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View Full Version : PS2 slowdown?

Jan 26, 2007, 05:24 PM
It seems the further I advance, the longer it takes for my techs(I am a force) to become usable.

Also when I materilise on missions it would seem I am one of the last to be there. I often see teammates kicking the crap out of enemys I canot even see. Well until literally 3 seconds later.

This is realy annoying when your in hard quests and I am acting as a force, proper support character(like my elementlist/monk in Guilwars). And ppl mone that you are not resta'ing them and you are doing your darn best but the spel is not 'available' yet.

I have not tried to PC version. I am getting an XBox core system on Monday(couresy of my mobile phone company). That question is, I am thinking that the PS2 cannot handle the high amount of data so maybe the 360 will be able to do it. For example, I have played DE RAGAN on A with 4 other forces using mainly diga and the frame rate slowed down to littely nothing.... before I was disconnected from the server. Are tings better ini 260 land?

I am also told that on the 360 version there are FAR less pl playing and the graphcs are not much better than PS2. I just ask this should I get PSU for my new 360(I will have to buy a hard drive for it I am told, a memory card wikll not do... even though it's a server based game... very evidenmt by the huge amount of bandwidth tthe PS" version uses aka online mode).

I am just wondering about this lag, how to deal with it, if it's worth going to 360 to start a new character. My broadband i not too bad at 4/6gb. I think the lag on high 'volume' games is more down to the PS2(it runs at something like 266mhz, the PC version suggests a 2.8ghz processor, the 360 has dual IBM proccesors running at 2.2ghz or something... so the light weight here is...http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif)

Sorry for the long post. I am just wondering why and how to deal with the lag, the lag with being able to cast. The lag in game speed when playing with 4/5/6 other ppl.

Just to say, those on PC, plz be patient of us on PS2 if we seem slow in casting or whatever. There is nothing we can do about it other than changing platform. I got a real meen coment from a player whom was having a bit of a Crisis just becase I was only casting support stuff as I had to use resta to keep the team alive using resta rather than quickly switch weps(blah, blah, blah).

Anyhoo. The lag thing? Whats the dealio(sorry again, the beer made me do it!).

Jan 26, 2007, 05:34 PM
At the beginning of each block I cycle through my rods and let techs load as we're running to the first group of mobs. This pre-loads your techs so when you actually need them, they'll be ready.

I'm on PC with a pretty solid system and tech lag happens to me every single time. I don't know if it's any better on 360.

Jan 26, 2007, 05:39 PM
Ok im going to try to answer this.
1. the PS2 has Slowdown yes but people deal with it because they love the game.
2. the 360 gets slowdown too! I dont know why but it does... PC is seemingly the only one that can do it smooth.
Anything i missed?

Jan 26, 2007, 05:40 PM
Well my PC im not trying to brag but its TOL and I rarly get a frame rate drop with aa and antiso cranked up

Jan 26, 2007, 05:48 PM
Game was poorly made, that's why you see one universe full and all the rest empty, cause not enough people wanna suffer through the PS2 version's problems enough to get to experience a decent part of the game. All the people that are left are either playing because it is the latest Phantasy Star and they can't live without the game series, all of their PSO buddies left to go to PSU and they hopped on, even though PSO was enough to them, or they see everything in 2 frames per second and the lag on the PS2 is actually pleasant.

Honestly, this game was poorly made, very poorly made. You can say it was rushed. The game's content is fine and dandy, but hot damn I'm not going through 2 FPS just to get to the next level. I'm on PS2, and I play with only 2 others now. I gave up the grind of playing in huge teams and sucumb to the lag and play with only small teams now. No problem though, since the 2 others I play with are ol' PSO buddies.

Jan 26, 2007, 05:54 PM
On 2007-01-26 14:48, Deja wrote:
Game was poorly made, that's why you see one universe full and all the rest empty, cause not enough people wanna suffer through the PS2 version's problems enough to get to experience a decent part of the game. All the people that are left are either playing because it is the latest Phantasy Star and they can't live without the game series, all of their PSO buddies left to go to PSU and they hopped on, even though PSO was enough to them, or they see everything in 2 frames per second and the lag on the PS2 is actually pleasant.

Honestly, this game was poorly made, very poorly made. You can say it was rushed. The game's content is fine and dandy, but hot damn I'm not going through 2 FPS just to get to the next level. I'm on PS2, and I play with only 2 others now. I gave up the grind of playing in huge teams and sucumb to the lag and play with only small teams now. No problem though, since the 2 others I play with are ol' PSO buddies.

thank you. best post ever. Iom online now,my char is Echo, tag WuTangg. Hope to play! I miss PSO. Bigtime. I have 3 PC's but for some reaspn I just cant play PC games like consoles.... my age I guess:)

Jan 26, 2007, 05:57 PM
There still is slowdown on the 360 version, however it happens so rarely for me that I don't get bothered by it. Apparently some people on 360 have reported that the slowdown/lag is horrible, but I haven't seen it.

As for the community, it is large enough for you to enjoy yourself. Also, it has not been hacked (as of yet) so the economy is still good and there are no duped items available.

I would also recommend a Hard Drive, should you switch to the 360 version. It is true that the graphics aren't much better than the PS2 (because it is a straight port), but you can get widescreen HD (if you have such a set up).

Jan 26, 2007, 06:21 PM
For Xbox360, it usually begins to lag for me when the enemies are casting a spell and everyone is either doing some spell or photon art at the same time.

Jan 26, 2007, 07:12 PM
Only real lag I've gotten is in Bruce's Dungeon with a full set of buffs on the whole party but I can fix most of it just by turning the music off. (Wierd but it seems to work in my case.)

Well actually there was 1 minor lag spike when we had 6 casts decide to SUV De Ragan at the same time... I think the number spam caused it more than the SUV attack animations...

Jan 26, 2007, 07:58 PM
I play PC and I haven't had any problems yet. I'm usually the first one able to move in a game (no one ever got to move before me at the start of a DeRagan fight), and I've only had slowdowns on occasion, when I had a bit too many other apps open in background. I do have a really good computer though.