View Full Version : What's the Name of this Game?

Feb 13, 2007, 04:09 PM

I can't remember the name for the life of me, and i randomly ran across that partly cut off picture on a myspace website....I used to know the name, but Guns Online doesn't seem right...[and i can't find a website for it either..]

Any help is great http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif Thanks.

Feb 13, 2007, 04:24 PM
It might just be GUNZ (don't have it myself, but the character seems familiar from watching a friend)

Feb 13, 2007, 04:51 PM
It's Gunz: The Duel. pretty good game, albeit not enough character customization

Feb 13, 2007, 05:10 PM
Gunz. It was fun for a little bit, but got boring fast. :/

I don't know what kind of improvements (if any) have been made since I played, since it has been quite a while...

Feb 13, 2007, 06:10 PM
Yay! Thanks!

Feb 14, 2007, 06:17 AM
In b4 Battletoads

Feb 14, 2007, 07:54 AM
GunZ: The Duel finally has a non-beta English version.

It's available through ijji.com. I've played it quite a bit, and it's a sizable improvement over the original servers. It does lag some, yes, but the added content and increased security make up for that.

Feb 14, 2007, 10:30 AM
On 2007-02-14 03:17, heavenly6 wrote:
In b4 Battletoads

darn, beat me to it. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Feb 14, 2007, 01:12 PM
On 2007-02-14 04:54, Eihwaz wrote:
GunZ: The Duel finally has a non-beta English version.

It's available through ijji.com. I've played it quite a bit, and it's a sizable improvement over the original servers. It does lag some, yes, but the added content and increased security make up for that.

Increased security? Unless something drastic happened over the past month, script kiddies are still running rampant. Not to mention those glitches MAIET was too stupid to fix(everybody who has played GUNZ knows what I mean).

Feb 14, 2007, 01:36 PM
Most of the time, companies nowadays say that any supposed glitches people use to their advantage in a game are COMPLETELY INTENTIONAL, to cover their ass and pathetically(yet successfully) try to appease the userbase.

Smash Brothers and Mario Kart, I'm looking at you.

Feb 14, 2007, 01:58 PM
On 2007-02-14 10:36, Scrub wrote:
Most of the time, companies nowadays say that any supposed glitches people use to their advantage in a game are COMPLETELY INTENTIONAL, to cover their ass and pathetically(yet successfully) try to appease the userbase.

Smash Brothers and Mario Kart, I'm looking at you.

Mario Kart? What's an intentional game feature that you wrongly think is a glitch in Mario Kart? If you're talking about repeatedly using the mini-boosts you get from power sliding, then lol.

And for Smash Brothers, I'm guessing you're talking about what is referred to by the game as a "landing special," i.e. a Wave Dash. In this case, also lol. :/

However, the whole quick weapon-swap that allows people to "fly" in Gunz, there's no way it's intentional. It's just a series of workarounds, that get exploited. It is very different from the things Nintendo puts in their games (and Sega put in F-Zero GX/AX).

Feb 14, 2007, 02:09 PM
yeah, flying cowboys got old really fast.

Feb 14, 2007, 02:14 PM
On 2007-02-14 10:36, Scrub wrote:

Smash Brothers and Mario Kart, I'm looking at you.


Learn to play.

Feb 14, 2007, 02:18 PM
Thanks for proving my point guys.

Feb 14, 2007, 02:50 PM
Oh, that flying thing is still around? I think that I learned how to do that once. Yeah, that was pretty cheap. Wait, unless I'm thinking of the sword-jump thing.

Feb 14, 2007, 04:29 PM
On 2007-02-14 11:18, Scrub wrote:
Thanks for proving my point guys.

Your point being that the techniques intentionally implemented into the games that you don't like, are automatically glitches, because people have figured out how to use them well?

See, there's a difference between an obscure technique and an exploit.

For example, in Tribes, the ability to use the physics system to propel yourself high, far, and fast (to a physically inaccurate extent), was an exploit players could utilize because of how the system was implemented. In Tribes 2, the ability to do so, was deliberately programmed in and made easier to do - except with accurate calculations. Kinda like snaking and wave dashing.

One of the easiest ways to discern the difference, is to look at how you perform the maneuver. I'll use snaking in F-Zero as an example.

To snaking uses a mini-boost you get from sliding into a turn (pressing the L or R button in correspondance with a left or right turn, respectively), and the player uses this to his advantage by doing this in alternate directions in rapid succession, thereby weaving in and out of a relatively straight line, and getting the subsequent speed boost. This is not, by any means, a glitch. If the game imposed a limit on the ability to get the sliding mini-boost and the technique was used to circumvent this limitation, then it would be an actual glitch.

Same for wavedashing. A wavedash is what happens when a character does an aerial dodge into the ground, resulting in little or no recovery time from landing. Because it sets the character into a standing position (which would have to be deliberately programmed in), it allows the player to do anything he normally would be able to do from this position. Because of that, the player can then do a short jump again, aerial dodge into the ground, and repeat. If done at an angle into the ground, the physics system then takes over, to determine how far the character slides, based on momentum, traction, surface friction, mass, etc.

Also note that this entire set of actions, does have an actual name in the game's programming.

Due to all factors, wave dashing cannot be considered to be a glitch, because it is nothing more than what happens when multiple parts of the system are put to work at the same time. It is as much of an exploited "glitch" as Samus' extended seeking Grappling Beam.

You have to understand/be able to understand both how and why something works the way it does, before you can correctly judge whether something is a glitch, or was intentional.

In the case of Gunz, the whole "Flying Korean Shotgun Ninjas" thing is actually an unintended exploit (not that there are "intended exploits" - but this is both an exploit and unintended). Why?

The mid-air dash can only be done with a melee weapon. After doing so, there is a pause before you can dash again. Switching to a ranged weapon quickly after dashing, resets the "I jumped then dashed" flag, and this allows you to repeat the process, because the system no longer thinks you've dashed during this "jump," and hence, the delay timer on dashing again is reset. Of course, the "quick weapon switch" glitch also comes into play here - because you're required to exploit it to be able to switch weapons after dashing (I believe it was jump > dash > attack > switch weapon, or something like that). In essence, it's a glitch that uses a different glitch, to be executed.

Feb 14, 2007, 06:47 PM
It's the same shit Kent.

Feb 14, 2007, 07:50 PM
On 2007-02-14 11:09, Scejntjynahl wrote:
yeah, flying cowboys got old really fast.

shur did. so did cowboys with uzis spraying everywhere with no aim.
Magnums ftw baby.

Feb 14, 2007, 10:50 PM
Look, it was clearly all about the rifle things while jumping backwards.

Feb 14, 2007, 10:52 PM
On 2007-02-14 15:47, Scrub wrote:
It's the same shit Kent.

Except not. :/

There's a big difference between abusing a programming mistake, and abusing something that was actively included; one is cheating and unsporting, the other is very much not.

Feb 15, 2007, 12:11 AM
On 2007-02-14 15:47, Scrub wrote:
It's the same shit Kent.

Clearly, Kent is never wrong. :

Feb 15, 2007, 07:25 AM
Obviously. Just think about it, and try to realize the difference, there. :/

On 2007-02-14 19:50, Solstis wrote:
Look, it was clearly all about the rifle things while jumping backwards.

Some people could say the same thing about SMGs/Shotguns while jumping forward.

I always used a Rifle and dual Magnums.

SMGs tend to fall short later on, and Rifles, while slower-firing, had much more accuracy and, I believe, also more damage per shot.

I preferred Magnums over Pistols, because they did more damage in a single shot - however, lost a ton of accuracy when repeatedly fired. Magnums do about twice the damage in a single shot, I believe, while pistols had twice the ammo capacity and twice the firing rate, making things in this case pretty balanced. But if you've only got one shot to take, then Magnums are where you want to go.

Dive out from cover -> headshot with dual Magnums, just feels good.

One thing in particular that I didn't like, is how weak melee weapons were, in comparison to guns. You'd think, that cutting someone in half, would do more "damage" than putting a small hole in them, right? It mostly makes sense from a balancing perspective. I'm not sure if they've changed it now, or anything, though.