View Full Version : Question on guild cards + other stuff

Feb 25, 2001, 09:37 PM
I know how to give them and all, but how do you use them to find where someone is? Whenever I try the search thingy it says no data..

Also... this is my first post here, awesome website! I'll probably be playing on puck from now on since everyone on the old ship I used to go to, Titania, are losers..

And on a final note.. if you guys I was playing with tonight read this, sorry bout droppin like that, got BSOD and couldn't recon afterwards. Didn't lose anything - testament to the new BSOD strategy I guess? (15 min timer one)

anyway, thanks for yer time, cyas around.


Feb 25, 2001, 09:43 PM
First you go to your guild card list and u click on someone and do search. Then you go to search results and click on someone and you get their location. you can do meet the user to get warped to the lobby they were/are in.

Feb 25, 2001, 09:47 PM
And if it says NO DATA it simply means that the person you're searching for isn't currently online. =)