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View Full Version : Do you think Extra mode is kinda useless now?

Mar 8, 2007, 11:55 AM
Since they made it separate from online mode meaning you cant have personal offline training like in PSO.

Mar 8, 2007, 11:57 AM
Nope. It serves the same purpose I've said since day 1. It allows you to kind of test out a character make and race (since you level so fast in that mode), and try different weapons on them before taking them online. No sense spending 80-100 hours and then find out you don't like your character. This way, you can get a good sample and see if that's the thing to do. Then you bring them online and work for the appropriate class that supports something close to your same choices.

Oh! I want this, but I should've been a beast. Or something else where they wished they were Cast doing that. In Extra Mode, you can find those out in 4 hours, not 40-80.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Akaimizu on 2007-03-08 08:59 ]</font>

Mar 8, 2007, 12:02 PM
Personally, I think they should update somne stuff in Extra Mode. Like, clothing options and stuff.

Because looks are everything in PSU (Let's admit it, it's true. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif)

Mar 8, 2007, 12:06 PM
Personally, I think they should update somne stuff in Extra Mode. Like, clothing options and stuff.

What do you mean? that Offline lacks clothes and junk?

I guess PSU is more of an online game than PSO was.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hucast-Kireek on 2007-03-08 09:08 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hucast-Kireek on 2007-03-08 09:09 ]</font>

Mar 8, 2007, 12:11 PM
It's meant to be a side mode, an extra thing to do once you have done some or all of the story chapters. It also gives you a feel of what online is like.

Mar 8, 2007, 12:21 PM
On 2007-03-08 09:11, Dhylec wrote:
It's meant to be a side mode, an extra thing to do once you have done some or all of the story chapters. It also gives you a feel of what online is like.

Not even that, since the online and offline modes are so different gameplay-wise.

Extra mode's only purpose is to keep PSU addicts from being bored during server maintenance or until you can afford a Guardian's License.

Anyone who can't play PSU online needs to return their game immediately. Seriously, that's sometimes what I feel like telling everyone who cries about not being able to find kubara wood. Extra mode is THAT pointless.

Mar 8, 2007, 12:26 PM
Extra mode is for people who can't get online. I was online on day one, so I haven't touched extra mode. >.>

Mar 8, 2007, 12:38 PM
Im actually glad I experimented with Extra mode before I got online. I know exactly what I want and how things work (PAs, weapons, bosses, etc).

Its just funny how people ask and complain about how PAs work when majority of them been available offline for a very long time. Taking a little time to play extra mode takes you a long way in the future.

Mar 8, 2007, 12:38 PM
I guess thats the only benefit of Offline mode huh? to experiment before entering online?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hucast-Kireek on 2007-03-08 09:41 ]</font>

Mar 8, 2007, 12:55 PM
On 2007-03-08 09:38, Hucast-Kireek wrote:
I guess thats the only benefit of Offline mode huh? to experiment before entering online?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hucast-Kireek on 2007-03-08 09:41 ]</font>

Well some people also may just enjoy the story mode. It isn't as if this game is totally worthless without online.

Some people like to solo, maybe they don't have a broadband connection, maybe they can't afford to play online, etc. There are a thousand reasons for extra mode.

I personally played the story mode, as well as some extra mode before I went online. It helped me a lot in my opinion. I knew where most missions were, what PA's were good, what weapons to look forward to. I considered it research.

Nothing in this world is worthless, there is always a use for everything http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif.

Mar 8, 2007, 12:56 PM
/shrug I got the game for $15 and I havent taken the online plunge yet at $10/mo
still going through story and between the trial and extra mode will decide whether to do so

offline mode is all I did for the GC and it did well as you used the same characters and could play multiplayer locally. I almost skipped this title entirely but then just waited for a good deal (whereby I ended up with a terrific one) - blows my mind we have updated hardware and hdtvs an we lose playing multiplayer locally - I played GCPSO with my wife at home :b

edit - as to relevance, well extra mode would have been a lot better if you could go 1-4 rather than just 1. Heck even just 1-2 and allow us to split the widescreen up

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: CKaz on 2007-03-08 09:57 ]</font>

Mar 8, 2007, 01:02 PM
On 2007-03-08 09:38, Hucast-Kireek wrote:
I guess thats the only benefit of Offline mode huh? to experiment before entering online?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hucast-Kireek on 2007-03-08 09:41 ]</font>

Well, I thought it was fun as well. You really do get to the point of feeling quite powerful in Extra Mode, after a time. That, and because you're sort of a *super class* in Extra Mode.

I was mainly mentioning, since I play mainly online mode now, a way to use it in relevance to online mode. Case in point. Any and every character I make online, has been tested in Extra Mode first (at least for the first 20 levels) to see if everything *clicks* for that character make. I need that something special for me to get full enjoyment out of using them. Something that stirs up good characterization, a backstory idea, and is just plain fun to use.

Mar 8, 2007, 01:02 PM
I think offline extra mode is fine, you can come up with play styles of characters you wanna make before you use them online, which I find awesome.

On 2007-03-08 09:55, Weakness wrote:

Nothing in this world is worthless, there is always a use for everything http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif.

Even "l33t talk"? *giggle* Sorry had to. <3

Mar 8, 2007, 01:11 PM
Lol I must admit you surpised me xD *thumbs up*

Mar 8, 2007, 01:16 PM
offline was so far the best experience for psu for me even though I am missing some good stuff online. It lacks a lot of the online content but then again that is the reason to play it online, for more content. I assume that the expansion will have more content that was online in the extra mode.

Mar 8, 2007, 02:05 PM
On 2007-03-08 10:02, -Rune- wrote:

Even "l33t talk"? *giggle* Sorry had to. <3

http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_cry.gif My whimsical reply to this was deleted.

Mar 8, 2007, 03:02 PM
On 2007-03-08 08:57, Akaimizu wrote:
Nope. It serves the same purpose I've said since day 1. It allows you to kind of test out a character make and race (since you level so fast in that mode), and try different weapons on them before taking them online. No sense spending 80-100 hours and then find out you don't like your character. This way, you can get a good sample and see if that's the thing to do. Then you bring them online and work for the appropriate class that supports something close to your same choices.

Oh! I want this, but I should've been a beast. Or something else where they wished they were Cast doing that. In Extra Mode, you can find those out in 4 hours, not 40-80.

ACTUALLY....i make new characters to test em out online (i probably wasted about 1mil in all xP)

Mar 8, 2007, 03:06 PM
On 2007-03-08 12:02, Rashiid wrote:

ACTUALLY....i make new characters to test em out online (i probably wasted about 1mil in all xP)

Yep. That's part of the reason. In Extra Mode, I can quickly see the changes of a character, from early game to mid-game. Four hours is a real small investment. And considering the fact that I don't think I've made a culmulative 1 million meseta online, since I started the game; I'm quite happy with my decision.

Mar 8, 2007, 03:11 PM
wait, so you waste money inorder to create more characters online?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hucast-Kireek on 2007-03-09 10:21 ]</font>

Mar 8, 2007, 03:26 PM
Not really. It's just that online progresses a lot slower than Offline. The meseta was basically in how much meseta they used to *test* these characters up to the levels they were brought them up to. Take note, offline, Meseta comes easy and in abundance, so you really don't *work* for it. Even if the Offline stuff costs more, you make money hand over fist without much time invested.

However, you can easily give them a bit of an online-boost by having your Main character *donate* money to the cause. This is what was done. Still, it's nothing to the speed of testing one can accomplish in offline mode.

Mar 8, 2007, 04:20 PM
It's not useless. It was something for me to do since you can't create a story mode character. I had alot of fun using it I still play it now too.

Mar 8, 2007, 06:01 PM
Please, don't use extra mode to test stats...they are too drastically different from online mode.

Mar 9, 2007, 12:03 PM
Thus why, for all things under the sky, people avoided using the word STATS completely. Playstyle and precise Stats are two very different things. Overall playstyle has a lot more to do with the race you pick and the weapons/tools you can and choose to use together. Sure you tweak things online, but they still don't change the overall basis. And last but not least, it's still down to time invested, plain and simple, and an overall feel. There's no argument there. Just because SF2 can't be compared exactly to SF2 Hyper Fighting, doesn't mean you can't get the gist of using Blanka.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Akaimizu on 2007-03-09 09:11 ]</font>

Mar 9, 2007, 01:17 PM
Sorry to ask if this is a noob question or something, but can you transfer an extra mode character to the online mode?

Mar 9, 2007, 01:19 PM
On 2007-03-09 10:17, Ace1860 wrote:
Sorry to ask if this is a noob question or something, but can you transfer an extra mode character to the online mode?


Mar 9, 2007, 01:26 PM
THAT SUCKS! Are you serious. I was planning to play offline for a while and build up meseta and stuff.

What a shame. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Mar 18, 2007, 12:38 AM
can you get any other clothes besides the starter ones in extra mode?

Mar 18, 2007, 01:07 AM
On 2007-03-08 15:01, Schubalts wrote:
Please, don't use extra mode to test stats...they are too drastically different from online mode.

actually they are a lot closer than you think they are. only a couple stats like mst ata and sta are out of wack. off race combos are out of wack too.

offline beast F
hp 2461/2461
atp 1054
ata 78
tp 246
dfp 212
evp 117
mst 98
sta 21

beast F fortefighter

HP 2823
ATP 1003
ATA 268
TP 173
DEF 242
EVA 153
MST 69
STA 12

Mar 18, 2007, 09:37 PM
On 2007-03-09 10:26, Ace1860 wrote:
THAT SUCKS! Are you serious. I was planning to play offline for a while and build up meseta and stuff.

What a shame. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

It is not because that way, nobody will start with an already superboosted character and must play fairly.

Mar 18, 2007, 10:40 PM
Well, some of us are loners man, we who like to do our personal quests, and classified agenda. But I guess I know why Sonic Team did it. I really wish Offline mode was like that of PSO, plus Multiplayer! that split screen action rocked.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hucast-Kireek on 2007-03-18 20:42 ]</font>