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Feb 2, 2007, 05:40 AM
When I was a newb I thought I was freaking rich when I had over 3,000 meseta. I didn't know anything about elemental photons and I didn't know how to link PA's. I used the same Twin Sabers for over 20 levels, and pick up any that were drops. I thought the door in "My room" in the back was a "Make your character" room. Upon doing the tutorial, I did not know that my trainer could be brought in my party.

So what's your starting experience?

Feb 2, 2007, 05:49 AM
God thank you that i played offline first XD

Feb 2, 2007, 05:51 AM
First thing I thought was "Hey... where's my MAG?". XD

Feb 2, 2007, 05:53 AM
I remember when I was an online newbie...amazingly I started on Uni 15 and I went the 4F to go and meet other PSOWers. I ran into a few people and Parn. Parn sent me his card and I didn't know how to accept it! >< So I went afk for a while (I think it was up to an hour O.o) trying to figure out how to accept it, then I got frustrated and started pressing random keys on my keyboard. Then I dawned on me "Hey whats that Z thing by my status?" So I went ahead and pressed Z and BAM! NEW PARTNER CARD! I did my little victory dance in joy. But sadly after I accepted it...I realized 10 other people sent me cards too. >.>

Feb 2, 2007, 06:03 AM
When I was a newb, I read the manual at first before gaming - as I always do, somehow...

Feb 2, 2007, 06:31 AM
I didnt have internet when i got the game for Christmas, so i read the manual until i got home, then got on Story Mode and beat the whole thing in two days.

Feb 2, 2007, 12:18 PM
Hmm, thankfully I tried out offline mode to begin with, so I wasn't completly lost upon my first time online. I managed to quickly get alot of great friends to party with thanks to Ryuki and Rizen's meetings and my habit to just goof around in lobbies. :3

I also remember I spent half of my time chatting with people, rather than doing actual grinding.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shaidar on 2007-02-02 09:19 ]</font>

Feb 2, 2007, 12:26 PM
For me, it's usually the same pattern.

Read manual, play the offline game, then take it online.

Initially, I had a friend or two which I knew I could play with. Also did some random games to build up some friends. Oddly enough, hardly any one of the friends I randomed with, in the early day, play anymore.

Then while one of my friends was playing, I spotted a familiar character name and realized it was the same person I grouped with in FFXI. We got back together in PSU, and also a few other friends from that group showed up.

Then I remember the pso-world gathering party where I took pictures and got more names for my list. Some are still around, some aren't.

Now I sort of have 3 different forums of people in my friends list.

I still remember when it was great just to get that 1000 mst profit off of a mission. Though in a mission, my profits haven't exactly soared. Now I might see 3000 mst profit. Still, if I work hard, I may get 20K-30K profit for a full 5 hours work. It's amazing how fast time goes when doing a mission or two.

Normally I'm on the grind, but VC has definitely allowed me to simultaneously goof off and chat. Especially since my questing time is limited due to only having so many hours left after work and getting other *have to do* stuff done.

Feb 2, 2007, 12:30 PM
During the first 360 beta/demo I tried casting reverser on fallen comrades to no avail.

Feb 2, 2007, 12:31 PM
For the first 10 hours or so of the game I was selling everything to the npc instead of stashing it into my PM and common bin; at least I never got anything even slightly rare in that time.

Feb 2, 2007, 12:47 PM
I used voice chat on psox for so long, going back to the virtual keyboard on ps2 was super confusing. I kept fumbling between public chat, party chat, virtua keyboard, and splicing up my sentences cause this time around, the keyboard saves what you previously didn't finish typing.

I was spouting half mixed messages and replying to the wrong ppl after long fumbling pauses.

That and I keep hitting the same buttons where I'd expect to bring up my symbol chat or simple chat with the premade messages + member's names from PSO.
God I miss them. Instead now, I get to only save what, 8 chat settings? Lame....

Feb 2, 2007, 01:22 PM
I kept buying techs for my hunter. (y)

Feb 2, 2007, 01:27 PM
Did a few LL runs then notice that I was getting single digit meseta. So I sat down & start to talking randomly about stuff then someone came to my help. I think Neari since that day.

Feb 2, 2007, 01:42 PM
When I was a newbie, I was wary of grinding stuff.

...now I'm more wary. -_____-

Feb 2, 2007, 02:12 PM
When I was a newb, and I was still getting used to switching using items on the palette on the fly, I would always get killed as I stood still, fumbling with the d-pad and tried to use a 'mate.

Feb 2, 2007, 02:52 PM
Today I just found out what Set Priority does for partner cards. All this time I was wondering what those 5's meant that were next to all my partner cards.

Feb 2, 2007, 03:38 PM
20% dark duel pallasch grinded to 5.....Yeah i'm just that awesome.

Feb 2, 2007, 03:49 PM
Im still a newb... but I wondered how people got all thier money. Now I know how.

Feb 2, 2007, 04:04 PM
When I was a new player, I got free stuffs. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Feb 2, 2007, 04:11 PM
I thought the Pannons were cute so I sat there and watched them for a minute....Well till they started hitting me.

Feb 2, 2007, 04:24 PM
Starting out: Lots of noob fumbling with start to bring the menus up/down and L2 to cycle through no/public/party chat logs. I still make random mistakes with those controls.

First mission: Ran into a room full of sendillians, fought a bit, ran _just_past_the_door_ to answer mail PSO style. Those sendillians ran through the door and owned me PSU style while I wasn't looking.

Feb 2, 2007, 04:33 PM
On 2007-02-02 13:24, panzer_unit wrote:
Starting out: Lots of noob fumbling with start to bring the menus up/down and L2 to cycle through no/public/party chat logs. I still make random mistakes with those controls.

First mission: Ran into a room full of sendillians, fought a bit, ran _just_past_the_door_ to answer mail PSO style. Those sendillians ran through the door and owned me PSU style while I wasn't looking.

LMAO... I freaken hate those things with all my CAST machinary. D:

Feb 2, 2007, 04:39 PM
Erm I solo'd on my force through LL til like level 12 before i realized "Damn those mission points are -REALLY- important >_>" I did get gidiga, radiga and a few other spells to 12 though in that time http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Feb 2, 2007, 04:40 PM
when i first start out, i was like the green ranger from power rangers (the mysterious solo fighter, awesome and powerful) well.......so i believed. i played solo all the way up to lvl 12 and thats when i made my first online friend http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif .

from there the two of us would go on various mission although he didn't want to try anything that was "too hard" (chicken wuss http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif ) with that sed i one day killed de ragan at lvl 15 with some assistance from a new player (i died and was revived) and from there it was history............the good ol' days.

oh and i also sold all my finding to the ncp to get crazy money after every mission...........to all new players out there never do this or you'll be hurting later!!!!!!!! (don't bother calling me a stupid noob....to this day i kick myself for doing that)

Feb 2, 2007, 04:44 PM
when i was a newb i used to sell EVERYTHING...even the rare items and decorations. I also didnt know that i had to press a couple of buttons to see how well i did on missions after completing them. there was even a time where i didnt know how to display emotes and the other text box thingys! yup...i sure was quite the newb...

Feb 2, 2007, 05:59 PM
i played story mode first. i used a c rank saber 90% of the game, never buying a single item til after chapter 11 when i bought an a rank line shield and crimson (s-rank saber).
i fumbled too much while attempting to switch weapons to make it worthwile.
after quite a while i finally understood how to equip photon arts, which lead to massive rising strike spamming til i cleared the game. xD

when i got online i ran straight to parum, without doing the tutorial, started a mad creatures mission where i managed to hit-and-run-kill two koltova with foie. then i ran into some vanda and got ohk.

i didnt join any parties til i was level 10 or so, since i didn't realize you could press enter to see in-mission-peoples' levels without joining right away.

Feb 2, 2007, 06:07 PM
I thought I was badass when I could solo unsafe passage B as a force. Til ran out of PP http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif.

Feb 2, 2007, 08:10 PM
When I was a newb I didn't synthesize any items like weapons and 'mates, I just saved my meseta until I had enough for a new item or weapon. I also sold all my photons and materials for the extra money.

Feb 2, 2007, 08:21 PM
I still remember when Kyori, Aero, and I tackled the dragon for the very first time during the PC beta. We all rushed at the dragon expecting it to be sort of similar to PSO's dragon and got schooled.

We learned from our mistakes though and won the next time, however! It's hilarious looking back at how I played at the time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4guKO63WWc), still getting used to the controls and trying to get acquainted with strafing.

Feb 2, 2007, 08:28 PM
When I was new to PSU and started out as a Caseal Ranger I bought 10 Burn traps, went to Linear Line and went crazy with them BURN BABY BURN, had a blast. I ran out of the traps so I decided to wait for them to regenerate when I get to level 2. Nothing... >.>;; uh maybe on level 3 http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif... nothing >.>;;; All the way to level 4 and nothing. Then someone loled at me saying I have to keep buying them!! I was all like T___T NOOOOOOOO.!!!!! Come to think of it I was waiting for my HP to regenerate on the hallway while I took a break. Came back was at same hp... well actually lower... I was killed T__T

Feb 2, 2007, 08:44 PM
Oh boy this should be good:

soloing LL because no one would party with me until level 10, trying LL B at level 5 and dieing, badly. De Ragan kicking my but. Seeing Skuda figure out how to use his radar to predict were the worms would pop up. Watching a creatian beast try to nanoblast for the first time. De Ragan kicking my but. Watching Onma throw cows at use for the first time. De Ragon kicking my but. Posibolt looking like a god when taking on anything that flies.

Oh did I mention De Ragan kicking my but.

Feb 2, 2007, 08:58 PM
I was dirt-poor.

Then I opened a shop.

That same day, I found Shiro.

Then I got some funds.

I bought elemental photons for 1-500 apiece.

I then resold them and have made about 5-15 mil from selling elemental photons >=D