View Full Version : trying to understand that mag guide....

Dec 2, 2002, 07:44 AM
i dont understand what it means when they say things like def+mind=pow+dex. can someone please explain it in laymans terms? like im raising a mag on my redria hunewearl. at the moment its stats are
lv 74

i'm gonna make a temp force male for it to change into either a sato or a nidra. what do i have to do in order for it to do so?

at them moment, the easiest thing to raise is mind.

Dec 2, 2002, 09:27 AM
1. Basically all it means is that your DEF total + MIND total have to be equal to your POW total + your DEX total. For instance, you have DEF of 18, POW of 30, DEX of 10, and MIND of 16. This would be 18 + 16 and 30 + 10. So right now you have 34 and 40. What you wanna do is have these two numbers equal by the time your MAG hits level 100 or any 10th level after. So, obviously, at level 100 your DEF + MIND should equal 50 and your POW + DEX should equal 50.

2. Now, to get it to change to a Sato, do everything mentioned above to get the quantities equal. Once your MAG hits 100, create a temporary FO Female with a VIRIDIA, BLUEFULL, REDRIA, or WHITILL ID. Go to an offline multiplayer game, drop your MAG for the temporary character, and then feed it anything you want. The MAG should evolve immediately. *

3. For a Nidra, do the same as the step above except make the Force a Male.

* This also works at every 10th level after 100. (i.e. 110, 120, ...)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Mute on 2002-12-02 07:07 ]</font>