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Jan 20, 2007, 03:31 PM
Ok I've been told now to be more specific with what I'm looking for so I'll do my best here.

Starting with Armor Units, I will trade these for other units only at this point, looking for hard / power charge and giga / bullet pp save, but willing to trade giga / save for another unit, even solid / power s or tero / legs:

Har / quick
Sori / Force
Hard / Hit Charge
Giga / Skill pp save
Solid / Power S
me / concentrate

Armors, what I'm looking for here would be higher % armors, might trade them for 44-50% weapons if the offer is good, and will definitely trade for units (A rank or tero / legs or me / quick):

30% dark crimson line, light crimson line, earth rabol asted
34% lightning nafri-senba, lightning yamata-senba, lightning crimson line, dark crimson line
44% light crimson line, fire rabol asted, lightning rabol asted, ice sori-senba, fire crimson line, earth crimson line
50% lightning rabol asted
22% fire gigush line

Rare Weapons, will trade these for high % weapons, armors, units (A rank or tero / legs or me / quick) would be nice too:

vahra claw: 44% dark, 38% lightning, 28% dark
del jagnus: 14% dark, 24% light, 20% fire
deljabaner: 16% earth, 18% fire

S-Rank weapons, will trade these for units (A rank or tero / legs or me / quick) or will entertain offers for high % weapons and armors if the offer is good enough:

Crea Double Saber 12% light
Crea Double Saber 16% light

A rank weapons, I'll trade multiple lower %s for higher % weapons or armor, will trade for units (A rank or tero / legs or me / quick) as well:

30% earth mimimi-zashi, ice mukfet, fire mukfet, light mukfet, dark bone dance, fire nokoku-zashi, dark ran-misaki

34% light caliburn, ice mukfet, lightning nightwalker, dark ank tomho, light nokoku-zashi, light mimimi-zashi, ice heavy twins, fire shiratsuno-zashi, dark mijin misaki

38% earth jogiri, ice mukfet, dark gudda godda, ice mugungri, earth mukfet, earth muktrand, dark ank tomho, fire ank barde, light nokoku-zashi, fire muktrand, dark gudda gant, lightning giza-misaki, lightning nightwalker

44% ice mimimi-zashi, ice gudda godda, fire mugungri, earth mugungri, dark mugungri, lightning mugungri, lightning mukfet, dark mukfet, fire bone dance, lightning bone dance, light death dancer, lightning sharp twins, light sharp twins x2, dark sharp twins x2, lightning heavy twins, light nokoku-zashi, fire nokoku-zashi, ice nokoku-zashi, dark crea saber, ice crea saber, ice asami-zashi, lightning asami-zashi, dark ga-misaki, lightning heavy twins, fire muktrand

50% ice sharp twins, light gudda godda, ice mugungri, light mugungri, ice mukfet, light double saber, ice bone dance, fire sharp twins, ice twin crea saber, dark aldega cresa, light nokoku-zashi, lightning nokoku-zashi, dark nokoku-zashi x2, earth nokoku-zashi, ice nokoku-zashi, earth mijin-misaki, lightning mijin-misaki, dark rapier x2, light rapier, earth mimimi-zashi, light crea-zashi, ice ga-misaki, fire mijin-misaki, ice gudda gant, ice giza-misaki, fire death dancer, lightning gudda gant, dark hanzo

I also still have some B rank weapons so I'll list them too for the heck of it:
38% dark rivet gloves (2),
44% earth halbert (4),
50% fire claymore, dark halbert (4), ice mukrudi (4), light daga-rippa, dark survivor

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Box on 2007-01-22 12:51 ]</font>

Jan 20, 2007, 03:43 PM
that's way too many weapons. Obviously some hacked meseta was used in this venture(not that you hacked it, but ya know what I mean), because I've never even attempted, forget about been successful, with that many weapons.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ljkkjlcm9 on 2007-01-20 12:43 ]</font>

Jan 20, 2007, 04:50 PM
Box/Stox/Chica is kinda known as one of the big weapon producers, it's not surprising s/he has that many high % weapons http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Jan 21, 2007, 10:28 PM

Jan 22, 2007, 03:51 PM
bump for edit, added an s-rank weapon, a unit, some weapons and armor, took off halarod