View Full Version : Things you'd like to do...

Mar 21, 2007, 01:06 AM
We all have dreams, or career paths we'd like to follow... maybe you're already following it!... However what would you liek to come along with these dreams?

I'll use my own for an example:

I'd like ot be a writer... okay well I am a writer, but I'd like to get published and successful. However I'd also like to be interveiwed on 60 minutes! I odn't know why. Maybe: "Oh my god! You're the greatest writer ever, how do you do it? ... And this takes us to our next story: [insert my name]. Critics say he's the greatest author in over half a century..."

Mar 21, 2007, 01:11 AM
Women, lot's of them.

Mar 21, 2007, 02:36 AM
I'd like to have enough time to work on my book, enough money to see the places I'd like to see, and enough confidence in myself to accomplish the things I want to accomplish.

Mar 21, 2007, 05:07 AM
...i'm not trusting myself enough to accomplish my dream and the other crappy stuff i want to.

Mar 21, 2007, 06:24 AM
I'd like to start a midget branch of the UFC. Miniature ring.. miniature ring-girls... the whole nine yards.

It would be great if I could get Verne Troyer (Mini Me) to act as referee in place of Big John McCarthy.

Are you ready? You Ready? Let's Get it On!

Mar 21, 2007, 06:57 AM
I'm hoping I get accepted into York/Ryerson University for Psychology. It's something I'm excited to study, but it's like... I have NO idea what I want to do.

Part of me wants to become a Psychology Teacher/Guidance Counsillor. And then the other part of me wants to, you know, actually be a psychologist. All that jazz.

Also, I want to go to Spain, and Sweden.

Mar 21, 2007, 11:31 AM
I want to marry Angie, move to Canada, and become the strength and conditioning coach for a pro, minor-pro, or pro-junior (CHL) hockey team.

Mar 21, 2007, 11:36 AM
Well, I'd like to go on a killing spree across North America, but forensic science these days is just too good.

I'm serious.

Mar 21, 2007, 11:49 AM
On 2007-03-21 09:36, foamcup wrote:
Well, I'd like to go on a killing spree across North America, but forensic science these days is just too good.

I'm serious.

Posts like that can put you in jail, even if it's a joke.

Mar 21, 2007, 11:57 AM
I'd like to become a professional animator sometime.

Mar 21, 2007, 12:36 PM
I'd like to be a great musician.
I'd also like to travel the world and have crazy misadventures with a friend.

Mar 21, 2007, 01:46 PM
On 2007-03-21 09:49, Rubius-sama wrote:

On 2007-03-21 09:36, foamcup wrote:
Well, I'd like to go on a killing spree across North America, but forensic science these days is just too good.

I'm serious.

Posts like that can put you in jail, even if it's a joke.

No they can't. You can't arrest someone for randomly threatening to kill no-one-particular on an internet forum.
If he described the way he was going to kill these people in great, gruesome detail it'd be a little disturbing, but the most that'd ever happen is the moderators doing something, simply for the fact that he described a violent act.

Not gonna' happen. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Mar 21, 2007, 02:53 PM
I would like to think that my major in Entrepreneurship will pay off and I'll end up very secure financially.

Would also have to 2nd Weasel's answer ;>.

Mar 21, 2007, 03:58 PM
On 2007-03-21 11:46, BlueDagger wrote:

On 2007-03-21 09:49, Rubius-sama wrote:

On 2007-03-21 09:36, foamcup wrote:
Well, I'd like to go on a killing spree across North America, but forensic science these days is just too good.

I'm serious.

Posts like that can put you in jail, even if it's a joke.

No they can't. You can't arrest someone for randomly threatening to kill no-one-particular on an internet forum.
If he described the way he was going to kill these people in great, gruesome detail it'd be a little disturbing, but the most that'd ever happen is the moderators doing something, simply for the fact that he described a violent act.

Not gonna' happen. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

be it spoken words, that can be charged for verbal assault, and threats.

In other news, I want to be some middle class engineer. And part time freelance (charcoal/pen+ink) artist by night. Hopefully have more than enough money, but live a modest life. Probably giving out more donations than I should, too.

oh. and concerts. whenever. just because I can/want to.

Mar 21, 2007, 05:29 PM
Ha...good thread.
I wanna become a marine Biologist. Not one that goes and dives into the water and comes face to face with the fish, or a scientist that goes in a sub. No. I wanna be the guy in the Lab, near the tank studying te fish. Dunno why. Always intrigued me. I could spend hours, hell, days at the aquarium if i could :/
And blue-dagger, yes you can be put in jail. It like joking at airport security going "I got a bomb" hell, my dad's friend was almost put in jail because when asked "Did you accept any mysterious packages from anyone?" he (stupidly) answered, "Yes, and i had it checked"
If my dad hadn't talked his ass off, one of his co-workers would be in jail right now.
But back to my career! Not only a marine biologist, but i wanna be in the armed forces. I watch/read/play games about WWII And it gets me excited. Not because its killing, but i wanna be ranked. (Lt. PFC...CNL....etc)

Mar 21, 2007, 06:01 PM
Texture Artist for 3D modeling (be it for games or whatever). To be honest though, that's only because I've got no other ideas what to do. Only other career branch I've ever considered is something like PC repair, but I'd have to retrain again which is something I lack the money to do.

Also, because getting into the Games Industry is crazy hard, even when you have the right plethora of skills, heh.

Mar 21, 2007, 06:30 PM
Comedians can say wild shit, but I can't. ANYWAY, I would never do anything of the sort, ever. I have a 5 year-old to take care of. Her mother is dead, and she's not going to lose me too.

Mar 21, 2007, 10:41 PM
*wonders where free-speech and sense of humour went...*



I'd also like to see my stories being turned into movies! I can see myself now: Directing away at those poor, poor actors...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BlueDagger on 2007-03-21 20:41 ]</font>

Mar 21, 2007, 10:54 PM
I do textures and sprites. I want my own sound studio and equipment. =~.^=
Oh well, I ripped plenty to use.. Want even more.