View Full Version : WoW: The Burning Crusade

Jan 14, 2007, 05:33 PM
Hiya everyone!!

Recently I bought WoW and im pretty much hooked to it. I also pre-ordered The Burning Crusade. Is anyone else getting the expasion? or play WoW? Im making this thread to meet ppl who play WoW and wanna play for a while.

See you around!! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cool.gif

Jan 14, 2007, 05:37 PM

Dude, a word of warning: A few people around a PS forum won't like WoW. At all. Infact, they hate WoW.

Another word of warning:

I'm one of them.

Jan 14, 2007, 05:45 PM
A final word of warning: There are also people that like WoW.

And I'm one of them.

Pre-ordered my expansion pack. It's the only game I have time to play, and it's great. I like the social component of the game a lot, whether in raids, PvP, buffing, etc.

I've got a Hunter, and I'm thinking of creating a Rogue on the expansion.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Daikarin on 2007-01-15 19:14 ]</font>

Jan 14, 2007, 06:00 PM
I used to play WoW, but eventually a lot of my friends and I just stopped, after it got old and boring. A lot of them are going back to the game with the X-pac, but I dont really have the money/time/desire, unfortunately.

The only thing that I dont like about it is Blood Elves. Ugh, they used to be so badass and everything in Warcraft 3 but...LOOK AT THEM NOW! D:

Jan 14, 2007, 06:04 PM
I'm not saying WoW sucks, it's just that I have problems with its gameplay and whatnot. It's rather annoying, as well, the standards it sets, the smelly hobo nerds it attracts, and most importantly, the lingo it spawns. You thought Phantasy Star was confusing @_@

Jan 14, 2007, 06:40 PM
I'm a WoW fan, too. My friend hatched this crazy plan to wait outside Gamestop at midnight on Monday night when BC comes out so he can be the first goon in the free world to buy it. Being a fan of adventures and sitting in lines for hours on end playing the "Okay, would you rather..." game, I agreed to go with him and wait for midnight, even though I won't be buying the expansion. I'm nowhere near endgame, have no interest in PVP, jewelcrafting, blood elves, or draiaenennienineie, so I figure I'll wait for it to drop down to, like, $20. Haha. Oh, I'm so sneaky and clever.

Jan 14, 2007, 09:08 PM
I liked wow but i quit the game 3 times. Done the end game raids with 40 mans and i just grew tired of it. Daily Obligations for end game raiding got tedious. Luckily in the expansion the Max raid size for the new instances are cut down but theres nothing that will get me to play wow again. It was Definately the best online MMO experience i've ever had though. Better than ffxi hands down http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Jan 14, 2007, 10:10 PM
PSO/PSU and WoW may be starkly different. But there is one trait that they both share. And that is that I can play them both casually and still have time to experience most of what the games have to offer. Of course, like any other game it has it's multitude of problems, but overall there is a reason why over 8 million play the game. And I personally try not to subscribe to the hating on things just because they are popular trend.

All that said, I've quit the game and later come back on multiple occasions already, and I will probably do so a few more times before the game reaches the end of it's life or I move on permanently.

So yes, I will be on BC come Tuesday. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Jan 14, 2007, 10:23 PM
for some reason, now everytime i think of WoW, i think about that South Park episode with that fat, bald guy in his 40s in the PC all day.

Jan 15, 2007, 02:02 AM
im waiting for Diablo III

Jan 16, 2007, 04:44 PM
So i walked into Gamestop and bought a copy of Burning Crusade, its actually sitting on my desk unopened XD its for my brother. im playing PSU and 360 goodness.

Jan 16, 2007, 04:47 PM
Yeah, you gotta love it... What the HELL, is wow.

Jan 16, 2007, 05:01 PM
wow= world of warcraft ._.

Jan 17, 2007, 04:05 AM
I got it for Christmas and its ok to me. My brother plays it more than me, but it is very fun and addictive(like most mmorpgs)

I'm still debating on whether or not to get the expansion pack even mainly because I don't play it to often.(i only have one lv 11 rogue and one lv10 warlock...pitiful)

Jan 17, 2007, 09:24 AM
Hit a whole 5 on my new female BE Pally. I know, I know, it's a female BE. But since the game started I wanted a female High Elf Pally... And well, this is the closest I'm going to get.

Ran around on my warrior picking up all the new (old) patterns that have turned into general Blacksmithing from their specialties. Arcanite Reaper, HOOOOOOOOO!

That's been pretty much it for me on the expansion so far.

Jan 17, 2007, 09:34 AM
smelly hobo nerds

*throws away smelly hobo nerd membership card*

You mean everyone else here ISN'T a smelly hobo nerd??

teh sigh..

At my old Computer Animation college. there were like a million WoW players there.. supper addictive I hear..

One of my best friends and his girlfriend.. who is also a good friend of mine, both play it like crazy..
i won't doubt its a good game, i just dont find the setting interesting..

Im more into present and futuristic type theme's.. Wizards and Orcs and dragons and what not only interest me if your talking about LOTR and im not even really interestead in BME2 cause my friend kicked my arse in it like hell the first time i played it.. lol..

I actualy find City of Heroes/Villians more entertaining then WoW..

Yes.. yes.. I am a Square...

Jan 17, 2007, 03:40 PM
I WAS going to buy it, but before I did, Scrub quit, and I was getting it to fight alongside.

Jan 17, 2007, 03:43 PM
XP my brother and most of my friends would NOT play PSU with me because they are addicted to this damn game...played it for about 20 levels and never saw what all the big fuss was about

Jan 17, 2007, 04:04 PM
WoW is the devil. Walk away from it now while you still have your soul.

The only thing that really keeps me from going back is remembering how I put so much of my life on hold to attend raids.

Jan 17, 2007, 05:20 PM
WoW isn't a bad game, but you really need to have a lot of time to play it. You'll enjoy it though.

Jan 18, 2007, 02:58 AM
On 2007-01-17 12:43, Merumeru wrote:
XP my brother and most of my friends would NOT play PSU with me because they are addicted to this damn game...played it for about 20 levels and never saw what all the big fuss was about

Dear Gawd, I have the same problem. My friends, some of them ex-PSO veterans (like all of them 1000+hours each) are so damn busy playing WoW that they won't stop to play PSU. F*** you, I don't want to wait 3 hours to start your stupid ass 40 man raid to whatever. I don't want to join your Sign Your LIfe Away guild and I don't want to play on your shitty PVP server. I'm off to play PSU where if I want to play with other people, I just have to leave open a team while I kill stuff during a mission.

I've played WoW, and have a level 60 Troll hunter lady on Horde side, and a few alts on Alliance side (I just can't seem to find a character I like playing on Alliance to get it to level cap). There are parts of WoW I love--in fact, playing most of the game is a pleasure--but there are other things about it I hate.

Like 40 man raids.
Guild politics and loot squabbles (often related to said 40 man raids).
PVP servers--they suck ass, and are for players who have no lives and enjoy making other people miserable. I have a life, limited play time, and don't have time to waste on some asshat who keeps ganking you everytime you try to go near a quest giver or major transportation hub. If you are over the age of 18, and have a regular job, forget about playing on a PVP server.
And waiting in a queue when the damn server is full!

I'll probably get the Burning Crusade in another week or two, but I'm not going out of my way to get it. I'm not camping out in front of a Gamestop, Best Buy, whatever for a copy. I'll get one when I find one, but to be honest, I'm too busy playing PSU and doing other things to be unhappy about not having it now.

Jan 18, 2007, 03:56 AM
On the PVP server I play on it seems everyone's either too concerned with trying out the new stuff or levelling to invest much in the whole ganking scene. The new PVP objectives seem to do well to focus PVP for those looking for some bloodshed. Still, it's a bit early to tell, the novelty may wear off as more begin to gank again. Basically, get your less PVP oriented through first, then your alts can deal with the ganks.

I had pretty much all but stopped playing WoW, but I have some friends around there yet, so I picked up the expansion, having been part of the beta. With the fall of 40 mans I can take a bit more time to pace myself how I'd like without the pressure of performance. That and I was lucky enough to land a fairly laid back guild.

On a side note, the changes to the PVP honor system as a whole was a big move in the right direction.

Jan 18, 2007, 09:45 AM
I got BC and I hv a lvl 11 BE female warlock. I also trying to lv my Human warlock. I cant talk much about the high-lvl stuff like raids and such; I got the game in X-mas, but the games is pretty awesome ATM. Theres lot of ppl to play with and we hv two worlds to explore now, and the lvl cap is 70. By the looks of it, Ill be playing WoW for a looooong time.

Jan 18, 2007, 04:44 PM
Level 14 BE Mage and a 6 Draenei Paladin.

They are both really awesome races, I must say. And both interesting to play as so far.

Although, Silvermoon City (Blood Elves' home) looks completely out of place with the words "Horde Territory" under it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RuneLateralus on 2007-01-18 13:45 ]</font>

Jan 21, 2007, 03:57 AM
I enjoyed the Draenei starting zones and quests, there's some cool stuff in there, like the one quest that has you flying all over and running around in invisibility and showing off a bunch of new stuffs.

The BE I never got very far with, since I found the very first zone really... crowded and not very well desgined. It felt like everything was just sort of tossed around like a salad of trainers and quests in random spots of random buildings that weren't build like a city or outpost would. I do kinda like what I saw of that Deatholme place or whatever it's called, though.

On the Outlands side, I sort of skimmed through the Peninsula and Zangarmarsh stuff since I did all of it in the beta... so I went ahead to Terokkar to beat the wave, since most are doing all the quests to get the most of it. Being ahead by a zone helps to get away from all that mob swarming and camping.

Just got 63 the other night, but I've seen a few 65+. Heard about someone who got 70 in 28 hours using a raid full of people to kill all his tags for him. Craziness.

Jan 21, 2007, 11:07 AM
I'm starting up the game again with a friend of mine. Don't know whether to be Horde or Alliance; generally I'm Horde because of how much I played them and Undead in Warcraft 3, but I'm debating being Alliance if only because I want to fucking gank as many Blood Elves as I possibly can.

I don't really like any of the Alliance races, barring Dranei look OK, but I'm not getting the expansion pack until I would have an actual use for it(ie; i'm satisfied with what the basic game as at the moment). The only time I'm ever Alliance is when all my friends are and I want to play with them(sup Mix).

I also don't know what class to be. I've tried just about everything and I like it all okay, I can be pretty much anything except mage (since I already got one to like 40 and got horribly bored with it.) Any suggestions?

Jan 21, 2007, 05:37 PM
Well, here's how it is. During my time off of work, I sometimes like to lay back and play a MMO that keeps my attention.

With PSU, granted...I like the game. But too much of a MMO, and you'll suffer burn-out. Hence what i'm going through with PSU. My account however, is a six-month plan, and so far, it's good until near the end of April. Sometime after that, I'll decide whether I'd like to renew or not.

I've also been getting into the habit of MMOs with game cards, since I pretty much lack a Credit Card of my own. Hence why a couple of weeks ago, I broke down and bout a 60-day card for City of Heroes/Villains. I only really get to play it are sunday evenings, and even then it's with my old Supergroup. And that's good so far until early March.

And seeing as I've been using trials for a bit for WoW, I bought myself a game card along with the copy of Burning Crusade I bought for my sister. I find it a nice time-killer, even though my main on this trial is a Lv9 Tauren Hunter.

Hoping to get Burning Crusade afterawhile. In the meantime, I can always go on my sis' account when she's not playing any of hers.

Is there any real servers here that you guys call home?

Jan 23, 2007, 12:11 PM
I hv a Human warlock in Executus and a blood elf in Rivendare. Right now Im focusing on the human, shes lv 26 and I wanna get her higher. The human name is Mirandiel and the BE is called Edalyn, so if any of u hv a char in those servers u can contact me.