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View Full Version : BSODed 4 times

Feb 26, 2001, 12:02 AM
I just lost all my unequiped stuff!

And I exited safely... this is anoying...

Feb 26, 2001, 12:30 AM
You managed to exit safley and you still lost your stuff??!!!??? OUCH!!!! I got the BSOD once so far and lost my unequiped stuff. I had to shut my power off http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_frown.gif after waiting in vain for it to disconnect. I have GOT to get the right browser so I can make a back up. I hope you didn't loose anything good. Now I never carry any of my good stuff unless its equiped.

Feb 26, 2001, 12:33 AM
I BSODed 4 times in one day. And lost all my items every time. It ended up being about 100k worth of loses. Because them damn trimates are so expensive. 2k each is an out rage.

Feb 26, 2001, 12:50 AM
No just a couple of good mags and my varista with dark 45%..... trifluids ext... star atons... crap

this is getting me fustrated.. all this trouble and still haven't found a rare item on my own.. the only thing was my Agito 1994 and I lost that due to server lag.. i died and couldn't pick it up and then was booted off....

I want to kill Sega and their severs.. i say let someone handle them who knows how to do it.

Feb 26, 2001, 01:06 AM
Whoa, I just un-pluged my phoneline and in about 30 secs it saved. Did you just un plug it, but it still didn't save?

Feb 26, 2001, 01:33 AM
no it saved and I still lost my stuff.. oh well I have my charecter..

Feb 26, 2001, 02:09 AM
Must have been the servers cause I bsod tonight when I went to go to the gathering. I just pulled my phone line and waited like 5 mins for it to disconnect. Didnt lose anything