View Full Version : Resistances

Mar 26, 2007, 09:04 AM
Sorry if this is in the wrong place...

So I've dugged this game out after hearing about the servers and stuff and missed all the good times I had with my friends, and have been trying to get to Ultimate asap.

How exactly are resists calculated into the damage YOU take? I couldn't find anything in any of the guides.

Thanks in advance!

Mar 26, 2007, 09:09 AM
i believe that resistances are the same as %
so foie does 100 damage to you, if you raise the efr to 60, then foie will do 40 (i think)

as for megid, lvl 30 megid has 100 % chance of kiling on a no dark resistance criature, if the enemy has 20 then the % of killing will be 80.....and so on
as for lvl 29/28/27/.../1 megid. i do not know