View Full Version : GC: Help with section ids and mags......

Mar 27, 2007, 11:21 PM
I was wondering if anyone can give me a good section id for these three characters?Plus stats that I could give there mags.Im playing Phantasy star online 1 n 2 plus for gamecube.Any help is greatly appreciated.




Mar 28, 2007, 12:34 AM
RAmarl - Purplenum/Whitill
FOnewearl - Pinkal/Yellowboze
HUnewearl - Skyly/Redria

Mar 28, 2007, 07:02 PM
Click here for information data for MAGs (http://pso-world.com/sections.php?section=Mags&op=viewtopsection).

Mar 29, 2007, 04:31 PM
Pinkal for the Foneweral. A lot of people will sya pinkal sucks (they told me that too lol) but if you want thingsl ike a magic rock moola, star amplifier, all the elemental wands (useful for a foney) and al ot of other good pure tech rares, go with that. Magic rock makes a few good items that a foney can use to beef her techs, and the star amplifier makes some armors that the pinkal finds into better ones.

If you don't want the ID just for her, go with a yellowboze. (I usually pick things for each character.)

Skyly for the HUneweral for sure. Everything you need, plus a HUney only weapons (Heart of poumn, easy drop...ult love rappy ep 2)

Redria or whitill for the RAmarl. Depends on what you want. Redria gets weapons and A LOT of armors. I would suggest the whitill as the skyly can get easy god powers, god bodys, god hps, and god arms. The redria gets the god battle though...probably one of the most useful items in the game.