View Full Version : De-Lagging

Jan 26, 2007, 02:02 PM
Ok well, I'm playing PSU (just recently got online) and my computer can just barely handle the game, and actually has crashed alot because of PSU (which I have never seen it do before). Usually because of too many people (Damn you Universe 2! So aluring yet so RAM heavy), but when I'm doing a mission down in the planets (expecially Parum) it can happen with just 1 or 2 people. Basically I'm asking if anyone has suggestions to help my out and make the game less RAM heavy.

P.S. I clipped everything to near except monsters, details are low, and textures are compressed, but LOD (I have no idea what that is) is still left at basic.

Thanks in advance

Jan 26, 2007, 08:50 PM
from waht i can tell, the gmame is processor and video memory 'heavy' it generally helps if you set the frame skip between 1 or 2. LOD is level of detail in other words. i usually set mine to 6-1-1 corresponding to the option available from top to bottom. If you still notice that you find your game is slow while playing mission by yourself or with a couple other people, it is a sign that you need to find a new video card driver, reinstall your version of OS, installsome new ram, or get an entirely new(er) system. SOLO missions should not be choppy.

Jan 26, 2007, 11:10 PM
Alright I'll have to bring down my level of detail, and my frame skip is already at 3 (forgot to mention). Thanks alot for your help.