View Full Version : Closing Statements about Iraq

Mar 30, 2007, 11:44 AM
Being here for 7 months, and in the end... all of my work went to waste to the next unit. They are changing all the policies that we've created to make ease for them and the Iraqi People. Although, that's Support... the actual foot and motorized marines may have a bit more ease with the construction of more fortified areas.

I learned nothing but, to compress my trust. Some of these people friend and foe... are all shady. People are hungry and always WANT something they cannot get.

I think I will leave Iraq a little changed, and one day I will find myself being a good father (as said by my comrades). I did meet the craziest Marines, and ironically... they were not what I expected. Most were immature because of the transfer from High School, directly going to Boot Camp, and out to a paradise such as Hawaii. You can only imagine.

I'm in the an internet center that was built at the end of my tour here, and these guys will have it easy. However, most of our guys will be concentrated in FOBs to make ease and less casualties.

I lost too many close friends here... and at a higher level, I cannot find myself trusting my own men at times, some of my gear was swapped out by my fellow marines... and I suspect my leader to have done it.

I only have 3 words for this deployment.

Fuck this shit.

Until then I should touchdown in Texas (my current homestate) in april 13th and may end up goin to Japan at a later date.

Mar 30, 2007, 01:01 PM
I'm sorry. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Mar 30, 2007, 01:30 PM
Regardless, I still applaude you for going Kun.

Mar 30, 2007, 04:00 PM
One of my best friends is heading back there for his second tour, right about now. He could conceivably be part of your replacement. I believe my cousin is already out there. My buddy isn't very enthusiastic about going there, but my cousin was hyped when I talked to him; he was perhaps a little intimidated by the possibility of getting killed, but he was eager to get into combat and, as he put it, "shoot some motherfuckers." I think the whole 9/11 deal really bothered him (the day after his birthday, in fact), and now he's looking for some vengeance.

Still, congratulations on returning home, BogusKun.

Mar 30, 2007, 04:19 PM
I feel you Bogus.
My dad came back a changed man. I don't feel like typing up all the details of that, but I believe you when you say there are some shifty cats out there.
A lot of people over there are just trying to earn their stars or stripes, and fuck everybody else.
Itsa sad sad thing.

Mar 30, 2007, 05:25 PM
I don't think my friend Glen came back changed - at least, he trys very hard not to let it show. You can look at him sometimes and get the vauge sence that there's something disturbing him swelling just below the surface. I've seen that before in my father and uncle Bob who were both Vietnam vets. But he just says he had a blast over there, and that you're full of crazy shit if you think otherwise. Though, I'm not sure if he's served a second term or not, noone has really seen much of him since he came back and his parents kicked im out. His first tour was durring the invasion, where he served on a mortar crew.

For what it's worth, although I don't support the idea of war in Iraq, you (and all of our troops over there) have my admiration and my thanks for the sacrifices you've made. The circumstances which lead up to the war are of little concequence, and what matters is that the country called and you guys answered. You've repayed the debt that all of owe to those who fought and died in America's previous wars. Something many of us here could not do.

Apr 2, 2007, 04:21 AM
you just worry about coming back breathing and in one piece. you're too close to the finish to get all philosophical and morose yet. and then try to get out of the military ASAP if you can, esp. before they try to send you on back.

after that we all can worry about the rest.

keep your head down, your eyes scanning, and your ears sharp. and then get your ass back home, soldier.

i'll be rolling about on the other side of the finish line here, stateside. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/pandaroll.gif
do as above and you can roll on american soil soon enough. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/pandaroll.gif

Apr 6, 2007, 07:07 AM
thanks everyone! haha, i feel wierd typing my little whatnots on psow.
if anything we got in common (if not being marines) it's playing that single game Phantasy Star, that we ALL have in common. I'm thinking of a few games to play now.

I think me and games gotten closer, that or I have been more determined beating them. I'm about to go to Cali anytime from the moment I typed this. I finally ate McDonalds so that'll hold me off for about a month. I'm thinking of workin out a bit more and will hold off on a car. I haven't put on any weight or anything, but I would feel more healthier I guess eating some REAL fruits and vegetables.

The only sad thing I left out was the fact that you'll more likely find see a Rappy before you even see a Camel on the side of Iraq I was on... haha... joke. I did not see any camels.

Well... I will continue playing JUMP: Ultimate Stars in my tent until it's time to leave. And I will continue playing it til I fully mastered it, I beat every stage (even the secret ones) up to this point.. now I just got to work on getting all the komas evolved. That helped me out on the deployment hehe

Apr 8, 2007, 05:51 AM
your comment on camels reminds me of a funny, "children say the darndest things" moment in my childhood. living in the middle east for so long i was quite used to seeing camels (along with 60 foot jets of flame in the desert. they were burning off the natural gas, which at the time wasn't captured and transported in liquid form on tankers). so, when i came back to america on a vacation, my folks were driving in the countryside to visit relatives. we drove by a ranch where there were cows, and i being the eager kid piped up and pointed at the neat big animals, "look! look! CAMELS!"

my older brother shook his head and said to our parents, "you really got to get this kid back to america..."

Apr 12, 2007, 04:34 AM
Glad you came back in one piece more or less the same guy you were when you left.

Some people don't get the opportunity to comeback regardless of them being shady folks or the most loyal people you'd find on the planet since to repeat the obvious, its a war and war's have casualties.

Some guy in the first day of one of my classes introduced himself and showed his scar via shrapnel/errant gunfire on his chest, and this guy was an EMT who was working over there to patch up the wounded!

Glad you're out now and can do the things you want to do. I heard stories before of people who otherwise wouldn't be able to go to Japan(this guy wanted to go grab a Skyline) or somewhere else without the aid/connections of being in the military.