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View Full Version : PC vs 360 vs PS2 gfx

Mar 1, 2007, 07:11 PM
so first of all notice in the title PS2 and PC is seperate...

So I got me a 360, but not an HDTV and I was wondering... what is the graphical difference between PS2 and 360 and with this would 360 perform better than my new PC that I'm getting...it a pretty high end machine. I can't name the specs simply because I can't remember them and the machine isn't in my possession at the moment (brother needs to go pick it up from his friend). If i remember right i should be able to play it at top performance.

Also how is the community and is it worth starting over for a 3rd time on the 360 ver.

on an off topic question... does 360 support USB keyboards or no? I can't find whether they do or not.

Please do not flame...just please post factual info or factual comparisons. And if you can...please show some screen shots between the three if they exist.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:13 PM
When I played 360 on HD, I was blown away. Everything is normal size, (for example. while playing on a non High Def TV, everything kinda looks big) and it just looks amazing. Strangely enough, I noticed almost no lag while on HDTV on the 360, which happens occasionally while on a normal TV.

Although, I'm sure a very powerful computer could overpower it.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:14 PM
360 has USB keyboard support.

I'm pretty sure in terms of graphics, it's PS2<PC<= (less than or equal to) 360...I don't know if the PC version has depth of field like the 360. But I play on an HDTV, so it may look better on your PC's monitor because of the differences in resolution.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:18 PM
The resolution for 360 without HDTV looks like 800x600 on PC. On HDTV, its like the max resolution for PC. Both will look and run like the max settings for PC.
360 community is pretty large. Almost always 2 Universe full and at most 3 full with 4 half full with odd universe like 16(JP) at 2 stars.

As for the keyboard, yes, Xbox360 supports USB Keyboards.

I will link a video of the 360 version I took a few days ago in a sec.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:20 PM
On 2007-03-01 16:18, Rizen wrote:
The resolution for 360 without HDTV looks like 800x600 on PC. On HDTV, its like the max resolution for PC. Both will look and run like the max settings for PC.
360 community is pretty large. Almost always 2 Universe full and at most 3 full with 4 half full with odd universe like 16(JP) at 2 stars.

As for the keyboard, yes, Xbox360 supports USB Keyboards.

I will link a video of the 360 version I took a few days ago in a sec.

Yeah, but your max 360 res is 1280x768, ours is 1280x1024. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif So yes, it looks the same but we get more vertical lines.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:20 PM
well PSU on PS2 ver the HUD is enormous compared to PC but the characters and such all seem to be reasonable equal between the two. i noticed when i altered the resolution on PC the only thing that really changed was the HUD size...of course i've heard that there was a problem with the resolution options so..that could be a factor i don't have a comparison on.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:23 PM
HD really does change the effect of PSU. Its great.

Heres the video I made:

(Note: It looks a bit bright and colorless for the fact that I still havent adjusted my capture device to look proper)

Mar 1, 2007, 07:27 PM
that really doesn't help as that looks worse than PS2 ver to me >.> lol mostly because of the pixelation.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:29 PM
here's a better question what is accessible in the free demo? cuz i can just DL that ^.^

Mar 1, 2007, 07:29 PM
Thank Youtube and codecs for that >.>

Just trying to show the smoothness mostly.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:30 PM
Durakken, the 360 version has a demo you can download if you really want to see what the graphics look like.

EDIT: Well a convenient post...the demo is the beta. It's missing advanced classes, Moatoob, about 90% of the missions, A rank weapons, online story missions, and most of the spells.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Umberger on 2007-03-01 16:32 ]</font>

Mar 1, 2007, 07:31 PM
The same things that was accessible when the game first came out. LL, Parum to Dragon and Neudaiz up to Temple.

Mar 1, 2007, 07:36 PM
thats not too bad thats what i play usually anyways ^.^

Mar 1, 2007, 07:43 PM
On 2007-03-01 16:20, foamcup wrote:

On 2007-03-01 16:18, Rizen wrote:
The resolution for 360 without HDTV looks like 800x600 on PC. On HDTV, its like the max resolution for PC. Both will look and run like the max settings for PC.
360 community is pretty large. Almost always 2 Universe full and at most 3 full with 4 half full with odd universe like 16(JP) at 2 stars.

As for the keyboard, yes, Xbox360 supports USB Keyboards.

I will link a video of the 360 version I took a few days ago in a sec.

Yeah, but your max 360 res is 1280x768, ours is 1280x1024. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif So yes, it looks the same but we get more vertical lines.

I don't know what 360 you're using, but MY max resolution is 1920 x 1080 http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Mar 1, 2007, 08:47 PM
I have played both versions and from experience can say the PC version looks the best. That being said, I have an ATI X800 pro graphics card and I still got more graphics lag at 800x600 than I do playing Xbox PSU at 1080i. The Xbox version does slow down too, but in my experience is a little more solid. It really will depend on your PC hardware though.

Your other option is to pick up the VGA cable for the 360 and play it on your computer monitor.

Yeah, but your max 360 res is 1280x768, ours is 1280x1024. So yes, it looks the same but we get more vertical lines.

In response to this I think when playing with VGA cable on a standard aspect monitor you get a max resolution of 1280x768. I have noticed this myself on one of my monitors. On my widescreen monitor I can play at whatever x 1080.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Daremo on 2007-03-01 17:50 ]</font>

Mar 2, 2007, 02:10 AM
i've got both PSU for 360 and PC, the PC kicks the 360 ass. 'course my specs arent of the normal variety, but whatever! 4GB RAM, 512MB Radeon 1900XTX

edit- as with all pc games it depends on the hardware.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: APEXi on 2007-03-01 23:11 ]</font>

Mar 2, 2007, 02:17 AM
Depends what settings your computers running.

If you've got average, run-of-the-mill Joe shmoe "That crappy thing in the corner that I use for homework," computer, PS2 will definately look a million times better than it (Let's face it; PC lowest resolution looks like total shit XD Anyone recommended a computer for lowest PSU settings over PS2 version should be shot http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif). But max resolution PC version is just... *gawk*

I've never played the PC version on a computer that was good enough to run PC at max settings/resolution, but I've SEEN the settings http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif (Running... slower than all get out, but AWESOME LOOKING)

Unless I can see/play the 360 version, I can't say anything about it (Capture cards don't do justice)

Mar 3, 2007, 12:16 AM
I'd also like to mention that the 360 version has a little bug that bothers me with the keyboard - That is, that when you hit enter on the PC or PS2 Version in a menu or anything, it will select whatever you hit enter on. On the 360, for whatever reason, it doesn't do anything.

Just a little thing that's bothered me.

Mar 3, 2007, 12:21 AM
Here's the gist of it on Xbox 360 versus PC... the PC version looks better if you have 16x Anisotropic Filtering on at 1280x1024 resolution. Otherwise, the 360 has it trumped since it supports the same level of detail for the textures, and supports widescreen resolution up to 1920x1080 if you have the HDTV to view such a resolution.

Mar 3, 2007, 12:36 AM
I love my HDTV ^_^

Mar 3, 2007, 12:38 AM
Me too!

Mar 3, 2007, 12:40 AM

Mar 3, 2007, 12:41 AM

Mar 3, 2007, 06:43 AM
..too slow?

Mar 3, 2007, 08:35 AM
Just to say. I had a 360 GIVEN TO ME FREE with my mobile phone contract. Irony, real irony is I bought the original XBOX on the FIRST DAY it became avaible here, paid £250. I paid £40 liive fee,loved it.... Rainbow Six, Halo and... PSO AS WELL.

Back to my 36o. I am fucking DISGUSTED at the way M$ destroyed XBOX. I am a big PS fan. I also know a thing or two about coding. There is NO reason WHATSOEVER why PSU could not have been released on XBOX. Not one.

M$ just wanted to 'kill' off XBOX in order to get ppl to upgrade to 360.

I could write a ten page essay on this subject. In the end.... what really did it... what REALLY did it.... I had the CORE system, therefore I needed the HD to even play anything, or the memory card... Im tld the memory card is no good when it comes to live(figure... PS2 does it well with 8mb.... 360 not so well with 64mb... and thats just code, data... figure)..... so I got my 360..... huge f'king thing, weighed a ton... but this is a a powerfull console right? it has multi core proccessors, and the PSU I could build a house with tem!)....

So... I had.... my long awaited 360... BRILLIANT. £200 worth of equipment FREE just coz I chose Orange,,, an the right ntariff. I had it at last! Er no.... out the box, onto my TV, the best thing it could dois play music from my PC using Xconnect, and show pictures on my TV... great!!! no game demos... though I did like he controller, it worked well with my self build PC on PSO,

Not put off, I was told, YOU need a HD to play PU... OK.... I'll get one then.....SIXTY NINE POUNDS for TWENTY MEG SATA DRIVE..... I could but a 500gb drive for lese... I don't see where the justifacation is for such a high price.... no way...

With Sony, at least you can go to other manufactures....

M$..... SPECIALLY designed the HD so that only THEIR product would work with it... no buying third partydrives...... although ppl are working on it.... I looked into it... you can get kits to read the ermm DATA 360 on a PC but not vice versa...

That, my friends is why I play sony. Oh I know the PS2 is inferior to 360.. and orignal XBOX. But Sony are in no way perfect but at LEAST THEY try and hintergrate....(PS2 BSD Linux kit from sony, etc).... M$ segrate,,,,,

Thre has been talk of merging of servers. Won't happen. M$ want it all, they will not share.... they ae aggresive.... they ae morons.

The irony is... I actuaqlly really like the 360. It was my dream to own one. Ohbyeh.

After 1 day of thinking I swapped myb core 360 for a PSP. And a good swap to. IMO

I a not bashing 360. Far from it. I think it's a wonderfull machine.

I f'ing hate m$.....

In my all to typical around about way of saying things..... I have seen, played PSU PC, 360 and PS2. 360 to many extents has the same GFX as the PS2... oh right high def? get the exploder VGA cable and the only discernable difference is frame rate.

360 VS PC.... don't make me laugh!

It's all contingent on what setup your using... my setup woukd give the Pepsi challenge on ANY 360 any day.... the chipset, gfx card I'm using did not even exist for sale a few months back.. and guess what... there will be better faster ones next month and the month after. 360 is sruck.. AS is PS2 but it is a console?

You can not EVER compare a console to a PC.... thats like comparing a stock Ford to a Nascar csar.

For me.... I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER orgive M$ for the way they crippled the original console to entic.force ppl to buy the 360. I almost went for it myself.

I'm not saying Nintendo, Sony are perfect but as of so far I play FFV I bought on 1996 on my PS2 now. I did not have much luck trying to nplay Destiny Warriors on my X XBOX 360.....

Sorry to rant but I HATE M$. I really do. I was also one of the suckers that bought XPpro at FULL price, promises o never ending support. Now Vista.. to bad dude you got to go and but it, btw we're not going to continue supporting XP for too much longer so you best.....

As soon as I buy another HD t archive my data on, I'm going Linux....

From a tecdhnical point of view, I can imagine all those good hard working ppl at m$ dewigning and making this wondefull machine.... and the money ppl working hard tro see how they could milk it.

Truth is. PS" PSU is pretty much the same as 360 PSU.

I'm not even going to get into a 360 vs ps2 war.

7 years behind.

Though PS3 kicks the ass of 360 in every way.... well except price. And it's ugly IMO.

I really hope that in the console indusrty anyone comes out good but M$.

They could care less about us and I have been a m$ fanboy,,,what they produce is good. but their business ethics are from the toilet.

To repeat..... mach PS" PSU and 360 PSU with CGA cables and the only difference you will see is frame rate. Witha loaded PC... 360 is blown away.

So edenth the rant!

Mar 3, 2007, 08:45 AM
lol, that's business.

Mar 3, 2007, 09:02 AM
The graphics, slowdown and bugs on PSU in the Xbox360 version is from Sega's ineptitude; not Microsoft's. Infact Sonic Team has been showing their ineptitude in several games over the past few years, sadly.

As for HDD blunders...just look at what Sony did with their hdd on the PS2 in the USA. 99% of game support of the hdd from Japan was forcibly cut for business reasons. Not that add-ons ever take off(the hdd is only really useful for storing saves/ffxi/pirating); but I'm sure squaresoft really appreciated hdd support being removed from all new PS2 systems on top of that /sarcasm

Choices choices... removal of 3rd party ps1 card support, blocking codebreaker, blocking thumbdrives, DRM.

You go ballistic on one company while supporting the other for the same failures of compliance. Your ranting makes no sense to me.

MS and Sony both have and do some horrible things even still. I still support developers who deserve it; though I sadly still support Sega probably for the awesomeness of Sega Saturn Japanese titles... it's wearing thin though.

Mar 3, 2007, 09:39 AM
Ah, just so we're all clear, Microsoft, Sega, Sony or any other corporation's standing as a company is fantastically irrelevant to this thread, which was--quite clearly--just asking of the graphical differences between all three versions.

Far be it from me to say you shouldn't put so much hard effort into a rant like that, but please do stay on topic.

Mar 3, 2007, 09:54 AM
On 2007-03-03 06:39, A2K wrote:
Ah, just so we're all clear, Microsoft, Sega, Sony or any other corporation's standing as a company is fantastically irrelevant to this thread, which was--quite clearly--just asking of the graphical differences between all three versions.

Far be it from me to say you shouldn't put so much hard effort into a rant like that, but please do stay on topic.

Yeah. Your right. Sorry, I do get a bit carried away about the 360 thing. I think it's a great console. I just have real issues with M$.

Mar 3, 2007, 01:04 PM
well my question was already answered...but all the same that rant not only was irrelevant, but full of grammarical errors that really limit what one should even believe from it. Furthermore a lot of your information and rantingness doesn't come from the 360 or MS itself.

For example you are complaining about not being able to use this or that cuz you didn't get a HDD... well it says that on the site and everything else.

Another example is you complaining about the price of HDDs when you don't realize that the reason they are so expensive is because they are so small. Small HDDs have to be custom made and that's why they cost so much.

And again you say it says you needed an HD TV, which it doesn't...PS3 does.

Anyways not important