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View Full Version : Best Armor for Moatoob - Goliath ?

Mar 13, 2007, 09:54 PM
I know with many maps, it's best to switch armor in the middle of battle depending on the monster type.

My 19% Lightning Yamata Senba is not really cutting it against those big robots that shoot those purple bullets. I currently have 3 more Lightning Yamata's synthing that will be ready in a few hours

-- Is it best to wear Dark Armor when your against these big robots?

Many of the people I play with are good players, but I always see a lot of people that are too darn sloppy at protecting themselves. And I am stuck trying to heal them while protecting my own hide....Especially when it come to those exploding robots.

Im a fighgunner also, so I have experience also on the front lines, and never run into so many issues as a lot of people I see...I just dont get it, But my combo setup is always a plain Saber and Handgun.

Since Im also on the topic of exploding robots, isnt it better to be wearing Fire Armor to help protect you from the explosion?

Mar 13, 2007, 10:06 PM
They might look like dark bullets but lightning armor reduces damage from them. Whatver the element of the exploding robot equip an armor wiith that element.

Mar 13, 2007, 10:07 PM
Keep a hold of more higher lightening armors. I think the average run should be in the lightening element and neutral mobs, so you don't really need to switch. The Grinna Bete's damage would decrease soo much for you (30%+ get!)

Mar 13, 2007, 10:26 PM
A good basic armor for the desert goliath fun would be. Teroline 6 star armor which you can buy in the NPC shop. It has 25% or 26% lighting element. Making it a good armor to hold ypur own against the enemeies and boss in that run.

Mar 13, 2007, 10:47 PM
On 2007-03-13 20:07, Dj_SkyEpic wrote:
Keep a hold of more higher lightening armors. I think the average run should be in the lightening element and neutral mobs, so you don't really need to switch. The Grinna Bete's damage would decrease soo much for you (30%+ get!)

Ive bee trying to synth like 5+ Lightning Yamats with not much luck. Many failed and the highest % was 19% so far...Will find out on those 3 in 3 hours..

I ended up having to pay up to 50K each for darn Zon Photons, cuz synthing sucks up my inventory..haha

Mar 14, 2007, 03:53 AM
My synth finished and got a 37% Lightning Yamata... finally after 10 tries of failure and/or something below 18%

Mar 14, 2007, 04:04 AM
Very nice percentage. Should definitely become one of your greater assets in that area. ( I still have to go there to help friends lvl up there XD. with my 22% Lightening Yamata.)

I see a great amount of decrease in damage when I equip it compared to a Yamata with a different element ( since it would basically be more of a neutral vs the lightening mob.) Good luck on your runs though.

Mar 14, 2007, 07:20 AM
Thanks, I did some more runs at Moatoob and notice a huge difference compared to 18% before. Even against the boss, I have a higher chance of some health left and not always dying.