View Full Version : PSO Is the Best Console Game Ever

Feb 25, 2001, 10:10 PM
I've been playing PSO for about a week now, and I must say, this is the best console game ever. My character is a 20 level RAmar, so I can now play on hard! I have some thoughts as to what PSO2, or the expansion to PSO should include, though:

1) There either should be a mutual PvP system or some kind of server where people can kill other players. Or there could be just an all out, no restrictions player versus player combat system.

2) Characters should be able to buy ships, that would be cool. Like a small ship, with different things in them. Maybe it could have a storage unit like the bank does. People could visit your ship with your guild card. Theres countless things that could be included in this idea...

3) There should be a secure trading option, in which you don't have to worry about the integrity of the other person. Like giving someone your guild card, you should be able to trade items in that manner.

4) The game should have more players who can play together, and with the introduction of broadband, it wouldn't be hard. There should be like 8-16 in a game at once, and no more pausing the game when they're joining... that really ticks me off. (Either that, or maybe even massively multiplayer in PSO2... where we get to explore the WHOLE new world they've found.)

5) The town should be bigger, and offer more things like ships. (Maybe more than one town for massively multiplayer.)

6) Characters should be able to wear new clothes over the initial armor, like different stylin' future wear! ::Envisions old sci-fi movies and shudders::

7) They should introduce vehicles, this would be cool in a massively multiplayer environment, as well as a regular multiplayer one, as I expect there to be lots more room in PSO2.

8 ) There should be more depth to creating a permanent team. The team should have maybe their own ship, where the members can go to and decide where they want to go, and do other things.

9) More weapons, armor, and items!!!

10) A lot more quests and stages!!!

Thank you for listening to my suggestions... Now if Sega would hear me out... hehehe. Props to my homie, :RANQUE:


<font size=1>[ This message was edited by: Shinken on 2001-02-25 19:22 ]</font>

Feb 26, 2001, 12:42 AM
Hey there, I have to totallyy agree with you, PSO is arguably the best game... I really do look foward to seeing the expansion/version 2 out i nthe near future. One thing about your suggestions to the next version though I did not like too much was the use of vehicles...i really dont know about that...Ahh well we'll see...thanks.


Feb 26, 2001, 01:02 AM
Shinken, I think you ask a little too much to all be fitted into one GD-rom. This is still an online rpg, so they will have to limit many things (ie - vehicles, multiple towns).

Sad, maybe in a few years we will see (god forbid) PSO 4 or 5 on the PS2 or X-box that will include all that.

Or then again Sega will pull a fast one on us and release a very advanced Neo-Dreamcast???! =D