. So, I'm dealing with Guard creatures and sword bounses. Plus, I have to fend-off two sets of attacks to my one. Anyone who has team played on-line has dealt with this when your partner dies off. Any Relmetos player's, who know how to work within these conditions. Please give me some advice?
Thanks in advance,

Aug 15, 2007, 09:40 PM
Have you experimented with the Plaintain Huge fan (the 5 cost one)? It's a great weapon for relm, the attack range helps when theres multiple targets attacking you. Another 5 cost weapon thats good on relm with good range is Gal Wind...some 3 costers to go with those could be either the mechguns Justice or Ice Staff Dagons. then one or two 2 costers incase you get two 3 costers equiped, I suggest Bravace.

Having ranged attacks is important for relm cause you want lots of points to use for the act phase rather than losing them by moving in close.

I don't remember that mission too well, if Orland is using a lot of low cost swords, put razonde in. Any techs/attack action cards that hit around you or multiple targets would be good for that mission. (gibarta, gifoie, Roundslay/slash/stab). Don't worry about putting Shiftas in in this case, it would probably be hard to get that going when they're both attacking you at once.

Didn't really get too specific on ways to counter whatever Break and Orland do but a solid deck should be able to win this mission (provided you don't get dice raped http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif)

Aug 17, 2007, 07:03 PM
Shifta works well with a bunch of low-cost items.

Nov 2, 2007, 08:07 AM
OK listen best way to win,,,,

use dice plus, get a big as wepon, and unload one techss

simple deck could contain,

3 dice, mad high count weps. like pycowand or dark bridge
when you start shuffel for dice. and keep looking.
id get some ap absorpion just incase
put high def if you know your gona get high dice =) hope that helps

Nov 2, 2007, 10:03 AM
Twinkle Star. / Shifta, Techs, a few AC cards. Twinkle star also switches from A/T.