View Full Version : extra mode details?

Feb 7, 2007, 05:47 PM
Is there a good spot to get the real skinny anywhere?
So is it a mimic of story mode quests only, online mode, some mix of the 2, ever get any updates, etc?

Seems like its not a mode many spots really go into
Thanks for any help, I'm just guessing I'm starting there - with my own character, offline.

Feb 7, 2007, 06:03 PM
I haven't played the extra mode, but it's pretty much a mimic of the story mode quests (I believe). From what I heard, you find rares/meseta/items pretty easily and cap your level at 100. People capped their levels very quickly and got bored with this mode. Extra mode does not see updates. Apparently, it's just an easier, accelerated version of the online mode (I believe). I don't know many people who have had fun with this mode for long periods of time.

Feb 7, 2007, 10:12 PM
To put it simply: Extra mode is just story mode with no storyline, and you make your own character instead of using Ethan. And no, no updates; and extra mode will feel like crap if you have played online.

It has: less clothes( FAR, FAR, less); no axes,grenade launchers or throwing blades; no expert classes; no C to S versions of missions; no mission lines with field lobbies; no expert classes; stats are EXTREMELY exaggerated; rangers are demi-gods; all missions are timed.

Feb 7, 2007, 10:18 PM
Extra Mode is all the free missions from Story Mode, and the ability to create your character.

It's also ridiculously easy.

Feb 7, 2007, 11:37 PM
ok that might explain the lack of extra mode discussion :b lol thanks all