View Full Version : PSU, I play even though I've been repeatedly disapointed.

Mar 14, 2007, 09:33 AM
Bah...felt like complaining. :0 If you don't like me going all ";.; lawl, EMO!" skip this post. If your bored, can relate, or whatever. Feel free to read on. Or just read my eighth n' ninth complaint and laugh.

First...my main is a fortegunner Cast and I pretty much exclusively use twin pistols (grenade launcher occasionally to break up groups). As it's my favorite weapon and with them I can pretty much dodge any attack made by an enemy as long as my reaction time's quick enough. But...with this ranking system I'll never be able to use S rank guns unless I decide to make some...magical Cast. Yeah.

Second...while I was fine when I had my group. But when the PSU community started to die eventually they left. Leaving me. For some reason I just can't find any good parties these days. And with my main being a fortegunner. Well, soloing is hard as hell and takes forever. NPCs are useless...as the point of a ranger is attacking at a distance and they pretty much just stand around you while you shoot things. They do...occasionally take a hit for me, though.

Third...what I loved about PSO was the crazy amount of unique weapons they had. In PSU, it seems like there's no special weapons like the Agito (we do have the "replica"...who makes a replica out of a beam!?), Solid Rifles, and ect. Worst of all, I was really hoping for solid shell guns. A pair of bullet firing pistols would make me explode with joy.

Fourth...is it me or rare items harder to get? You have to first find the Rare board (at the moment all you can do with some boards is stare at it). Then the rare items to make it. And then...you only have a slim chance of actually making it. And if you fail. You just wasted a HUGE amount of money and/or time.

Fifth...why is it my most favorite techniques stop evolving after two moves? On my Beast Hunter I seem to rock with the first single dagger technique. The way it allows you to move freely when you attack gives you a tactical advantage if you know how to use it.

Sixth...we may have more customization then PSO. But I've seen more items of clothing on the Japanese Beta test screens then what's out there right now. That and a lot of items seem to be mild tweeks of the same thing right now.

Seventh...I'm a Phantasy Star fan. The lack of nostalgia moments don't give me the occasional splurge of "ZOMG!" which made me love PSO. Dark Falz. Phantasy Star related weaponry. Remade versions of Phantasy Star themes (the best being the redone Phantasy Star II theme that takes place 6:04 in slbgm_wilds..yeah, I'm a geek). PSU feels more like the spinoff of a spinoff. It looks like the Expansion pack's going to have some nostalgia in it...but chances are the boys won't last that long.

Eighth...Laia gets all the credit and I do all the damn work >0!!!!! ALL SHE DOES IS DIE!

Ninth...why can't Laser Cannon's hit multiple damage points?! It's just an overblown slicer that fails at life.

Tenth...Sega's initial plan was to slowly unlock features in order to "simulate" updates. As the PS2 compatibility prevented them from doing any serious updates. If you ask me, all they accomplished was limiting what you can do in a game that feels incomplete in the first place. They should of given us everything and relied on expansion pack discs to give additional content :0.

Yet, despite all the problems I still occasionally play. Though, for whatever reason, it's bittersweet. x.o; I had a pretty tight group and I sorta miss em'. That and I can't find any parties these days. It's either just above my level, way below, or locked. I've considered renewing my subscription (went with the 6th month plan) to see the expansion pack. But even with the content (like the photon whip, a weapon of PSO lore) I have a feeling Sega will either make it exclusive to a class I don't have or for two months all the expansion disc would be good for is a coaster as they'd restrict the content.

Mar 14, 2007, 09:36 AM
they're so gonna move this xD

Mar 14, 2007, 09:37 AM
Somebody needs to punch Laia in the ovaries, that's for certain.

Mar 14, 2007, 09:42 AM
I do agree and yea, geting moved

Mar 14, 2007, 09:43 AM
I'd do it but It'd ruin my hunt for treasure. Btw Kenji you prolly share the same feelings as everyone else, but hey it's sega we're used to these kinda things by now. Could be worse you could be an Eagles fan.... I've been a fan for 20 years now still watch... still get dissapointed... 20 years... I need a new planet to destr... I mean visit <.< >.>

Mar 14, 2007, 09:44 AM
On 2007-03-14 07:36, -Rune- wrote:
they're so gonna move this xD

:0 I challenge them to thwart my moment of emo!


Mar 14, 2007, 10:52 AM
I agree with you. After buying and playing PSO, I even went out and bought the PS collection for GBA. I even went "OOOHHH!!! So the VR theme from Episode II is a remixed version of the mountain theme from PSII." I miss staying up until 2 o'clock in the morning looking for an agito then jumping around like a happy school girl after finding one. lol.
And I know alot of people mentioned this but the music really sucks in PSU. I was hoping it would be quiet and calm one moment then when an enemy approached, the mood changes.
I liked PSU when I got it...I played offline and got my char to lv. 92. Then I got bored because things got too easy and it wasn't fun playing alone...I ended up trading my copy at gamestop.

Well, there's always the expansion to look foward to.

Mar 14, 2007, 07:09 PM
So true on the music bit. I loved PSO's music. It's one of the many reasons I got PSU when it came out was because of that soundtrack CD.

I was happy until I listened to it. It was...average-y.

"Save this world"...it has -some- charm but that make it good.

Mar 15, 2007, 09:00 PM
I really believe that Sonic Team should've left the PS2 in the dust, for this game.

Sure, it's an established audience, and a system that has the highest penetration rate of any game system in history.

It also has a hard drive.

Now, pretty much any respectable online game, is going to have to have some sort of content updates, or have everything available to people when they actually buy the game. PSO was the latter - save for seasonal events, everything was readily-available, when the game's service was started. With a game of PSU's "scale," content updates are kinda required. This is a bit of a step up from PSO - and patches are your friends.

Then again, you can also blame Sony for killing the PS2 HDD support - only FFXI used it (stateside). Or blame developers for not supporting it, in the first place, causing Sony to kill the HDD.

See the problem there? If the game were just on PC and Xbox 360, then both could get patches, both could get real content updates, and both could download things to the hard drive - anyone who has an Xbox 360 and takes it online, is more than likely going to have one, in the first place.

Now, I haven't experienced this myself, but I've read lots of things about PS2 framerate issues, when there's more than four people in a party... Which happens a lot, unless you play as a shut-in or exclusively with only up to three friends. I don't know the extent of the framerate issues, though - just what I've heard. Which brings up the next point...

What the hell is up with the complete and utter lack of PC optimization? No auto frame-skip is a step backward, especially considering how sloppily the game is programmed, and a computer that can run FFXI on 1200x800 without a hitch, will still choke in some areas of PSU, on 800x600. Doesn't exactly make sense.

Ever heard of an antiportal, Sonic Team?

If they had actually programmed it as a PC game, from the ground up, then these problems would more than likely have not been overlooked - at the very least, they'd be overlooked to a lesser extent. Not to mention, it'd be much easier to port over to the 360, and if they put in the hooks for Live for Windows, the two games could be easily associated. And there may have been possible widescreen PC support. Maybe. Like I said, they're not exactly geniuses...

Obviously, they had to stick with the PS2, because they wanted their Japanese audience intact. From what I've noticed and been told, PC gaming isn't exactly huge in Japan... And an Xbox 360 version probably wouldn't sell the best. On the other hand, it may just give the Xbox 360 the sales boost it needs in the territory, but probably isn't very plausible, in the first place.

Oh well. Chalk one more up on Sonic Team's screwups.

Mar 15, 2007, 09:14 PM
Yeah, PSU is horribly coded.

I find it funny how I can play Battlefield 2142 with little to no problems while PSU, who only requires half the graphical power (yeah...I made up a term), has the occasional hiccup even at the lowest settings.

Mar 15, 2007, 09:39 PM
You're not the first to use "graphical power."

...You are the first to imply that PSU is a person, however. >_>

Mar 16, 2007, 12:48 AM
To this day I still have no idea how I can run games in the source engine on max settings and still get framerates above 30-ish, while I run PSU on minimal settings in a window and I end up with single digit frames.

Mar 16, 2007, 01:08 AM
Uhh...get over it and realize a game does not come out with its flaws?

Mar 16, 2007, 12:25 PM
On 2007-03-15 23:08, DonRoyale wrote:
Uhh...get over it and realize a game does not come out with its flaws?

Nobody said otherwise. There are just quite a few outstanding flaws, that have people upset, after looking forward to this game (thinking it'd be another PSO) for such a long time.