View Full Version : Some really cool Games to Check out while you wait

Mar 23, 2007, 09:16 PM
Maybe one of these will help you get over the Wait From Sega to get more to do in the game.


if you follow this link you will find



Much time has passed since the millennia old Empire of MU lost complete and utter control over the Continent. While the power of the central governme-nt of MU continued to wane, fe-

feudal lords became engrossed and engaged in an inner turmoil over control of MU, destroying the fou-ndations of its society.Over time, the bloody...

SUN (Soul of the Ultimate Nation)

Under the reign of the Immo-rtal Emperor Schwarz, the Geist Empire has ruled the Blandis continent for five hundred ye-ars. By possessing Ether, the secret knowledge of Mother

Nature, Emperor Schwarz converted the precious Ether into dark energy and used it to conquer the entire continent with his formidable armies

Parfait Station...(i tink the concept is funny)

Ambitious 'Dark Sayoge' and its army continuously battles to rule the universe, loses to a di-vine guardian army 'Tempest' of planet Chocola and sneaks away.While running away from

'Tempest', 'Dark Sayoge' finds a place to hide itself in a planet called 'Fruits Earth' trying to recover its strength and planning to revenge.Searching for

Project Wiki (its funny too)

The single subsistence binding all the time, spaces and dim-ension, which is the world tree grows up taking nutrition. With the saved nutrition, which is saved in the tree's leaves, you

can travel to past. Everything you do in the past affects the present. As time and space shed by the world tree crosses each other, Six Roots, sons...

Huxley A Shooter MMORPG due out later this year on Xbox360 (maybe 2008) and Pc this Fall

In near future affected by Nuclearites, human race faces a convulsion. Lots of nations got destructed by earthquakes or overflowing of the sea, enor-mous changes of climates and

mother earth isolated the continents. People alive dreamed of rehabilitation, but the eruption among human beings and the appearance of mutants...


APB. All Points Bulletin

APB (All Points Bulletin) is a complete free style game ba-sed on the real world. The play-ers have to choose whether to be on the 'Law Enforcement' or the 'Gang'. To be good or bad,

it is your choice.

Mar 23, 2007, 09:18 PM
You know whats a REALLY cool game to play while you wait?


Mar 23, 2007, 09:18 PM
This is more of an "off topic" thread if anything...

Mar 23, 2007, 09:33 PM
On 2007-03-23 19:18, Sychosis wrote:
You know whats a REALLY cool game to play while you wait?


Huh? I don't know what that game is, as it wasn't explained to me in a series of broken paragraphs. Please, tell me, what is this Pee Ess You?