View Full Version : PC/PS2: State of the PSU Guilds/Community?

Feb 17, 2007, 09:34 PM
I'm a guildless level 54 Fortetecher, but I'm not looking to join any group currently. However I've always been an advocate of the guild system and wanted to know how the player-made guilds of PSU are holding up.

I've read up though that Sega is finally planning on dealing with the hacker situation (although only in japan atm) and that gave me hope that PSU is on it's way back up ^_^. It seems however the economy damage is irreversable but I don't need shiny rares to enjoy my game, as long as I can still function in a party with NPC brought goods I'll be fine.

The real issue here is the community! It looks to me like there's less than 300 or so ppl playing PSU at any time, and it's difficult to get parties for the A+ rank missions. As much as I love PSU, there's no way I'm gonna pay money to solo my way to 70 or (80) even if it is possible.

That's where the guilds come in to save the day. I'm imagining that with most ppl gone, and the new rank missions becoming ever more difficult to solo, that the demand for organized guilds have never been stronger!? So how is it? Have guilds become bigger and more organized in terms of partying and survival now, or have most of them turned to dust like my old guilds have X_X? Any feedback would be good.

Feb 18, 2007, 12:03 AM
I quit PSU for PSO and there's only around 20-50 people playing at one time, but I still manage to have a good time, just remember, it's only a 6person group, you don't need 300 people to have a good time(since in PSO it's a 4-person group and I'm having a blast playing with the same people everyday)

You should just try and get with a group around your level who's active and turn that into a static(or make your own guild out of it)

I remember the people from Vent had a bunch of different groups that would always play together when PSU started(you could check that too)

the ip is: Port: 3803

Feb 18, 2007, 12:40 AM
Yeah, that's what I'm saying, PSO still works because the players there really enjoy the game and make the effort to play together. But I'm asking if PSU had resulted in the same circumstances, because it wasn't like that before I left. But it wasn't a big deal because there were so many other ppl to play with at the time.

So how is it now? Even though the quantity of players is loss, did the quality of guild or party organization increase? Or are everyone just scattered around?

Btw, why did you leave PSU for PSO?

Feb 18, 2007, 11:26 PM
Alright, judging by the lack of replies, I can assume that at least the PS2/PC version of PSU is on the verge of death ;_;.

I mean I love this game, even though it lacks a lot of polish, it's game that had a lot of great fun ideas that makes it a stand out MMO in my opinion.

I don't know who to be mad at, the hackers for being to lazy to cheat at a game that's not even hard and for terrorizing legitimate players into leaving, or Sega for waiting a whole 3 months before suddenly intervening in the situation.

I desperately wanted to give this game a second chance, and I'm still gonna play it because of all the fun I've been having lately. But I wish this version of the game would bounce back community wise. If it ever does, I'll definitely be eager to play this great game again.

Feb 19, 2007, 05:17 PM
its not on the verge of death i just dont really visit the player matchup forum

Feb 19, 2007, 08:15 PM
I posted it here because I was directing this at the guild leaders/recruiters, but if this is in the wrong spot can a GM please move this post?

The primary function of a guild is to be in a group of players that you can organize partys easier than with the in-game options. When PSU was filling up servers 1 and 2, there really wasn't a need for guilds because pick up parties were plentiful back then. This is very much not the case now, and so I was concerned about those players that are struggling to get into parties but cannot. Those that aren't interested in guilds don't have the same problem and aren't factored in.

It's in my opinion that a strong united community regardless of size will be able ensure the survival of the game much longer than a bunch of players that are enjoying the game but have found no solution to the lack of pick up party options the PC/PS2 has left them with.

That's why I wanted to hear from the guild leaders how their guilds are doing, and I haven't been getting much in the terms of positive news from this post or in-game.

Feb 20, 2007, 05:22 AM
well, a lot of the players I used to play with (not really in a guild, but essentially the same thing, a bunch of people regularly playing together) either never came back on after awhile, or straight up left, so most of my partner cards were offline all the time.

I'd say just find a highly active guild and stick with it for as long as they're around.

Feb 20, 2007, 07:57 AM
ok, maybe i should have said something earlier. but its not that people dont want to be in guilds or meet up. its that 95% of the people that visit this forum dont visit this section. this section will not yeild any results. its been proven over and over.

i have never once, since November, not been able to find a party to join. never. i dont understand your dilema. also, not only do 95% of the ppl not come here, but 95% of the PSU players dont come to this forum at all! if you want to meet people in game, find the most populated area. right now its Uni 2, outside the HIVE missions, 4th floor colony. i ran around to each starting area and it has the most ppl by far. there may be another location in the middle of some planets (like Parum) that some ppl too. but outside the HIVE is the best place to meet ppl.

i've been hanging out there lately, and in 3 days i've met more ppl than i did from this section, and i have been posting here for well over a month. i came to realize that this is the best method. there are alot of noobs and spammers outside the HIVE, but with some blacklisting and persistance you will find people at your level to do runs with. if you find a good group of people in one mission, they are usually open to go to another planet and do other missions. so just cause there are no people at the mission you want to do, doesnt mean nobody wants to do it. just go to the most populated area :/

im havin a blast sitting on the bench out there. i met one really cool friend, and a few others i have their card. my chances of having ppl to quest with have gone up big time. find someone, do a run, get their card, and ur all set


Feb 21, 2007, 11:04 AM
okay I made another thread on the main PSU forum, and I'm getting better results, but it feels to me that the game is still ultimately disorganized, but that's not a real threat to the playability of the game. It would be nice to know if there were people out that that are trying to get the remaining players together, and build a stronger community not simply because PSU is a great game, but because PSU is their home!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BigBadWolf on 2007-02-21 08:05 ]</font>

Feb 21, 2007, 11:49 AM
I think the community's fine. Yes, it's small. Yes, there are a lot of jerks out there that I want nothing to do with. But in the past week, I've made some really good friends who I see almost every day now on PSU. How did I meet them? By joining a random party. I know, it's hit-or-miss if you'll meet someone you like this way, but it's the best way to go. Eventually, you make enough friends so you don't need to join random parties on a regular basis. At least that's what I've found.

And I don't really think there's a need to "bring the community together" or whatever. As far as I'm concerned, it already is. I mean there are always going to be some people who will be jerks and not help out low leveled characters, or want to have nothing to do with anyone not on their partner card list. But it seems like there are still plenty of people out there willing to meet new people and form a party with someone just becuase they're nice, and not because of level, or equipment, or meseta.

And I'm not too fond of guilds/clans really, so I won't comment on that.

Edit: And as dead as this section may be, I have met some (or more accurately, 2 XD) people using this section of the forum. So don't write it off completely!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Buddichan on 2007-02-21 08:51 ]</font>