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View Full Version : GC: Urg... GameCube BroadBand Adapter?

Dec 7, 2002, 07:19 AM
Great mother of rabid cheese, these things are rather difficult to get ahold of. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good site to aquire one from for a reasonable price, that indeed has them in stock?

Dec 7, 2002, 07:43 AM
Ugh, took me a few days to find one when I got the game, but a few days later I was in high speed PSO heaven.

Okay, checking the obvious places... Circuit City's site doesn't have 'em. EB's site doesn't have 'em. Bestbuy DOES! ... but it's sold out. Gamestop doesn't have 'em. Tronix doesn't have 'em. Amazon... gah, this is depressing. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif

Sorry I couldn't be of any help. These suckers have been hard to find since the first day they were released, I'm afraid. Might be best to reserve one at Gamestop or EB, if you have one close. Hell, had to get mine from EB which is pretty far away. :/ As a last resort, there's well... eBay.
Be persistant, broadband PSO is smooth as silk. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 7, 2002, 09:16 AM
before ebay, check hongkong-sites...

like ... http://www.lan-kwei.com

but i also dont know, if they have them in stock or just 'at the page'... at least they also get japanese one - who are 100% compatible. so you might have a chance to get your fingers at one soon...

Dec 7, 2002, 12:31 PM
Make sure you call your local Wal-mart, since most people expected to get game stuff at the mall around here the Wal-mart a couple miles down the street still had one. (Then later the Best Buy had one because they were slow about getting the adapters and PSO when the rush was on to buy them)

Dec 7, 2002, 08:01 PM
I was at my local Best Buy and Wal-Mart the other day and both had 2 bb adapters each.

Dec 7, 2002, 08:15 PM
Funny, I got a BBA but no pso!

..actually, it's not that funny now that I think about it...

Dec 7, 2002, 11:26 PM
Yeh, I searched around everywhere to find 'em. Never did so I resorted to Ebay to buy 'em.

Dec 8, 2002, 02:25 AM
lol im still waitin for my bba...they said last week that it would come the next week....this week they said it would come next week...i wonder what excuse they will have....i hate gamestop/funcoland/babbages, eb, world of games, wal mart, k mart, target, another target, frys electronics, best buy, another best buy, 2 other gamestops, toys'r us, another toy's r us, and yea thats probably it...stupid stores NONE of them have it in yet....o_O;;

Dec 8, 2002, 10:36 AM
I preordered my BBA from Funcoland and got it before the game was released...

...but a week or two ago, when people were already paying $50+ on eBay to find the little boogers, my sister leisurely popped into Target and bought one for the list price of $35.

The non-game stores seem to be more likely to have it than the actual gaming stores...

Dec 8, 2002, 10:58 AM
I got lucky. I called all six EB Games im my area every three days. After a week and a half one store told me the one was returned because the buyer did not know how to use it. The instruction book was missing so they sold it to me used for $25.99.

Dec 8, 2002, 11:00 AM
On 2002-12-07 04:19, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
Great mother of rabid cheese, these things are rather difficult to get ahold of. Does anyone have any suggestions on a good site to aquire one from for a reasonable price, that indeed has them in stock?

Actually, the best thing to do is call around. I'll explain my own BBA hunting adventure.

In desperate need of a BBA -- as you know, they are necessary to sustain one's life -- I loaded up http://www.ebworld.com and used their store locator. With it, I pulled up a list of every Electronics Boutique within 100 miles of my location. Subsequently whipping out my cell phone, I dialed them all, until I got an EB which had one in stock... an hour's drive away. (That is, an hour if you're going at a leisurely legal pace.)

Asking the clerk to hold it for me, I, in a race against time, got into my car and drove down to their mall in thirty minutes. Not long before they closed, I was the happy owner of a GC BBA.

One of my old Dreamcast PSO buddies was also in need of a BBA if we were to ever play together again. Asking him for his information, I proceeded to do the same for him, and he was more fortunate. I managed to locate an EB with one BBA in stock that was roughly a half hour away, in contrast to the hour (there and back, so truthfully, two hour-long) trip I had to make.

If you have a car or can get someone to drive you, call around, and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Dec 8, 2002, 02:10 PM
I happen to pick mine up by chance when I was at the mall in Software's Ect. I was there to pick up a Xbox Live, when I started talking to the clerk. I mentioned that I would love to play PSO again, beings I loved it so much on the DC(r.i.p.). He told me that the BBA's weren't listed, but he happen to have one left. I bought it right there on the spot. I played PSO a couple times, but it's not the same w/o the keyboard. *sigh*

Dec 8, 2002, 05:54 PM
Good luck on the BBA hunt.

A week and a half ago or so I was at Wal-Mart picking up Metroid Prime. I already picked up a 56k online since they didn't get them in for a while here. I looked and they had three 56's and three BBA's. I picked up one for a friend. A couple days later I went back, all three 56k's were still there and one BBA left. If I see anymore I'll pick a couple up and see if I can help a few people out on here. (If I do, all I would charge is what I paid, including tax, and shipping.) Have to try to help my fellow PSO'ers.

Dec 9, 2002, 08:27 AM
i found my bba at a walmart a little more than a week ago

Dec 9, 2002, 09:47 AM
People automatically go to game stores like Gamestop and EB for BBA's and games. When I bought PSO, I went to Gamestop, called a few Best Buys and EBs, and I found it at Toys R' Us!

Dec 9, 2002, 06:52 PM
My local Wal-mart had 3 last night. So far, it looks like the best place to find a BBA.